
Defines functions table_updateColumn

Documented in table_updateColumn

#' @title Update a column of metadata in a table
#' @description Updates records in a location table. Records are identified
#' by \code{locationID} and the data found in \code{locationData} is used to 
#' replace any existing value in the \code{columnName} column.
#' \code{locationID} and \code{locationData} must be of the same length.
#' Any \code{NA} values in \code{locationID} will be ignored.
#' If \code{columnName} is not a named column within \code{locationTbl}, a new
#' column will be created.
#' @param locationTbl Tibble of known locations.
#' @param columnName Name of an existing/new column in \code{locationTbl} whose data
#' will be updated/created.
#' @param locationID Vector of \code{locationID} strings.
#' @param locationData Vector of data to be inserted at records identified by 
#' \code{locationID}.
#' @param verbose Logical controlling the generation of progress messages.
#' @return Updated tibble of known locations.
#' @examples
#' library(MazamaLocationUtils)
#' locationTbl <- get(data("wa_monitors_500"))
#' wa <- get(data("wa_airfire_meta"))
#' # We will merge some metadata from wa into locationTbl
#' # Record indices for wa
#' wa_indices <- seq(5,65,5)
#' wa_sub <- wa[wa_indices,]
#' locationID <- 
#'   table_getLocationID(
#'     locationTbl, 
#'     wa_sub$longitude, 
#'     wa_sub$latitude, 
#'     distanceThreshold = 500
#'   )
#' locationData <- wa_sub$AQSID
#' locationTbl <- 
#'   table_updateColumn(locationTbl, "AQSID", locationID, locationData)
#' # Look at the data we attempted to merge
#' wa$AQSID[wa_indices]
#' # And two columns from the updated locationTbl
#' locationTbl_indices <- table_getRecordIndex(locationTbl, locationID)
#' locationTbl[locationTbl_indices, c("city", "AQSID")]
#' @seealso \link{table_addColumn}
#' @seealso \link{table_removeColumn}
#' @rdname table_updateColumn
#' @export 
#' @importFrom MazamaCoreUtils stopIfNull
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows

table_updateColumn <- function(
  locationTbl = NULL,
  columnName = NULL,
  locationID = NULL,
  locationData = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------
  MazamaLocationUtils::validateLocationTbl(locationTbl, locationOnly = FALSE)
  if ( !is.null(locationID) )
  if ( !is.null(locationData) )
  if ( !is.null(locationID) && !is.null(locationData) ) {
    if ( length(locationID) != length(locationData) ) {
        "locationID and locationData must have the same length"
  # Remove elements associated with missing locationIDs
  mask <- !is.na(locationID)
  locationID <- locationID[mask]
  locationData <- locationData[mask]
  # ----- Update column --------------------------------------------------------
  # Add it first if needed
  if ( !columnName %in% names(locationTbl) ) 
    locationTbl <- table_addColumn(locationTbl, columnName)
  if ( !is.null(locationData) ) {
    # Get the record indices to be updated
    recordIndex <- table_getRecordIndex(locationTbl, locationID)

    # Remove incoming locationData not associated with any record
    mask <- !is.na(recordIndex)
    recordIndex <- recordIndex[mask]
    locationData <- locationData[mask]
    # Updated record data
    locationTbl[[columnName]][recordIndex] <- locationData
  # ----- Return ---------------------------------------------------------------

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MazamaLocationUtils documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:08 p.m.