
Defines functions mixtureRangeOptim

Documented in mixtureRangeOptim

#' Performs a specific range optimization
#' This function performs an optimization testing within an interval defined
#' by the user using alpha values for each middle point provided. It allows the
#' generation of the data frame required for plotting.
#' @param functions An array of functions
#' @param desirabilityModel A desirability \code{overallD} model
#' @param midPoints An array with the references (mid-points) for the optimization
#' @param alpha Defines the range of the seach, as \code{startPoint} +- \code{alpha} for each \code{x} value
#' @param step The ammount of each increment in the optimization
#' @param plot Define is the data frame that can be used for the \code{desirabilityPlot} function will be create. Strongly affects performance
#' @param verbose Defines if the user should be updated with the processing status (percentages)
#' @return A list containg the data regarding the maximum desirability found
#' @examples
#'dados <- read.table(header = TRUE, sep = "\t", text = "
#'ID	TiO2	Vehicle	Extender A	Extender B	Hiding	Scrub
#'1	0.05	0.20	0.30	0.45	7.8953	533.67
#'2	0.45	0.20	0.30	0.05	32.862	749
#'3	0.05	0.60	0.30	0.05	3.721	39.5
#'4	0.05	0.20	0.70	0.05	9.2751	203.25
#'5	0.25	0.20	0.30	0.25	20.132	555.25
#'6	0.05	0.40	0.30	0.25	4.7137	51.75
#'7	0.05	0.20	0.50	0.25	8.3829	342.75
#'8	0.25	0.40	0.30	0.05	16.245	84.75
#'9	0.25	0.20	0.50	0.05	22.639	360.75
#'10	0.05	0.40	0.50	0.05	5.4645	48
#'11	0.05	0.33	0.43	0.18	5.8882	76
#'12	0.18	0.20	0.43	0.18	17.256	386.25
#'13	0.18	0.33	0.30	0.18	12.351	136
#'14	0.18	0.33	0.43	0.05	14.499	75.5
#'15	0.10	0.25	0.35	0.30	10.548	325.75
#'16	0.30	0.25	0.35	0.10	22.096	359
#'17	0.10	0.45	0.35	0.10	6.2888	40.75
#'18	0.10	0.25	0.55	0.10	10.629	136.67
#'19	0.15	0.30	0.40	0.15	11.777	114")
#'hiding<-function(x) 67.748*x[1] + 7.291*x[2] + 11.419*x[3] + 14.578*x[4] -
#'    64.32*x[1]*x[2] + 35.878*x[1]*x[3] - 15.696*x[1]*x[4] - 31.006*x[2]*x[3] -
#'    38.668*x[2]*x[4] - 6.59*x[3]*x[4]
#'scrub<-function(x) 3937.5*x[1] + 899.3*x[2] + 502*x[3] + 2354.8*x[4] -
#'    8227.2*x[1]*x[2] - 3227.4*x[1]*x[3] - 2447.7*x[1]*x[4] - 2435.3*x[2]*x[3] -
#'    6325.1*x[2]*x[4] - 1050.3*x[3]*x[4]
#'funcoes2 <- c(hiding, scrub)
#'des1<-dMax(min(dados$Hiding), max(dados$Hiding))
#'des2<-dMin(min(dados$Scrub), max(dados$Scrub))
#'finalD<-dOverall(des1, des2)
#'# code commented due to process time requirement
#'#teste <- mixtureRangeOptim(funcoes2, finalD, midPoints = c(0.25, 0.4, 0.5, 0.25),
#'#    alpha = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2), step = 0.01, plot = TRUE)
#'#desirabilityPlot(funcoes2, teste$plotData, teste$bestComposition, list(des1, des2),
#'#    c("max", "min"))
#'#teste2 <- mixtureRangeOptim(funcoes2, finalD, midPoints = teste$bestComposition,
#'#    alpha = c(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0), step = 0.001, plot = FALSE)
#'#desirabilityPlot(funcoes2, teste$plotData, teste2$bestComposition, list(des1, des2),
#'#    c("max", "min"))
mixtureRangeOptim <- function(functions, desirabilityModel, midPoints, alpha, step = 0.01, plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {

    misturaRecursao <- function(functions, desirabilityModel, step, level, value, plot) {
    value[level] = midPoints[level] + alpha[level]
    if(level == length(value)) {
      value[level] = 0.0;
      gap <- 1.0 - sum(value)
      if(gap >= midPoints[level] - alpha[level]) {
        value[level] = gap
        valores = rep(0.0, length(functions))
        for(i in 1:length(functions)) {
          valores[i] = functions[[i]](value)
        tmp <- predict(desirabilityModel, as.data.frame(matrix(valores, nrow=1)))
          grafico <<- rbind(grafico, c(value, tmp, valores))
        if(tmp > best) {
          # not acessing global environment, just the upper scope -- still inside the main function
          best <<- tmp
          bestValues <<- value
    } else {
      while(value[level] >= midPoints[level] - alpha[level]) {
        misturaRecursao(functions, desirabilityModel, step, level + 1, value, plot)
        value[level] = value[level] - step


  best <- 0
  if(plot) {
    grafico <- data.frame()
  bestValues <- midPoints
  if(verbose) {
    message("Optimizing values.. 0 %.. ")
  if(length(midPoints) > 0) {
    vetor <- midPoints - alpha
    count <- 0
    steps = (alpha[1]*2)/(step)
    while(vetor[1] <= midPoints[1] + alpha[1]) {
      misturaRecursao(functions, desirabilityModel, step, 2, vetor, plot)
      vetor[1] = vetor[1] + step
      count = count + 1
      perc = (count * 100.0) / steps
      if(verbose) if(perc %% 10 == 0) {
        message(paste(perc,"%.. "))
  retorno <- list("maxDesirability" = best, "bestComposition" = bestValues)
  if(plot) {
    retorno$plotData <- grafico

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MixOptim documentation built on July 1, 2020, 9:57 p.m.