
Defines functions fixLMmirror.matrix fixLMmirror.array fixLMmirror

Documented in fixLMmirror fixLMmirror.array fixLMmirror.matrix

#' estimate missing landmarks from their bilateral counterparts
#' estimate missing landmarks from their bilateral counterparts
#' @param x a matrix or an array containing landmarks (3D or 2D)
#' @param pairedLM  a k x 2 matrix containing the indices (rownumbers) of the
#' paired LM. E.g. the left column contains the lefthand landmarks, while the
#' right side contains the corresponding right hand landmarks.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @note in case both landmarks of a bilateral pair are missing a message will be issued. As well if there are missing landmarks on the midsaggital plane are detected.
#' @details the configurations are mirrored and the relabled version is matched onto the original using a thin-plate spline deformation. The missing landmark is now estimated using its bilateral counterpart. If one side is completely missing, the landmarks will be mirrored and aligned by the unilateral landmarks.
#' @return a matrix or array with fixed missing bilateral landmarks.
#' @examples
#' data(boneData)
#' left <- c(4,6,8)
#' ## determine corresponding Landmarks on the right side:
#' # important: keep same order
#' right <- c(3,5,7)
#' pairedLM <- cbind(left, right)
#' exampmat <- boneLM[,,1]
#' exampmat[4,] <- NA #set 4th landmark to be NA
#' fixed <- fixLMmirror(exampmat, pairedLM=pairedLM)
#' \dontrun{
#' deformGrid3d(fixed, boneLM[,,1],ngrid=0)
#' ## result is a bit off due to actual asymmetry
#' }
#' ## example with one side completely missing
#' oneside <- boneLM[,,1]
#' oneside[pairedLM[,1],] <- NA
#' onesidefixed <- fixLMmirror(oneside,pairedLM)
#' \dontrun{
#' deformGrid3d(onesidefixed, boneLM[,,1],ngrid=0)
#' ## result is a bit off due to actual asymmetry
#' }
#' @export
fixLMmirror <- function(x, pairedLM,...) UseMethod("fixLMmirror")

#' @rdname fixLMmirror
#' @export
fixLMmirror.array <- function(x,pairedLM,...) {
    n <- dim(x)[3]
    out <- x
    for (i in 1:n) {
        tmp <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(fixLMmirror(x[,,i],pairedLM=pairedLM),silent = TRUE)))
        if (!inherits(tmp,"try-error"))
            out[,,i] <- tmp
            warning(paste0("missing landmark estimation failed for specimen No.",i,": ",tmp[1]))

#' @rdname fixLMmirror
#' @export
fixLMmirror.matrix <- function(x,pairedLM,...) {
    mydata <- x
    m <- dim(x)[2]
    count <- 0
    k <- nrow(x)
    checklist <- NA
    unilatNA <- NULL
    unilat <- 1:nrow(x)
    unilat <- unilat[which(!unilat %in% c(pairedLM))]
    for (j in 1:k) {
        if (TRUE %in% is.na(mydata[j,])) {
            count <- count+1
            checklist[count] <- j
    affected <- affectCol <- goodPaired <- badPaired <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nrow(pairedLM)) {
        if (prod(is.na(x[pairedLM[i,],]))) {
            message(paste("paired landmarks",pairedLM[i,1], "and" ,pairedLM[i,2] , ": one landmark of each side should be present"))
            unilatNA <- append(unilatNA,pairedLM[i,])
        checkPaired <- is.na(x[pairedLM[i,],])
        if (TRUE %in% checkPaired) {
            affected <- append(affected,i)
            checkCol <- as.logical(apply(checkPaired,1,prod))
            affectCol <- append(affectCol,which(!as.logical(checkCol)))
            goodPaired <- append(goodPaired,pairedLM[i,which(!as.logical(checkCol))])
            badPaired <- append(badPaired,pairedLM[i,which(as.logical(checkCol))])
    if (is.null(affected)) {
        message("no missing bilateral landmarks")
    if (!prod(checklist %in% pairedLM)){
        message("missing landmarks are not bilateral")
        unilatNA <- append(unilatNA,checklist[which(! checklist %in% pairedLM)])
    if (length(unilatNA))
        unilat <- unilat[-c(unilatNA)]
    xmir <- x %*% diag(c(-1,1,1))[1:m, 1:m]#mirror landmarks
    xmir[c(pairedLM),] <- xmir[c(pairedLM[,2:1]),]##relabel landmarks
    xref <- xmir[-c(unilatNA,pairedLM[affected,]),]
    xtar <- x[-c(unilatNA,pairedLM[affected,]),]
    # print(badPaired)
    if ( (length(badPaired) >= nrow(pairedLM)) && ((prod(pairedLM[,1] %in% badPaired) || prod(pairedLM[,2] %in% badPaired)))) {
 #   if ( (prod(sort(badPaired) %in% sort(pairedLM[,1])) && !prod(sort(goodPaired) %in% sort(pairedLM[,2]))) || (prod(sort(goodPaired) %in% sort(pairedLM[,2])) && !prod(sort(goodPaired) %in% sort(pairedLM[,1])))) {
            warning("one side completely missing: mirroring on midplane")
            xrows <- rowSums(x[unilat,])
            xbad <- which(as.logical(is.na(xrows) + is.nan(xrows)))
            bad <- unique(c(xbad))
            if ((length(unilat)-length(bad)) < 4)
                stop("not enough unilateral landmarks to compute transform")
            trans <- computeTransform(x[unilat,],xmir[unilat,])
            xrot <- applyTransform(xmir,trans)
            xout <- x
            xout[pairedLM[,which(checkCol)],] <- xrot[pairedLM[,which(checkCol)],]
    } else {
        xout <- tps3d(xmir,xref,xtar,threads=1)
        xout[goodPaired,] <- x[goodPaired,]


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Morpho documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:19 p.m.