
Defines functions .summary.mrmc_rrrc .summary_nested .summary new_summary_mrmc summary.aov_mrmc summary.stmc summary.mrmc

Documented in summary.mrmc summary.stmc

#' Summary Estimates and Statistical Tests
#' Summary estimates and statistical tests from single and multi-reader
#' multi-case analyses.
#' @name summary
#' @rdname summary-methods
#' @param object object to summarize.
#' @param conf.level confidence level for confidence intervals.
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary.
#' @return
#' The respective method functions return \code{summary.mrmc} and
#' \code{summary.stmc} class objects.
#' Object \code{summary.mrmc} is a list of the following elements.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{data_name}{character name of the original data frame supplied for the
#'     analysis.}
#'   \item{cov_method}{character name of the covariance method.}
#'   \item{design}{experimental study design: 1 = factorial, 2 = cases nested
#'     within readers, 3 = cases nested within tests.}
#'   \item{vars}{character names of the analysis factors and reader performance
#'     metric.}
#'   \item{conf.level}{numeric confidence interval level.}
#'   \item{vcov_comps}{data frame of estimated variances, covariances, and
#'     correlations.}
#'   \item{test_equality}{data frame of the ANOVA global test of equality.}
#'   \item{test_diffs}{data frame of pairwise test differences.}
#'   \item{test_means}{data frame of estimated test means.}
#'   \item{reader_test_diffs}{data frame of (fixed) reader-specific pairwise
#'     test differences.}
#'   \item{reader_means}{data frame of (fixed) reader-specific test means.}
#' }
#' Object \code{summary.stmc} is a numeric vector of the estimated reader
#' performance mean, standard error, lower confidence limit, and upper
#' confidence limit.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mrmc}}, \code{\link{srmc}}, \code{\link{stmc}}
summary.mrmc <- function(object, conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
  f <- ifelse(object$design == 4, .summary_nested, .summary)
  f(object, conf.level = conf.level, ...)

#' @rdname summary-methods
summary.stmc <- function(object, conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
  z <- qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2)
  ci <- trunc_ci(object, object$est + c(-1, 1) * z * object$se)
    c(object$est, object$se, ci),
    names = c(object$metric, "StdErr", "CI.Lower", "CI.Upper")

summary.aov_mrmc <- function(object, ...) {

new_summary_mrmc <- function(
  object, conf.level, vcov_comps = NULL, test_equality = NULL,
  test_diffs = NULL, test_means = NULL, reader_means = NULL,
  reader_test_diffs = NULL
) {
  cov_method <- class(object$cov)[1]
      data_name = as.character(object$call$data),
      cov_method = substring(
        4 * startsWith(cov_method, "cov_") + 1
      design = object$design,
      vars = object$vars,
      conf.level = conf.level,
      vcov_comps = vcov_comps,
      test_equality = test_equality,
      test_diffs = test_diffs,
      test_means = test_means,
      reader_test_diffs = reader_test_diffs,
      reader_means = reader_means
    class = "summary.mrmc"

.summary <- function(object, ...) {

.summary_nested <- function(object, ...) {

.summary.mrmc_rrrc <- function(object, conf.level, ...) {
  comps <- vcov_comps(object)
  n <- comps$n
  MS <- comps$MS
  cov <- comps$cov

  test_levels <- levels(object)$test

  denominator <- MS[["T:R"]] + n[["reader"]] * max(cov[2] - cov[3], 0)
  test_equality <- data.frame(
    `MS(T)` = MS[["T"]],
    `MS(T:R)` = MS[["T:R"]],
    Cov2 = cov[2],
    Cov3 = cov[3],
    Denominator = denominator,
    F = MS[["T"]] / denominator,
    df1 = n[["test"]] - 1,
    df2 = (MS[["T:R"]] + n[["reader"]] * max(cov[2] - cov[3], 0))^2 /
      (MS[["T:R"]]^2 / ((n[["test"]] - 1) * (n[["reader"]] - 1))),
    check.names = FALSE
  test_equality$`p-value` <- with(test_equality, 1 - pf(F, df1, df2))

  test_means_list <- lapply(
    object$mrmc_tests, summary.mrmc_tests_rrrc, conf.level = conf.level
  test_means <- do.call(rbind, test_means_list)
  rownames(test_means) <- names(test_means_list)

  estimates <- test_means$Estimate
  combs <- combinations(length(estimates), 2)
  test_diffs <- data.frame(
    Comparison = paste(test_levels[combs[, 1]], "-", test_levels[combs[, 2]]),
    Estimate = estimates[combs[, 1]] - estimates[combs[, 2]],
    StdErr = sqrt(2 / n[["reader"]] * denominator),
    df = test_equality$df2
  test_diffs$CI <- with(test_diffs, {
    Estimate + qt((1 + conf.level) / 2, df) * StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  test_diffs$t <- with(test_diffs, Estimate / StdErr)
  test_diffs$`p-value` <- with(test_diffs, 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t), df)))

  res <- new_summary_mrmc(
    conf.level = conf.level,
    vcov_comps = summary(comps),
    test_equality = test_equality,
    test_diffs = test_diffs,
    test_means = test_means
  structure(res, class = c("summary.mrmc_rrrc", class(res)))

.summary_nested.mrmc_rrrc <- function(object, conf.level, ...) {
  comps <- vcov_comps(object)
  n_test <- nrow(comps$n_mat)
  n_readers <- rowSums(comps$n_mat)
  n_reader <- sum(n_readers)
  MS <- comps$MS
  cov <- comps$cov

  test_levels <- levels(object)$test

  n_formula <- (n_reader - sum(n_readers^2)) / (n_reader * (n_test - 1))
  denominator <- MS[["R"]] + n_formula * max(cov[2] - cov[3], 0)
  test_equality <- data.frame(
    `MS[T]` = MS[["T"]],
    `MS[R(T)]` = MS[["R"]],
    Cov2 = cov[2],
    Cov3 = cov[3],
    Denominator = denominator,
    F = MS[["T"]] / denominator,
    df1 = n_test - 1,
    df2 = (MS[["R"]] + n_formula * max(cov[2] - cov[3], 0))^2 /
      (MS[["R"]]^2 / (n_reader - n_test)),
    check.names = FALSE
  test_equality$`p-value` <- with(test_equality, 1 - pf(F, df1, df2))

  test_means_list <- lapply(
    object$mrmc_tests, summary.mrmc_tests_rrrc, conf.level = conf.level
  test_means <- do.call(rbind, test_means_list)
  rownames(test_means) <- names(test_means_list)

  estimates <- test_means$Estimate
  combs <- combinations(length(estimates), 2)
  test_diffs <- data.frame(
    Comparison = paste(test_levels[combs[, 1]], "-", test_levels[combs[, 2]]),
    Estimate = estimates[combs[, 1]] - estimates[combs[, 2]],
    StdErr = sqrt(
      (1 / n_readers[combs[, 1]] + 1 / n_readers[combs[, 2]]) * denominator
    df = test_equality$df2,
    row.names = NULL
  test_diffs$CI <- with(test_diffs, {
    Estimate + qt((1 + conf.level) / 2, df) * StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  test_diffs$t <- with(test_diffs, Estimate / StdErr)
  test_diffs$`p-value` <- with(test_diffs, 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t), df)))

  res <- new_summary_mrmc(
    conf.level = conf.level,
    vcov_comps = summary(comps),
    test_equality = test_equality,
    test_diffs = test_diffs,
    test_means = test_means
  structure(res, class = c("summary.mrmc_rrrc", class(res)))

.summary.mrmc_frrc <- function(object, conf.level, ...) {
  comps <- vcov_comps(object)
  n <- comps$n
  MS <- comps$MS
  cov <- comps$cov

  test_levels <- levels(object)$test
  reader_levels <- levels(object)$reader

  test_means_list <- lapply(
    object$mrmc_tests, summary.mrmc_tests_frrc, conf.level = conf.level
  test_means <- do.call(rbind, test_means_list)
  rownames(test_means) <- names(test_means_list)

  estimates <- test_means$Estimate
  denominator <- comps$var - cov[1] + (n[["reader"]] - 1) * (cov[2] - cov[3])
  combs <- combinations(length(estimates), 2)
  test_diffs <- data.frame(
    Comparison = paste(test_levels[combs[, 1]], "-", test_levels[combs[, 2]]),
    Estimate = estimates[combs[, 1]] - estimates[combs[, 2]],
    StdErr = sqrt(2 / n[["reader"]] * denominator)
  test_diffs$CI <- with(test_diffs, {
    Estimate + qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2) *
      StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  test_diffs$z <- with(test_diffs, Estimate / StdErr)
  test_diffs$`p-value` <- with(test_diffs, 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(z))))

  if (!is_one_reader(object)) {

    test_equality <- data.frame(
      `MS(T)` = MS[["T"]],
      Cov1 = cov[1],
      Cov2 = cov[2],
      Cov3 = cov[3],
      Denominator = denominator,
      X2 = (n[["test"]] - 1) * MS[["T"]] / denominator,
      df = n[["test"]] - 1,
      check.names = FALSE
    test_equality$`p-value` <- with(test_equality, 1 - pchisq(X2, df))

    reader_test_diffs <- reader_test_diffs(object, conf.level)

  } else {

    test_equality <- NULL
    test_means <- NULL
    reader_test_diffs <- NULL


  reader_means <- object$data
  reader_means$StdErr <- sqrt(diag(object$cov))
  reader_means$CI <- reader_means[[1]] + qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2) *
    reader_means$StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  reader_means$CI <- trunc_ci(object, reader_means$CI)

  res <- new_summary_mrmc(
    conf.level = conf.level,
    vcov_comps = summary(comps),
    test_equality = test_equality,
    test_diffs = test_diffs,
    test_means = test_means,
    reader_test_diffs = reader_test_diffs,
    reader_means = reader_means
  structure(res, class = c("summary.mrmc_frrc", class(res)))

reader_test_diffs <- function(object, conf.level) {

  n <- dim(object)
  test_levels <- levels(object)$test
  reader_levels <- levels(object)$reader

  estimates <- matrix(object$data[[1]], ncol = n["test"])

  stderrs <- sapply(reader_levels, function(reader) {
    comps <- vcov_comps(object, reader = reader)
    sqrt(2 * (comps$var - comps$cov[1]))

  combs <- combinations(n["test"], 2)
  combs_reader <- rep(1, n["reader"]) %x% combs
  reader_indices <- rep(seq(reader_levels), each = nrow(combs))

  df <- data.frame(
    Reader = reader_levels[reader_indices],
    Comparison = paste(
      test_levels[combs_reader[, 1]], "-", test_levels[combs_reader[, 2]]
    Estimate = estimates[cbind(reader_indices, combs_reader[, 1])] -
      estimates[cbind(reader_indices, combs_reader[, 2])],
    StdErr = stderrs
  df$CI <- with(df, {
    Estimate + qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2) * StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  df$z <- with(df, Estimate / StdErr)
  df$`p-value` <- with(df, 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(z))))


.summary_nested.mrmc_frrc <- function(object, conf.level, ...) {
  comps <- vcov_comps(object)
  n_test <- nrow(comps$n_mat)
  n_readers <- rowSums(comps$n_mat)
  n_reader <- sum(n_readers)
  MS <- comps$MS
  cov <- comps$cov

  test_levels <- levels(object)$test

  n_formula <- (n_reader - sum(n_readers^2)) / (n_reader * (n_test - 1))
  denominator <- comps$var - cov[2] + n_formula * max(cov[2] - cov[3], 0)
  test_equality <- data.frame(
    `MS(T)` = MS[["T"]],
    Cov2 = cov[2],
    Cov3 = cov[3],
    Denominator = denominator,
    X2 = (n_test - 1) * MS[["T"]] / denominator,
    df = n_test - 1,
    check.names = FALSE
  test_equality$`p-value` <- with(test_equality, 1 - pchisq(X2, df))

  test_means_list <- lapply(
    object$mrmc_tests, summary.mrmc_tests_frrc, conf.level = conf.level
  test_means <- do.call(rbind, test_means_list)
  rownames(test_means) <- names(test_means_list)

  estimates <- test_means$Estimate
  combs <- combinations(length(estimates), 2)
  test_diffs <- data.frame(
    Comparison = paste(test_levels[combs[, 1]], "-", test_levels[combs[, 2]]),
    Estimate = estimates[combs[, 1]] - estimates[combs[, 2]],
    StdErr = sqrt(
      (1 / n_readers[combs[, 1]] + 1 / n_readers[combs[, 2]]) * denominator
    check.names = FALSE
  test_diffs$CI <- with(test_diffs, {
    Estimate + qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2) * StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  test_diffs$z <- with(test_diffs, Estimate / StdErr)
  test_diffs$`p-value` <- with(test_diffs, 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(z))))

  reader_means <- object$data
  reader_means$StdErr <- sqrt(diag(object$cov))
  reader_means$CI <- reader_means[[1]] + qnorm((1 + conf.level) / 2) *
    reader_means$StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  reader_means$CI <- trunc_ci(object, reader_means$CI)

  res <- new_summary_mrmc(
    conf.level = conf.level,
    vcov_comps = summary(comps),
    test_equality = test_equality,
    test_diffs = test_diffs,
    reader_means = reader_means
  structure(res, class = c("summary.mrmc_frrc", class(res)))

.summary.mrmc_rrfc <- function(object, conf.level, ...) {
  n <- dim(object)
  MS <- meansq(object)

  test_levels <- levels(object)$test

  test_equality <- data.frame(
    `MS(T)` = MS[["T"]],
    `MS(T:R)` = MS[["T:R"]],
    F = MS[["T"]] / MS[["T:R"]],
    df1 = n[["test"]] - 1,
    df2 = (n[["test"]] - 1) * (n[["reader"]] - 1),
    check.names = FALSE
  test_equality$`p-value` <- with(test_equality, 1 - pf(F, df1, df2))

  test_means_list <- lapply(
    object$mrmc_tests, summary.mrmc_tests_rrfc, conf.level = conf.level
  test_means <- do.call(rbind, test_means_list)
  rownames(test_means) <- names(test_means_list)

  estimates <- test_means$Estimate
  combs <- combinations(length(estimates), 2)
  test_diffs <- data.frame(
    Comparison = paste(test_levels[combs[, 1]], "-", test_levels[combs[, 2]]),
    Estimate = estimates[combs[, 1]] - estimates[combs[, 2]],
    df = (n[["test"]] - 1) * (n[["reader"]] - 1),
    StdErr = sqrt(2 / n[["reader"]] * MS[["T:R"]])
  test_diffs$CI <- with(test_diffs, {
    Estimate + qt((1 + conf.level) / 2, df) * StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  test_diffs$t <- with(test_diffs, Estimate / StdErr)
  test_diffs$`p-value` <- with(test_diffs, 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t), df)))

  res <- new_summary_mrmc(
    conf.level = conf.level,
    test_equality = test_equality,
    test_diffs = test_diffs,
    test_means = test_means
  structure(res, class = c("summary.mrmc_rrfc", class(res)))

.summary_nested.mrmc_rrfc <- function(object, conf.level, ...) {
  n_mat <- dim_mat(object)
  n_test <- nrow(n_mat)
  n_readers <- rowSums(n_mat)
  n_reader <- sum(n_readers)
  MS <- meansq(object)

  test_levels <- levels(object)$test

  test_equality <- data.frame(
    `MS[T]` = MS[["T"]],
    `MS[R(T)]` = MS[["R"]],
    F = MS[["T"]] / MS[["R"]],
    df1 = n_test - 1,
    df2 = n_reader - n_test,
    check.names = FALSE
  test_equality$`p-value` <- with(test_equality, 1 - pf(F, df1, df2))

  test_means_list <- lapply(
    object$mrmc_tests, summary.mrmc_tests_rrfc, conf.level = conf.level
  test_means <- do.call(rbind, test_means_list)
  rownames(test_means) <- names(test_means_list)

  estimates <- test_means$Estimate
  combs <- combinations(length(estimates), 2)
  test_diffs <- data.frame(
    Comparison = paste(test_levels[combs[, 1]], "-", test_levels[combs[, 2]]),
    Estimate = estimates[combs[, 1]] - estimates[combs[, 2]],
    df = n_reader - n_test,
    StdErr = sqrt(
      (1 / n_readers[combs[, 1]] + 1 / n_readers[combs[, 2]]) * MS[["R"]]
    check.names = FALSE
  test_diffs$CI <- with(test_diffs, {
    Estimate + qt((1 + conf.level) / 2, df) * StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  test_diffs$t <- with(test_diffs, Estimate / StdErr)
  test_diffs$`p-value` <- with(test_diffs, 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t), df)))

  res <- new_summary_mrmc(
    conf.level = conf.level,
    test_equality = test_equality,
    test_diffs = test_diffs,
    test_means = test_means
  structure(res, class = c("summary.mrmc_frrc", class(res)))

.summary.mrmc_lme <- function(object, conf.level, ...) {

  coef <- object$lme_fit$coef
  cov <- object$lme_fit$cov$R
  cov0 <- object$lme_fit$cov$R0

  n <- nrow(object$data)
  ntests <- nlevels(object$data[[object$vars["test"]]])

  x <- diag(ntests)
  x[, 1] <- 1
  x <- cbind(x, matrix(0, ntests, length(coef) - ntests))

  combs <- combinations(ntests, 2)
  x_diff <- x[combs[, 1], , drop = FALSE] - x[combs[, 2], , drop = FALSE]

  est_diff <- as.numeric(x_diff %*% coef)
  var_diff <- diag(x_diff %*% cov %*% t(x_diff))
  var0_diff <- diag(x_diff %*% cov0 %*% t(x_diff))

  aov <- object$aov
  aov_assign <- aov$assign[aov$qr$pivot[1:aov$rank]]
  df0 <- nrow(aov$model) - sum(aov_assign %in% c(0, 1, 3))
  df_satt <- var_diff^2 / (var0_diff^2 / df0)

  test_diffs <- data.frame(
    Comparison = paste(combs[, 1], "-", combs[, 2]),
    Estimate = est_diff,
    StdErr = sqrt(var_diff),
    df = df_satt
  test_diffs$CI <- with(test_diffs, {
    Estimate + qt((1 + conf.level) / 2, df) * StdErr %o% c(Lower = -1, Upper = 1)
  test_diffs$t <- with(test_diffs, Estimate / StdErr)
  test_diffs$`p-value` <- with(test_diffs, 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t), df)))

  res <- new_summary_mrmc(
    conf.level = conf.level,
    vcov_comps = summary(vcov_comps(object)),
    test_diffs = test_diffs
  structure(res, class = c("summary.mrmc_lme", class(res)))

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MRMCaov documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 1:14 a.m.