
Defines functions kendalldist

Documented in kendalldist

#' Calculates the Riemannian distance between two superimposed landmark
#' configs.
#' Calculates the Riemannian distance between two superimposed landmark
#' configs.
#' @param x Matrix containing landmark coordinates.
#' @param y Matrix containing landmark coordinates.
#' @return returns Riemannian distance
#' @examples
#' if(require(shapes)) {
#' OPA <- rotonto(gorf.dat[,,1],gorf.dat[,,2])
#' kendalldist(OPA$X,OPA$Y)
#' }
#' @export
kendalldist <- function(x,y)
        m <- ncol(x)
        x <- scale(x, scale=FALSE)
        y <- scale(y, scale=FALSE)
        x <- x/cSize(x)
        y <- y/cSize(y)
        if (max(abs(x - y) > 0)) {
            if (m == 3) {
                eigxy <- eigen(t(x)%*%tcrossprod(y)%*%(x),symmetric = TRUE)$values
                signchk <- det(crossprod(y,x))
                #good <- which(eigxy > 0)
                eigxy <- sqrt(eigxy[1:m])
                eigxy[m] <- sign(signchk)*eigxy[m]
                rho <- acos(min(sum(eigxy[1:m]),1))
            } else {
                ## this is copied from 'riemdist' in shapes package
                x <- x[,1]+(0+1i)*x[,2]
                y <- y[,1]+(0+1i)*y[,2]
                rho <- acos(min(1, (Mod(t(Conj(x)) %*% y))))
        } else
            rho <- 0

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Morpho documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:19 p.m.