psmelt_samples_pq: Build a sample information tibble from physeq object

View source: R/dada_phyloseq.R

psmelt_samples_pqR Documentation

Build a sample information tibble from physeq object



Hill numbers are the number of equiprobable species giving the same diversity value as the observed distribution.

Note that contrary to hill_pq(), this function does not take into account for difference in the number of sequences per samples/modalities. You may use rarefy_by_sample = TRUE if the mean number of sequences per samples differs among modalities.


  hill_scales = c(0, 1, 2),
  filter_zero = TRUE,
  rarefy_by_sample = FALSE,
  taxa_ranks = NULL



(required): a phyloseq-class object obtained using the phyloseq package.


(a vector of integer) The list of q values to compute the hill number H^q. If Null, no hill number are computed. Default value compute the Hill number 0 (Species richness), the Hill number 1 (exponential of Shannon Index) and the Hill number 2 (inverse of Simpson Index).


(logical, default TRUE) Do we filter non present OTU from samples ? For the moment, this has no effect on the result because the dataframe is grouped by samples with abundance summed across OTU.


(logical, default FALSE) If TRUE, rarefy samples using phyloseq::rarefy_even_depth() function.


A vector of taxonomic ranks. For examples c("Family","Genus"). If taxa ranks is not set (default value = NULL), taxonomic information are not present in the resulting tibble.


A tibble with a row for each sample. Columns provide information from sam_data slot as well as hill numbers, Abundance (nb of sequences), and Abundance_log10 (log10(1+Abundance)).


Adrien Taudière


if (requireNamespace("ggstatsplot")) {
  psm_tib <- psmelt_samples_pq(data_fungi_mini, hill_scales = c(0, 2, 7))
  ggstatsplot::ggbetweenstats(psm_tib, Height, Hill_0)
  ggstatsplot::ggbetweenstats(psm_tib, Height, Hill_7)

  psm_tib_tax <- psmelt_samples_pq(data_fungi_mini, taxa_ranks = c("Class", "Family"))
  ggplot(filter(psm_tib_tax, Abundance > 2000), aes(y = Family, x = Abundance, fill = Time)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +

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