
# This is the code to identify PCs that are significantly associated with eQTL-gene sets

IdentifyAssociatedPCs <- function (PCs.matrix, no.PCs = 10, data, fdr.level = 0.05, corr.threshold = FALSE, corr.value = 0.3) {
  # Compute the correlation and corresponding p values between the top PCs and the eQTLs and genes
  # library(psych) # to use corr.test
  # no.PCs <- no.PCs  
  corr.PCs <- corr.test(PCs.matrix[,1:no.PCs], data)
  # The correlation matrix
  corr.matrix <- corr.PCs$r
  # The p values
  Pvalues <- corr.PCs$p
  # Apply the q value method at FDR of 0.05
  # library(WGCNA) # qvalue
  # qobj <- qvalue(Pvalues, fdr.level=0.05,robust = TRUE) 
  qobj <- qvalue(Pvalues, fdr.level = fdr.level) 
  # Significant associations
  Significant.asso <- qobj$significant
  List.significant.asso1 <- which(Significant.asso, arr.ind = TRUE, useNames = TRUE)
  # 1st column contains the PCs
  # 2nd column contains the associated eQTLs or genes name
    if (corr.threshold)
      # cellnote <- ifelse(abs(corr.matrix)>0.30,'Y','')
      # High.cor.index <- which(cellnote=="Y",arr.ind = T) 
      High.cor.index <- which(abs(corr.matrix)>corr.value,arr.ind = T)
      # library(plyr) # join.keys
      Match.index <- with(join.keys(data.frame(List.significant.asso1),data.frame(High.cor.index)), which(x %in% y))
      List.significant.asso <- data.frame(List.significant.asso1)[Match.index,]
      #List.significant.asso <- List.significant.asso2
      List.significant.asso <- List.significant.asso1
    # eQTLs or genes that are significantly associated with selected PCs
    PC.list <- list()

    for (m in 1:no.PCs) {
      PC.list[[m]] <- colnames(data)[List.significant.asso[which(List.significant.asso[,1]==paste(m)),2]]
    names(PC.list) <- paste("PC",1:no.PCs,sep="") 
    PCs.asso.list <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(colnames(data))) {
      toMatch <- colnames(data)[i]
      #lapply(l1, function(x) all(toMatch %in% x))
      pc <- names(PC.list)[sapply(PC.list, function(x) all(toMatch %in% x))]
      #pc <- unique(unlist(PC.list))[sapply(unique(unlist(PC.list)), function(x) all(toMatch %in% x))]
        PCs.asso.list[[i]] <- pc
    AssociatedPCs <- sort(unique(na.omit(unlist(PCs.asso.list))))
      Match.index.pcmatrix <- as.vector(match(AssociatedPCs,colnames(PCs.matrix)))
      data.withPC <- cbind(data,PCs.matrix[,Match.index.pcmatrix])
      colnames(data.withPC)[(ncol(data)+1):(ncol(data)+length(Match.index.pcmatrix))] <-  AssociatedPCs
      AssociatedPCs <- NULL
      PCs.asso.list <- NULL
      data.withPC <- data
    AssociatedPCs <- NULL
    PCs.asso.list <- NULL
    data.withPC <- data

return(list(AssociatedPCs = AssociatedPCs,
            data.withPC = data.withPC,
            corr.PCs = corr.matrix,
            PCs.asso.list = PCs.asso.list,
            qobj = qobj))

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MRPC documentation built on April 11, 2022, 5:10 p.m.