
Defines functions aimlapi_test baichuan_test custom_test gemini_test claude_test llama3_test llama2_test chatgpt_test setKey addContent tiktokenTokenizer magicTokenizer

Documented in magicTokenizer setKey

#' magicTokenizer
#' @description
#' This function provides the number of tokens in a specified text, acting as a wrapper for an internal tokenizer function.
#' @param text A character string: the text for which the number of tokens is required.
#' @return Returns the number of tokens in the provided text.
#' @export
  magicTokenizer <- function(text) {

#' Internal Token Counter
#' @description
#' This internal function interacts with an API to determine the number of tokens in a specified text.
#' This is an essential part of managing interactions with the GPT-3 API to ensure requests remain within token limits.
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @param text A character string: the text for which the number of tokens is required.
#' @return Returns the number of tokens in the provided text or stops with an error message if the API call fails.
#' @noRd
  tiktokenTokenizer <- function(textList){
    response <- POST("http://chat.cuhklpl.com/tokenList", body = list(textList = textList,model_name=Sys.getenv("model")), encode = "json")
    if (status_code(response) == 200) {
    } else {
      warning("There is a mistake for token check. Please make sure that the max token number does not exceed the model's limitation.")


#' Internal addContent
#' @description
#' This internal function is used to append a new message's content.
#' @param content A character string: a new message's content
#' @param imgDetail A character string: In OpenAI's multimodal model for images, the quality parameter of an image is set to "auto" by default.
#' @return Returns the number of tokens in the provided text or stops with an error message if the API call fails.
#' @noRd
  addContent <- function(content, imgDetail = "auto") {
    # message("addContent_input: ", content)
    pattern <- "<text>.*?</text>|<img>.*?</img>|[^<>]+"
    elements <- unlist(regmatches(content, gregexpr(pattern, content, perl = TRUE)))
    content_str <- list()
    contains_image <- FALSE
    for (element in elements) {
      if (grepl("^<img>.*</img>$", element)) {
        imgUrl <- gsub("</?img>", "", element)
        content_str <- append(content_str, list(list(type = "image_url", image_url = list(url = imgUrl, detail = imgDetail))))
        contains_image <- TRUE
      else {
        text <- gsub("</?text>", "", element)
        content_str <- append(content_str, list(list(type = "text", text = text)))
    if (!contains_image) {
      return(paste(sapply(content_str, function(x) x$text), collapse = " "))


#' Internal Message Adder
#' @description
#' This internal function is used to append a new message (composed of role and content) to an existing list of messages.
#' This is used internally to manage dialog flows within the experimentation platform.
#' @param messages A list of existing messages, each as a list containing role and content.
#' @param role A character string indicating the role for the new message.
#' @param content A character string containing the actual text of the new message.
#' @param imgDetail A character string: In OpenAI's multimodal model for images, the quality parameter of an image is set to "auto" by default.
#' @return Returns the updated list of messages after adding the new message.
#' @noRd
addMessage <-function (messages,role="user",content="",imgDetail="low"){

    new_message <- switch(role,
                          "system" = paste0("<<SYS>>\n", content, "\n<</SYS>>\n\n"),
                          "user" = paste0(content, " [/INST] "),
                          "assistant" = paste0(content, "</s>\n<s>[INST] "),
    return(paste0(messages, new_message))
  else if(Sys.getenv("llm")=="llama-3"){
    new_message <- switch(role,
                          "system" = paste0("<|start_header_id|>system<|end_header_id|>\n\n", content, "<|eot_id|>"),
                          "user" = paste0("<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>\n\n",content, "<|eot_id|>\n"),
                          "assistant" = paste0("<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>\n\n",substring(content, 12),"<|eot_id|>\n"),
    return(paste0(messages, new_message))
  else if((Sys.getenv("llm")=="chatgpt")||(Sys.getenv("llm")=="openai")||(Sys.getenv("llm")=="custom")){
      messages <- append(messages,
                          role = role,
                          content = addContent(content,imgDetail)

  else if ((Sys.getenv("llm")=="baidubce")){
    messages <- append(messages,
                           role = role,
                           content = addContent(content)

  else if(Sys.getenv("llm")=="claude"){
      messages <- append(messages,
                        role = role,
                        content = content

  else if((Sys.getenv("llm")=="gemini")){
      newMessage <- list(
      role = role,
      parts = list(
        text = unlist(content)
    messages <- append(messages, list(newMessage))

  else if((Sys.getenv("llm")=="baichuan")){
    messages <- append(messages,
                           role = role,
                           content = content



#' Step1: Set model's API key and url.
#' @description
#' This function allows users to set and verify an API key for data collection. You can change the default api_url for others models' API.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key. Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version. For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @param api_url A character string: the API URL for the model. If not specified, the default Chat completion URL will be used based on the api_key.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed (currently not used, but kept for future extensibility).
#' @return Prints a message to the console indicating whether the API key setup was successful.
#' If the setup fails, the function stops with an error message.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_key(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY", model="gpt-3.5-turbo", api_url="api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions")
#' }
#' @export
setKey <- function(api_key,model,api_url = NULL,...){
  log_file_name <- paste0("request_log_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"), ".txt")
  Sys.setenv(LOG_FILE = log_file_name)
  args <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(api_key) && is.character(api_key)) {
    # AI/ML API
      # if api_url is empty
      if (is.null(api_url)) {
      # OpenAI or Huggingface
      if (grepl("^hf|^sk", api_key) && !grepl("-ant-", api_key)) {
        Sys.setenv(llm = "openai")
        if (grepl("hf", api_key)) {
          if (is.null(api_url)) {
            Sys.setenv(url = paste0("https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/", model, "/v1/chat/completions"))
          } else {
            Sys.setenv(url = api_url)
        } else {
          if (is.null(api_url)) {
            Sys.setenv(url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions")
          } else {
            Sys.setenv(url = api_url)
      # Baidu
      else if (!is.null(args[["secret_key"]])) {
        Sys.setenv(llm = "baidubce")
        if (is.null(api_url)) {
          Sys.setenv(url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/ai_custom/v1/wenxinworkshop/chat/")
        } else {
          Sys.setenv(url = api_url)
      else if(grepl("baichuan",tolower(model))){
      else if(grepl("claude",tolower(model))){
        if (is.null(api_url)) {
          Sys.setenv(url = "https://api.anthropic.com/v1/messages")
        } else {
          Sys.setenv(url = api_url)
      else if(grepl("gemini",tolower(model))){
        if (is.null(api_url)) {
          stop("Error: API URL cannot be NULL for custom models.")
        Sys.setenv(url = api_url)
    # message("setKey: ",Sys.getenv("llm"))

    # Sys.setenv(url=api_url)
    # message(Sys.getenv("llm"))
    if (!is.null(args[["secret_key"]])){
      Sys.setenv(secret_key = args[["secret_key"]])
    model_request <- list(
      openai = list(chat = "openai_chat", completion = "openai_completion"),
      "llama-3" = list(chat = "llama_chat", completion = "llama_chat"),
      "llama-2" = list(chat = "llama_chat", completion = "llama_chat"),
      baidubce = list(chat = "wenxin_chat", completion = "wenxin_chat"),
      claude = list(chat = "claude_chat", completion = "claude_chat"),
      gemini = list(chat = "gemini_chat", completion = "gemini_chat"),
      baichuan = list(chat = "baichuan_chat", completion = "baichuan_chat"),
      custom = list(chat = "openai_chat", completion = "openai_completion")
      # example_model = list(chat = "example_chat_function", completion = "example_completion_function")
    chat_request <- model_request[[Sys.getenv("llm")]]$chat
    completion_request <- model_request[[Sys.getenv("llm")]]$completion
    # message(chat_request)
    if (grepl("/chat/", Sys.getenv("url"))|grepl("/message", Sys.getenv("url"))) {
      message("chat completion mode")
      # message("setKey: ",chat_request)
      # message(c(do.call(chat_request, modifyList(list(
      #   model = model
      # ), args))$content_list,"  Model - ",model))
      result <- tryCatch(
        c(do.call(chat_request, modifyList(list(
          model = model
        ), args))),
        error = function(e) {
      if (length(result$content_list) == 0) {
        stop("Error: Failed to interact with the LLM.")
      } else {
        message(result$content_list, "  Model - ", model)
    } else {
        message("text completion mode")
        result <- do.call(completion_request, modifyList(list(
          model = model
        ), args))
        message(paste("Setup successful", " Model - ", model))
      }, error = function(e) {
        message("An error occurred:", e$message)

  else {
    stop("Failed to the interact with the LLM.")
}, error = function(e) {
  message("An error occurred:", e$message)

#' Internal model test function
#' @description
#' This internal function is designed to verify the correctness of the API key and ensure that communication with the model is functioning properly.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key.Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version.For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @return If the test is normal, it will display "Setup successful!"
#' @noRd
chatgpt_test <- function(key,model){

  if (grepl("chat", Sys.getenv("url"))) {
        role = "user",
        content = "Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse."
    ),max_tokens = 10,temperature = 0.1,model=model)$content_list)
    message(paste("your api_key:",key))
        role = "user",
        content = "Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse."
    ),max_tokens = 10,temperature = 0.1,model=model)$content_list)
    message(paste("your api_key:",key))


#' Internal model test function
#' @description
#' This internal function is designed to verify the correctness of the API key and ensure that communication with the model is functioning properly.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key.Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version.For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @return If the test is normal, it will display "Setup successful!"
#' @noRd
llama2_test <- function(key,model){
  message(llama_chat("Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse.",max_tokens = 30,temperature = 0.1)$content_list)
  message(paste("your api_key:",key))

  Sys.setenv(model = "llama-2")

#' Internal model test function
#' @description
#' This internal function is designed to verify the correctness of the API key and ensure that communication with the model is functioning properly.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key.Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version.For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @return If the test is normal, it will display "Setup successful!"
#' @noRd
llama3_test <- function(key,model){

You are a helpful AI, please answer according to my instruction, do not output other irrelevant content. <|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>

Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>",max_tokens = 30,temperature = 0.1)$content_list)
  message(paste("your api_key:",key))
  Sys.setenv(model = "llama-3")

#' Internal model test function
#' @description
#' This internal function is designed to verify the correctness of the API key and ensure that communication with the model is functioning properly.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key.Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version.For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @return If the test is normal, it will display "Setup successful!"
#' @noRd
claude_test <- function(key,model){
      role = "user",
      content = "Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse."
  ),max_tokens = 10,temperature = 0.1,model=model,version ="2023-06-01")$content_list)
  message(paste("your api_key:",key))

#' Internal model test function
#' @description
#' This internal function is designed to verify the correctness of the API key and ensure that communication with the model is functioning properly.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key.Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version.For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @return If the test is normal, it will display "Setup successful!"
#' @noRd
gemini_test <- function(key,model){
  message(gemini_chat(messages = list(list(parts = list(list(text = "Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse."))))
  ,maxOutputTokens = 10,temperature = 0.1,model = model)$content_list)
  message(paste("your api_key:",key))

#' Internal model test function
#' @description
#' This internal function is designed to verify the correctness of the API key and ensure that communication with the model is functioning properly.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key.Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version.For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @return If the test is normal, it will display "Setup successful!"
#' @noRd
custom_test <- function(model){
  if (grepl("chat", Sys.getenv("url"))) {
        role = "user",
        content = "Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse."
    ),max_tokens = 10,temperature = 0.1,model=Sys.getenv("model"))$content_list)

  } else {
    # not include chat
        role = "user",
        content = "this is a test,please say 'Model test successful!'"
    ),max_tokens = 15,model=Sys.getenv("model"))$content_list)


#' Internal model test function
#' @description
#' This internal function is designed to verify the correctness of the API key and ensure that communication with the model is functioning properly.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key.Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version.For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @return If the test is normal, it will display "Setup successful!"
#' @noRd
baichuan_test <- function(key,model){
      role = "user",
      content = "Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse."
  ),max_tokens = 10,temperature = 0.1,model=model)$content_list)
  message(paste("your api_key:",key))

#' Internal model test function
#' @description
#' This internal function is designed to verify the correctness of the API key and ensure that communication with the model is functioning properly.
#' @param api_key A character string: the user's OpenAI/huggingface/gemini/claude/baichuan/other API key.Please fill 'NA' for self-deployed models.
#' @param model  A character string: specify the model version.For gemini, you could input "gemini-pro"
#' @return If the test is normal, it will display "Setup successful!"
#' @noRd
aimlapi_test <- function(key,model){
      role = "user",
      content = "Please repeat 'Setup successful'. DON'T say anything else at the beginning of your reponse."
  ),max_tokens = 10,temperature = 0.1,model=model)$content_list)
  message(paste("your api_key:",key))

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