
#class object for SES output

#Class SESoutput

#SESoutput object
# Function1: summary (generic for summary)
# Function2: plot (generic for plot)

#defining the class


           slots=list(selectedVars='numeric', selectedVarsOrder='numeric', queues='list', signatures='matrix', hashObject='list', pvalues='numeric', stats='numeric', univ = 'list', max_k='numeric', threshold='numeric', n.tests='numeric', runtime='proc_time', test='character'), 
         prototype=list(selectedVars=NULL, selectedVarsOrder=NULL, queues=NULL, signatures=NULL, hashObject=NULL, pvalues=NULL, stats=NULL, univ=NULL, max_k=NULL, threshold=NULL, n.tests=NULL, runtime=NULL, test=NULL));

setMethod("plot", signature(x="SESoutput"), 
          function(x,mode="all", ...){
            if(length(x@pvalues) <= 1000)
              grid(nx = NA, ny = NULL, col = "black")
              b = barplot(add = TRUE,x@pvalues[1:500], main="Variables' Pvalues for null hypothesis: Ind(var, target)",xlab="Variable ID",ylab = "p-value" , beside=TRUE , border = FALSE)
              threshold_line = rep(x@threshold, 3*length(x@pvalues))
              lines(threshold_line , col="red" , lwd= 2.5)
              legend('topleft' ,  paste('threshold:',x@threshold, sep=" ") , lwd= 2.5,col="red" , bty = "n")
              labels = c(1,x@selectedVars,length(x@pvalues))
              axis(1, at=b[c(1,x@selectedVars,length(x@pvalues))],labels=labels)
              grid(nx = NA, ny = NULL, col = "black")
              b = barplot(add = TRUE,x@pvalues, main="Variables' Pvalues for null hypothesis: Ind(var, target)",xlab="Variable ID",ylab = "p-value" , beside=TRUE , border = FALSE)
              threshold_line = rep(x@threshold, 3*length(x@pvalues))
              lines(threshold_line , col="red" , lwd= 2.5)
              legend('topleft' ,  paste('threshold:',x@threshold, sep=" ") , lwd= 3,col="red" , bty = "n")
              labels = c(1,x@selectedVars,length(x@pvalues))
              axis(1, at=b[c(1,x@selectedVars,length(x@pvalues))],labels=labels)

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MXM documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 9:05 a.m.