
Defines functions summary.vcov_comps vcov_comps.mrmc_tests vcov_comps.mrmc vcov_comps trunc_ci.stmc trunc_ci.mrmc_tests trunc_ci.mrmc trunc_ci.character trunc_ci preprocess meansq.mrmc_tests meansq.mrmc meansq mean.mrmc_tests levels.mrmc_tests levels.mrmc is_reference is_one_reader.vcov_comps is_one_reader.mrmc is_one_reader is_fully_paired is_approx interaction header has_binormal_equiv get_cov_method get_design dim_mat dim.mrmc_tests dim.mrmc curves2tibble combinations chol2det as.binormal_curve aov_mrmc

aov_mrmc <- function(fo, data) {

  if (nlevels(data$reader) == 1) {

    data2 <- data
    data2[-1] <- lapply(data2[-1], paste0, ".2")
    data2 <- rbind(data, data2)

    res <- structure(
        xlevels = lapply(data[-1], levels),
        terms = terms(fo),
        model = model.frame(fo, data = data),
        summary = suppressWarnings(anova(aov(fo, data = data2)))
      class = "aov_mrmc"

    res$summary$`Df` <- (res$summary$`Df` + 1) / 2 - 1
    res$summary$`Sum Sq` <- res$summary$`Mean Sq` * res$summary$`Df`
    zero_terms <- setdiff(labels(res$terms), rownames(res$summary))
    res$summary[zero_terms, ] <- 0

  } else {

    res <- aov(fo, data = data)
    res$summary <- suppressWarnings(anova(res))
    class(res) <- c("aov_mrmc", class(res))


  res$model <- res$model[do.call(order, res$model[-1]), , drop = FALSE]
  res$summary <- res$summary[labels(res$terms), -c(4, 5)]


as.binormal_curve <- function(x, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "binormalLR_curve")) {
    x$params <- x$params$binormal
    class(x) <- c("binormal_curve", "roc_curve")
  } else {
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "binormal_curve"))

chol2det <- function(x, log = FALSE) {
  d <- diag(x)
  if (log) 2 * sum(log(d)) else prod(d)^2

combinations <- function(n, r) {
  t(combn(n, r))

curves2tibble <- function(x, groups) {
  groups_ind <- rep(seq(nrow(groups)), times = sapply(x, nrow))
  x <- do.call(rbind, x)
  tibble(Group = groups[groups_ind, , drop = FALSE], FPR = x$FPR, TPR = x$TPR)

dim.mrmc <- function(x) {
  sapply(levels(x), length)

dim.mrmc_tests <- function(x) {
  sapply(levels(x), length)

dim_mat <- function(x) {
  res <- table(x$data[2:3])
  names(dimnames(res)) <- c("test", "reader")

get_design <- function(data) {
  crosstab <- function(...) table(data[c(...)]) > 0

  test_x_reader <- crosstab("test", "reader")
  if (all(test_x_reader)) {
    if (all(colSums(crosstab("reader", "case")) == 1)) {
    } else if (all(colSums(crosstab("test", "case")) == 1)) {
    } else {
      if (is_fully_paired(data)) 1 else -1
  } else if (all(colSums(test_x_reader) == 1)) {

get_cov_method <- function(x) {
  if (is(x, "character")) x <- get(x, mode = "function")
  if (!is(x, "cov_method")) x <- x()
  if (!is(x, "cov_method")) stop("invalid covariance method")

has_binormal_equiv <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "binormalLR_curve") && is_approx(parameters(x)$Metz$c, 0)

header <- function(..., width = getOption("width")) {
  writeLines(strwrap(paste0(...), width = width))

interaction <- function(..., drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE) {
  base::interaction(..., drop = drop, lex.order = lex.order)

is_approx <- function(x, y) {
  isTRUE(all.equal(x, y))

is_fully_paired <- function(data) {
  tbl <- table(data[c("test", "reader", "case")])
  all(tbl == tbl[1])

is_one_reader <- function(x, ...) {

is_one_reader.mrmc <- function(x) {
  dim(x)["reader"] == 1

is_one_reader.vcov_comps <- function(x) {
  x$n["reader"] == 1

is_reference <- function(x, value = levels(x)[2]) {
  if (nlevels(x) != 2) stop("True case statuses must have two levels.")
  x == value

levels.mrmc <- function(x) {
  structure(x$aov$xlevels, names = c("test", "reader"))

levels.mrmc_tests <- function(x) {
  structure(x$aov$xlevels, names = c("reader"))

mean.mrmc_tests <- function(x, ...) {

meansq <- function(x, ...) {

meansq.mrmc <- function(x, ...) {
  res <- summary(x$aov)[["Mean Sq"]]
  structure(res, names = head(c("T", "R", "T:R"), length(res)))

meansq.mrmc_tests <- function(x, ...) {
  c("T" = 0, "R" = summary(x$aov)[["Mean Sq"]], "T:R" = 0)

preprocess <- function(data) {
  metric_name <- as.character(attr(data, "metric_call"))[1]
  level <- switch(metric_name,
    "binary_sens" = 2,
    "binary_spec" = 1
  if (!is.null(level)) {
    keep <- data$truth == levels(data$truth)[level]
      data[keep, , drop = FALSE], except = which(names(data) == "truth")
  } else data

trunc_ci <- function(object, x, ...) {

trunc_ci.character <- function(object, x, ...) {
  unit_metrics <- c("_auc", "_sens", "_spec")
  if (any(endsWith(object, unit_metrics))) {
    x[, 1] <- pmax(0, x[, 1])
    x[, 2] <- pmin(x[, 2], 1)

trunc_ci.mrmc <- function(object, x, ...) {
  metric <- as.character(attr(object$mrmc_data, "metric_call"))[1]
  trunc_ci(metric, x)

trunc_ci.mrmc_tests <- function(object, x, ...) {
  trunc_ci(names(object$data)[1], x)

trunc_ci.stmc <- function(object, x, ...) {
  c(trunc_ci(object$metric, rbind(x)))

vcov_comps <- function(object, ...) {

vcov_comps.mrmc <- function(
  object, design = object$design, test = NULL, reader = NULL, ...
) {
  data <- object$data

  tests <- data[[2]]
  readers <- data[[3]]

  same_test <- outer(tests, tests, "==")
  same_reader <- outer(readers, readers, "==")

  is_group <- rep(TRUE, nrow(data))
  if (!is.null(test)) is_group <- is_group & (tests == test)
  if (!is.null(reader)) is_group <- is_group & (readers == reader)
  in_group <- as.logical(is_group %o% is_group)

  cov <- c(
    mean(object$cov[!same_test & same_reader & in_group]),
    mean(object$cov[same_test & !same_reader & in_group]),
    mean(object$cov[!same_test & !same_reader & in_group])

  if (design == 2 || is_one_reader(object)) {
    cov[2:3] <- 0
  } else if (design == 3) {
    cov[c(1, 3)] <- 0
  } else if (design == 4) {
    cov[1] <- 0

      vars = object$vars,
      n = dim(object),
      n_mat = dim_mat(object),
      MS = meansq(object),
      var = mean(diag(object$cov[is_group, is_group])),
      cov = cov
    class ="vcov_comps"

vcov_comps.mrmc_tests <- function(object, design = object$design, ...) {
  data <- object$aov$model

  cov2 <- if (design == 2) 0 else {
    readers <- data[[2]]
    same_reader <- outer(readers, readers, "==")

      vars = object$vars,
      n = dim(object),
      MS = meansq(object),
      var = mean(diag(object$cov)),
      cov = c(0, cov2, 0)
    class = "vcov_comps"


summary.vcov_comps <- function(object, ...) {
  n <- object$n
  MS <- object$MS
  var_error <- object$var
  cov <- object$cov

  if (is_one_reader(object)) {
    est <- numeric()
  } else if ("T:R" %in% names(MS)) {
    est <- c(
      (MS[["R"]] - MS[["T:R"]]) / n[["test"]] - cov[1] + cov[3],
      MS[["T:R"]] - var_error + cov[1] + (cov[2] - cov[3])
    names(est) <- c(
      paste0(object$vars[c("test", "reader")], collapse = ":")
  } else {
    est <- MS[["R"]] - var_error + cov[2]
    names(est) <- object$vars["reader"]
  est["Error"] <- var_error
  est[paste0("Cov", 1:3)] <- cov

  vcov_comps <- data.frame(Estimate = est)
  vcov_comps$Correlation <- vcov_comps$Estimate /
    vcov_comps["Error", "Estimate"]
  vcov_comps$Correlation[-(nrow(vcov_comps) - 2:0)] <- NA


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MRMCaov documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 1:14 a.m.