
Defines functions Plot.Cor

Documented in Plot.Cor

Plot.Cor <- function(data, title = NA, grid = TRUE, leg = TRUE, boxleg = FALSE, text = FALSE, 
                     arrow = TRUE, color = TRUE, namesvar = NA, savptc = FALSE, width = 3236, 
                     height = 2000, res = 300) {
  # Rotina para plotar o grafico das correlacoes de variaveis
  # desenvolvida por Paulo Cesar Ossani em 08/2020
  # Entrada:
  # data   - Dados com as variaveis para estabelecer as correlacoes
  # title  - Titulo para o grafico
  # grid   - Coloca grade nos grafico (default = TRUE).
  # leg    - Coloca a legenda no grafico (default = TRUE).
  # boxleg  - Colocar moldura na legenda (default = FALSE).
  # text - Coloca os valores das correlacoes nos circulos (default = FALSE).
  # arrow - Setas das correlacoes positivas (para cima) e negativas (para baixo) (default = TRUE).
  # color  - Graficos coloridos (default = TRUE).
  # namesvar - Vetor com os nomes das variaveis.
  # savptc - Salva as imagens dos graficos em arquivos (default = FALSE).
  # width  - Largura do grafico quanto savptc = TRUE (defaul = 3236).
  # height - Altura do grafico quanto savptc = TRUE (default = 2000).
  # res    - Resolucao nominal em ppi do grafico quanto savptc = TRUE (default = 300).
  # Retorna:
  # Grafico das correlacoes das variaveis em data
  ##### INICIO - Informacoes usadas no Grafico #####
  if (!is.data.frame(data))
     stop("'data' input is incorrect, it should be of type data frame. Verify!")
  if (ncol(data) < 2)
     stop("Number of columns in 'date' must be greater than two. Verify!")
  # Cria Titulo para o grafico caso nao exista
  if (!is.character(title) || is.na(title)) title = c("Plot of correlations\n between variables")

  if (!is.logical(grid))
     stop("'grid' input is incorrect, it should be TRUE or FALSE. Verify!")

  if (!is.logical(leg)) 
     stop("'leg' input is incorrect, it should be TRUE or FALSE. Verify!")

  if (!is.logical(boxleg)) 
     stop("'boxleg' input is incorrect, it should be TRUE or FALSE. Verify!")
  if (!is.logical(text)) 
     stop("'text' input is incorrect, it should be TRUE or FALSE. Verify!")
  if (!is.logical(arrow)) 
     stop("'arrow' input is incorrect, it should be TRUE or FALSE. Verify!")
  if (!is.logical(color))
     stop("'color' input is incorrect, it should be TRUE or FALSE. Verify!")
  if (!is.na(namesvar[1]) && length(namesvar) != ncol(data))
     stop("The number of elements in 'namesvar' differs from the number of columns in 'data'. Verify!")
  if (is.na(namesvar[1])) namesvar <- colnames(data)
  if (!is.logical(savptc))
     stop("'savptc' input is incorrect, it should be TRUE or FALSE. Verify!")
  if (!is.numeric(width) || width <= 0)
     stop("'width' input is incorrect, it should be numerical and greater than zero. Verify!")
  if (!is.numeric(height) || height <= 0)
     stop("'height' input is incorrect, it should be numerical and greater than zero. Verify!")
  if (!is.numeric(res) || res <= 0)
     stop("'res' input is incorrect, it should be numerical and greater than zero. Verify!")
  #####   FIM - Informacoes usadas nos Graficos  #####

  if (savptc) {
     cat("\014") # limpa a tela
     cat("\n\n Saving graphics to hard disk. Wait for the end!")
  if (savptc) png(filename = "Figure Correlation.png", width = width, height = height, res = res) # salva os graficos em arquivos
  tab.corr <- cor(data) # correlacao entre as variaveis
  ncol <- ncol(data)  # lado do quadrado
  plot(0, 0, xlim = c(0,(ncol + 0.3)), ylim = c(0,ncol), type = "n", 
       asp = 1, axes = F, xlab = " ", ylab = " ", main = title)
  if (grid) {
    rect(0, 0, ncol, ncol, col = ifelse(color,'gray93','white'))
    for(i in 0:ncol) {
      segments(i, 0, x1 = i, y1 = ncol, lwd = 2, lty = 7, col = ifelse(color,"white","black"))
      segments(0, i, x1 = ncol, y1 = i, lwd = 2, lty = 7, col = ifelse(color,"white","black"))
  seta <- 0 # determina a direcao da seta
  for(i in 1:ncol) {
    for(j in 1:ncol) {
      if (arrow) seta <- ifelse(tab.corr[i,j] < 0,-0.3, 0.3) # determina a direcao da seta
      vlr <- abs(tab.corr[i,j]) # valor da correlacao
      vlr.circ <- 0
      if (vlr >= 0 && vlr < 0.3) {
        vlr.circ <- 0.1
        col <- 2
      } else {
        if (vlr >= 0.3 && vlr < 0.5) {
          vlr.circ <- 0.3
          col <- 3
      } else {
        if (vlr >= 0.5 && vlr < 0.7) {
            vlr.circ <- 0.5
            col <- 4
      } else {
        if (vlr >= 0.7 && vlr < 0.9) {
            vlr.circ <- 0.7
            col <- 5
      } else {
        if (vlr >= 0.9 && vlr <= 1) {
            vlr.circ <- 0.92
            col <- 6
      if (i == j) col <- "lightgray" # correlacao da mesma variavel
      x <- i - 0.5
      y <- ncol - j + 0.5
      symbols(x, y, circles = vlr.circ/2, inches = FALSE, bg = ifelse(color,col,'white'), add = TRUE)
      if (arrow && i != j) 
         arrows(x, y, x, y + seta, col = 1, lwd = 2, lty = 1, code = 2, length = 0.13, angle = 25)
      if(text) text(x, y, labels = round(tab.corr[i,j],3))
  if (leg) {
     leg <- c("Weak","Low","Moderate","High","Strong")
     y <- ncol/2 + log10(ncol) + ifelse(ncol>6,log10(ncol)-0.5,0.1) #sum(par('usr')[3:4])/2 + 2
     boxleg = ifelse(boxleg,"o","n") # moldura nas legendas, "n" sem moldura, "o" com moldura
     if (color) cor <- 2:6 else cor <- 'black'
     legend(ncol, y , legend = leg, pch = 19, col = cor, 
            text.col = cor, bty = boxleg, cex = 1, 
            y.intersp = 1.2, xpd = F) # cria a legenda
  text(c(1:ncol)-0.5, -0.1,par("usr")[1], labels = namesvar, srt = 45, pos = 2, xpd = TRUE, cex = 0.9)
  text(-0.01,c(1:ncol)-0.5, par("usr")[1], labels = namesvar[length(namesvar):1], srt = 45, pos = 2, xpd = TRUE, cex = 0.9)
  if (savptc) {
     box(col = 'white') 
     cat("\n \n End!")

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