
Defines functions ebic.glmm.bsreg

Documented in ebic.glmm.bsreg

ebic.glmm.bsreg <- function(target, dataset, id, wei = NULL, gam = NULL, test = "testIndGLMMReg") {
  if (test== "testIndGLMMReg") {
    res <- ebic.lmm.bsreg(target, dataset, id, wei = wei, gam = gam)
  } else if (test== "testIndGLMMCR") {
    res <- ebic.glmm.cr.bsreg(target, dataset, id, wei = wei, gam = gam)
  } else {
  if (test== "testIndGLMMLogistic") {
    oiko <- binomial(logit)
  } else if (test== "testIndGLMMPois") {
    oiko <- poisson(log)
  } else if (test == "testIndGLMMGamma") {  
    oiko <- Gamma(log)
  } else if (test == "testIndGLMMNormLog") {  
    oiko <- gaussian(log)
  dm <- dim(dataset)
  n <- dm[1]  ## sample size 
  p <- dm[2]  ## number of variables
  if ( p > n ) {
    res <- paste("The number of variables is higher than the sample size. No backward procedure was attempted")
  } else {
    tic <- proc.time()
    logn <- log(n)
    if ( is.null(gam) ) {
      con <- 2 - log(p) / logn
    } else con <- 2 * gam
    if ( con < 0 )  con <- 0
    tool <- numeric(p + 1)
    ini <- lme4::glmer( target ~ dataset + (1|id), family = oiko, weights = wei )
    bic0 <-  BIC(ini)   ## initial eBIC  
    tool[1] <- bic0
    bic <- numeric(p)
    M <- dim(dataset)[2] - 1
    if ( M == 0 ) {
      mod <- lme4::glmer( target ~ 1 + (1|id), family = oiko, weights = wei)
      bic <- BIC(mod)      
      if (bic0 - bic < 0 ) {
        info <- matrix( 0, nrow = 0, ncol = 2 )
        mat <- matrix( c(1, bic - bic0), ncol = 2 )
      } else {
        info <- matrix( c(1, bic), ncol = 2 )
        mat <- matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 2 )
      runtime <- proc.time() - tic
      colnames(info) <- c("Variables", "eBIC")
      colnames(mat) <- c("Variables", "eBIC")
      res <- list(runtime = runtime, info = info, mat = mat )
    } else { 
      for (j in 1:p) {
        mod <- lme4::glmer( target ~ dataset[, -j, drop = FALSE] + (1|id), family = oiko, weights = wei)
        bic[j] <- BIC(mod) + con * lchoose(p, M) 
      mat <- cbind(1:p, bic )
      sel <- which.min( mat[, 2] )
      info <- matrix( c(0, 0), ncol = 2 )
      colnames(info) <- c("Variables", "eBIC")
      colnames(mat) <- c("Variables", "eBIC")
      if ( bic0 - mat[sel, 2] < 0  ) {
        runtime <- proc.time() - tic
        res <- list(runtime = runtime, info = info, mat = mat )
      } else {
        info[1, ] <- mat[sel, ]
        mat <- mat[-sel, , drop = FALSE] 
        dat <- dataset[, -sel, drop = FALSE] 
        tool[2] <- info[1, 2]
        i <- 2  
        if ( tool[2] != 0 ) {
          while ( tool[i - 1] - tool[i ] > 0  &  NCOL(dat) > 0 )  {   
            ini <- lme4::glmer( target ~ dat + (1|id), family = oiko, weights = wei )
            M <- dim(dat)[2]
            bic0 <-  BIC(mod) + con * lchoose(p, M)
            i <- i + 1        
            if ( M == 1 ) {
              mod <- lme4::glmer(target ~ 1 + (1|id), family = oiko, weights = wei )
              bic <-  BIC(mod)
              tool[i] <- bic
              if (bic0 - bic < 0 ) {
                runtime <- proc.time() - tic
                res <- list(runtime = runtime, info = info, mat = mat )
              } else {
                runtime <- proc.time() - tic		
                info <- rbind(info, c(mat[, 1], bic) )
                mat <- mat[-1, , drop = FALSE]
                res <- list(runtime = runtime, info = info, mat = mat )
                dat <- dataset[, -info[, 1], drop = FALSE ]
            } else { 
              bic <- numeric(M)
              M <- dim(dat)[2] - 1
              for ( j in 1:(M + 1) ) {
                mod <- lme4::glmer( target ~ dat[, -j, drop = FALSE] + (1|id), family = oiko, weights = wei )
                bic[j] <- BIC(mod) + con * lchoose(p, M)
              mat[, 2] <- bic
              sel <- which.min( mat[, 2] )
              tool[i] <- mat[sel, 2]
              if ( bic0 - mat[sel, 2] < 0 ) {
                runtime <- proc.time() - tic
                res <- list(runtime = runtime, info = info, mat = mat )
              } else {
                info <- rbind(info, mat[sel, ] )
                mat <- mat[-sel, , drop = FALSE] 
                dat <- dataset[, -info[, 1], drop = FALSE ]
              }  ## end if ( bic0 - mat[sel, 2] < 0 )
            }  ## end if (M == 1)
          }  ## end while
        }  ## end if ( tool[2] > 0 )
      }  ## end if ( bic0 - mat[sel, 2] < 0  )
    }  ## end  if (M == 0)
    runtime <- proc.time() - tic
    res <- list(runtime = runtime, info = info, mat = mat )
  }  ##  end  if ( p > n )
  }  ## end if (type == "linear")

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