
if ( !isGeneric("getHdf") ) {
  setGeneric("getHdf", function(product, ...)
#' Create or Update Local Subset of Online MODIS Data Pool
#' @description 
#' Create or update a local user-defined subset of the global MODIS grid data 
#' archive. Based on user-specific parameters the function checks in the local 
#' archive for available data and downloads missing data from the online MODIS 
#' data pool. When run in a schedule job, the function manage the continuous 
#' update of the local MODIS data archive.
#' @param product `character`. MODIS grid product to be downloaded, see 
#'   [getProduct()].
#' @param begin,end `Date` or `character`. Begin and end date of MODIS time 
#'   series, see [transDate()]. 
#' @param tileH,tileV `numeric` or `character`. Horizontal and vertical tile 
#'   number, see [getTile()].
#' @param extent See Details in [getTile()].
#' @param collection Desired MODIS product collection as `character`, `integer`,
#'   or `list` as returned by [getCollection()].
#' @param HdfName `character` vector or `list`. Full HDF file name(s) to 
#'   download a small set of files. If specified, other file-related parameters 
#'   (e.g., 'begin', 'end', 'collection', etc.) are ignored.
#' @param checkIntegrity `logical`. If `TRUE` (default), the size of each 
#'   downloaded file is checked. In case of inconsistencies, the function tries 
#'   to re-download broken files.
#' @param forceDownload `logical`. If `TRUE` (default), try to download data 
#'   irrespective of whether online information could be retrieved via 
#'   `MODIS:::getStruc` or not.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to [MODISoptions()], e.g. 'wait'.
#' @return 
#' An invisible vector of downloaded data and paths.
#' @references 
#' MODIS data is currently available from the online data pools at
#' * NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center 
#'   ([LP DAAC](https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/)),
#' * Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System 
#'   ([LAADS](https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/)), and
#' * National Snow & Ice Data Center ([NSIDC](https://nsidc.org/home)).
#' @author 
#' Matteo Mattiuzzi
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # One or more specific file (no regular erpression allowed here)
#' a <- getHdf(HdfName = c("MYD11A1.A2009001.h18v04.006.2015363221538.hdf", 
#'                         "MYD11A1.A2009009.h18v04.006.2015364055036.hdf", 
#'                         "MYD11A1.A2009017.h18v04.006.2015364115403.hdf"))
#' a
#' # Get all MODIS Terra and Aqua M*D11A1 data from the past 30 days
#' # (can be run in a scheduled job for regular archive update)
#' b1 <- getHdf(product = "M.D13A2", begin = Sys.Date() - 30, 
#'              tileH = 18:19, tileV = 4) 
#' b1               
#' # Same tiles with a 'list' extent
#' Austria <- extent(9.2, 17.47, 46.12, 49.3)
#' b2 <- getHdf(product = "MOD13A2", begin = "2020001", end = "2020031", extent = Austria)
#' b2
#' # Using country boarders from 'mapdata' package
#' c <- getHdf(product = "MOD13A2", begin = "2016180", end = "2016210",
#'             extent = "Luxembourg")
#' c             
#' # Interactive selection of spatial extent, see getTile()
#' d <- getHdf(product = "MOD13A2", begin = "2016180", end = "2016210")
#' d
#' }
#' @export getHdf
#' @name getHdf

### function using 'character' input ###########################################
#' @aliases getHdf,character-method
#' @rdname getHdf
          signature(product = "character"),
          function(product, HdfName,
                   begin = NULL, end = NULL, 
                   tileH, tileV, extent, 
                   collection = NULL, checkIntegrity = TRUE, 
                   forceDownload = TRUE, ...) {
  ## if 'HdfName' is provided, call 'missing'-method          
  if (!missing(HdfName)) 
    getHdf(HdfName = HdfName, checkIntegrity = checkIntegrity, ...)
  opts <- combineOptions(...)
  if (is.null(opts$EarthdataLogin) || !opts$EarthdataLogin) {
      "Earthdata Login credentials could not be verified.\nPlease run "
      , "`MODISoptions(check_earthdata_login = TRUE)` (default) and re-try."
  sturheit <- stubborn(level=opts$stubbornness)
  wait     <- as.numeric(opts$wait)
  # TODO HdfName as regex
  if (missing(product))
    stop("Please provide a supported 'product', see getProduct().\n")
  # check product
  product <- getProduct(x = product, quiet = TRUE
                        , collection = collection, forceCheck = TRUE)
  if (is.null(begin)) 
    cat("No begin(-date) set, getting data from the beginning\n")
  if (is.null(end))
    cat("No end(-date) set, getting data up to the most actual\n")
  # tranform dates
  tLimits <- transDate(begin=begin,end=end)
  dates  <- list()
  output <- list() # path info for the invisible output
  ## pass missing args on to getTile() (see 
  ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31557805/passing-missing-argument-from-function-to-function-in-r)
  args = as.list(match.call())
  args[[1]] <- NULL # remove first list element, it's the function call
  args = args[names(args) %in% c("extent", "tileH", "tileV")]
  names(args)[names(args) == "extent"] = "x"
  for(z in seq_along(product@PRODUCT))
  { # Platforms MOD/MYD
      todo <- paste0(product@PRODUCT[z],".",product@CCC[[z]])
      for (u in seq_along(todo))
        # tileID
        if (product@TYPE[z]=="CMG") 
        } else 
          if (missing(extent) || !inherits(extent, "MODISextent")) {
            extent = do.call(getTile, args, envir = parent.frame())
          if (product@TYPE[z] == "Tile") {
            tileID <- extent@tile
            ntiles <- length(tileID)
          } else {
            tileID = NULL; ntiles = 0
        ## ensure compatibility with servers other than those specified in 
        ## `opts$MODISserverOrder`, e.g. when downloading 'MOD16A2' from NTSG
        server <- product@SOURCE[[z]]
        jnk = strsplit(todo[u],"\\.")[[1]]
        prodname = jnk[1] 
        coll     = jnk[2]
        # cycle through available servers
        idx = stats::na.omit(
            , server
        onlineInfo = try(
          , silent = TRUE
        n = 1L
        for (i in server[idx]) {
          jnk = utils::capture.output(
            onlineInfo <- try(
                product = prodname
                , collection = coll
                , begin = tLimits$begin
                , end = tLimits$end
                , server = i
                , wait = wait
              , silent = TRUE
          if (!inherits(onlineInfo, "try-error")) {
            opts$MODISserverOrder = server[idx][n:length(idx)]
          n = n + 1L
        if (inherits(onlineInfo, "try-error")) {
                "'%s.%s' is not available on %s or the server is currently not "
                , "reachable. If applicable, try another server or collection."
              , prodname
              , coll
              , paste(
                , collapse = ", "
            , call. = FALSE
        datedirs <- as.Date(onlineInfo$dates)
        datedirs <- datedirs[!is.na(datedirs)]            
        sel <- datedirs
        st = correctStartDate(tLimits$begin, sel, product@PRODUCT[z]
                              , quiet = opts$quiet)
        us = sel >= st & sel <= tLimits$end

        if (sum(us,na.rm=TRUE)>0)
          suboutput <- list()
          dates[[l]] <- datedirs[us]
          dates[[l]] <- cbind(as.character(dates[[l]]),matrix(rep(NA, length(dates[[l]])*ntiles),ncol=ntiles,nrow=length(dates[[l]])))
          colnames(dates[[l]]) <- c("date",tileID)
          for (i in 1:nrow(dates[[l]]))
            year <- format(as.Date(dates[[l]][i,1]), "%Y")
            doy  <- as.integer(format(as.Date(dates[[l]][i,1]), "%j"))
            doy  <- sprintf("%03d",doy)
            mtr  <- rep(1,ntiles) # for file availability flaging
            path <- genString(x = strsplit(todo[u], "\\.")[[1]][1]
                              , collection = strsplit(todo[u], "\\.")[[1]][2]
                              , date = dates[[l]][i, 1])

            for(j in 1:ntiles)
              dates[[l]][i,j+1] <- paste0(strsplit(todo[u],"\\.")[[1]][1],".",paste0("A",year,doy),".",if (tileID[j]!="GLOBAL") {paste0(tileID[j],".")},strsplit(todo[u],"\\.")[[1]][2],".*.hdf$") # create pattern            
              if (length(dir(path$localPath,pattern=dates[[l]][i,j+1]))>0)
              { # if available locally
                HDF <- dir(path$localPath,pattern=dates[[l]][i,j+1]) # extract HDF file
                if (length(HDF)>1)
                { # in very recent files sometimes there is more than 1 file/tile/date if so get the most recent processing date
                  select <- list()
                  for (d in 1:length(HDF))
                    select[[d]]<- strsplit(HDF[d],"\\.")[[1]][5]
                  HDF <- HDF[which.max(unlist(select))]        
                dates[[l]][i,j+1] <- HDF
                mtr[j] <- 0
            if (sum(mtr)!=0 & (onlineInfo$online | is.na(onlineInfo$online) | forceDownload)) 
            { # if one or more of the tiles in the given date is missing, its necessary to go online
              for (g in 1:sturheit)
              { # get list of FILES in remote dir
                #                        server <- names(path$remotePath)[g%%length(path$remotePath)+1]
                ftpfiles <- try(filesUrl(path$remotePath[[which(names(path$remotePath)==onlineInfo$source)]]),silent=TRUE)
                stop("Problems with online connections try a little later")
              if (ftpfiles[1] != "total 0") 
                ftpfiles <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(ftpfiles," "), function(x) {
                })) # found empty dir!
                if (onlineInfo$source == "NTSG") {
                  ftpfiles = gsub(paste0("\\.", product@CCC[[z]], "\\.")
                                  , ifelse(product@PF3 == "MOD16", ".105.", ".305.")
                                  , ftpfiles)
                for(j in 1:ntiles)
                { # j=1
                  { # if tile is missing get it
                    dts = dates[[l]][i, j+1]
                    if (onlineInfo$source == "NTSG") {
                      dts = gsub(paste0("\\.", product@CCC[[z]], "\\.")
                                 , ifelse(product@PF3 == "MOD16", ".105.", ".305.")
                                 , dts)
                      dts = paste(c(strsplit(dts, "\\.")[[1]][1:4], "*.hdf"), collapse = ".")
                    onFtp = grep(ftpfiles,pattern = dts,value = TRUE)
                    HDF   <- grep(onFtp,pattern=".hdf$",value=TRUE)
                      if (length(HDF)>1) 
                      { # in very recent files sometimes there is more than 1 file/tile/date if so get the last
                        select <- list()
                        for (d in seq_along(HDF))
                          select[[d]] <- strsplit(HDF[d],"\\.")[[1]][5]
                        HDF <- HDF[which.max(unlist(select))]        
                      dates[[l]][i,j+1] <- HDF
                      hdf <- do.call(ModisFileDownloader, c(list(x = HDF), opts))
                      mtr[j] <- hdf
                    } else 
                      dates[[l]][i,j+1] <- NA 
              } else 
                dates[[l]][i,(j+1):ncol(dates[[l]])] <- NA
              } # on ftp is possible to find empty folders!
            if(checkIntegrity & !all(is.na(dates[[l]][i, -1])))
            { # after each 'i' do the sizeCheck
              isIn <- do.call(doCheckIntegrity
                              , c(list(x = paste0(path$localPath
                                                  , na.omit(dates[[l]][i,-1])))
                                  , opts))
            suboutput[[i]] <- ifelse(is.na(dates[[l]][i,-1]), NA, paste0(path$localPath,dates[[l]][i,-1]))
          } # end i
          output[[l]] <-  as.character(na.omit(unlist(suboutput)))
          # if (length(output[[l]]) == 0) output[[l]] = NA
          names(output)[l] <- todo[u]
        } else 
          warning(paste("No", product@PRODUCT, "files found for the period from"
                        , tLimits$begin, "to", paste0(tLimits$end, ".")))
          }) ## END: FTP vs ARC check and download 

### function using 'missing' input #############################################
#' @aliases getHdf,missing-method
#' @rdname getHdf
          signature(product = "missing"),
          function(HdfName, checkIntegrity = TRUE, ...) {
            opts <- combineOptions(...)
            wait <- as.numeric(opts$wait)
            ## loop over 'HdfName'
            if (inherits(HdfName, "list"))
              HdfName <- unlist(HdfName)
            HdfName <- basename(HdfName)
            dates <- sapply(HdfName, function(i) {

              # if missing, add .hdf file extension
              if (!grepl(".hdf$", i, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
                i = paste0(i, ".hdf")
              path <- do.call(genString, c(list(x = i), opts))
              path$localPath <- setPath(path$localPath)
              if (!file.exists(paste0(path$localPath, "/", i))) 
                do.call(ModisFileDownloader, c(list(x = i), opts))
                jnk <- do.call(doCheckIntegrity, c(list(x = i), opts))
              gsub("//", "/", paste0(path$local, "/", i))
            ## return output

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MODIS documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 5:10 p.m.