
Defines functions mppca.loadings.plot

Documented in mppca.loadings.plot

mppca.loadings.plot <-
function(output, Y, barplot=FALSE, labelsize=0.3)
  	for(i in 1:g)
     barplot2(output$loadings[,,i], ylim=c(min(output$loadings[,,i])-1, max(output$loadings[,,i])+1), ylab="Loadings", xlab="Spectral regions",
     las=2, col="red", font.main = 2, plot.grid=TRUE, names.arg = colnames(Y), cex.names=labelsize, main=paste("Group ", i, sep=""))
     if(i < g)
        ask(msg = "Press <RETURN> to view the next loadings plot: ")
     	for(i in 1:g)
         plot(output$loadings[,,i][,1], output$loadings[,,i][,2],xlab="PC 1", ylab="PC 2", type="n", main=paste("Group ", i, sep=""))
         text(output$loadings[,,i][,1], output$loadings[,,i][,2], colnames(Y), cex=1)
         abline(h=0, col="red", lty=1); abline(v=0, col="red")
         if(i < g)
        	ask(msg = "Press <RETURN> to view the next loadings plot: ")
     	for(k in 1:g)
     	 for(i in 1:q)
          barplot2(output$loadings[,,k][,i], ylim=c(min(output$loadings[,,k][,i])-1,max(output$loadings[,,k][,i])+1), las=2, width=0.5, space=0.5, col=i, ylab="Loadings", xlab="Spectral regions", names.arg = colnames(Y), cex.names=labelsize, plot.grid=TRUE, font.main = 2, main=paste("Loadings on PC", i,  " for group ", k, sep=""))
		  ask(msg = "Press <RETURN> to view the next loadings plot: ")          
         } #i
        } #k
  		for(k in 1:g)
		 pairs(output$loadings[,,k], lower.panel=function(x,y,names){text(x,y,colnames(Y), cex=0.8);abline(h=0, col="red", lty=1); abline(v=0, col="red")}, upper.panel=function(x,y,names){text(x,y,colnames(Y), cex=0.8);abline(h=0, col="red", lty=1); abline(v=0, col="red")}, labels=paste("PC", 1:q, sep=""), main=paste("Loadings for group ", k, sep=""))
		 ask(msg = "Press <RETURN> to view the next loadings plot: ")
	   for(k in 1:g)
		for(i in 1:q)
	    	barplot2(output$loadings[,,k][,i], ylim=c(min(output$loadings[,,k][,i])-1,max(output$loadings[,,k][,i])+1), las=2, width=0.5, space=0.5, col=i, ylab="Loadings", xlab="Spectral regions", names.arg = colnames(Y), cex.names=labelsize, plot.grid=TRUE, font.main = 2, main=paste("Loadings on PC", i, " group", k, sep=""))
            ask(msg = "Press <RETURN> to view the next loadings plot: ")            
        } #i
	} # else
} # End plot.mppca.loadings

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MetabolAnalyze documentation built on Aug. 31, 2019, 5:05 p.m.