
Defines functions ring_read

Documented in ring_read

#' @title Read and plot a tree-ring image file
#' @export
#' @importFrom png readPNG
#' @importFrom jpeg readJPEG
#' @importFrom tiff readTIFF
#' @importFrom bmp read.bmp
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom magick image_crop image_info image_read image_convert 
#' image_rotate image_resize
#' @importFrom grDevices as.raster dev.cur dev.new dev.set dev.off dev.list
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis layout lines locator mtext par plot points 
#' rasterImage segments text title
#' @description This function can read an image file from the hard disk and 
#' plot it in a newly-opened graphics device.
#' @author Jingning Shi
#' @param img A character string indicating the path of the image file. 
#' Supported formats include png, tiff, jpg and bmp.
#' @param dpi An integer specifying the dpi of the image file. A minimum of 
#' 300 dpi is required when running automatic detection.
#' @param RGB A numeric vector of length 3 giving the weight of RGB channels.
#' @param plot A logical value indicating whether to plot the tree ring image 
#' when reading it. If \code{FALSE}, the image is not plotted until
#' function \code{\link{ring_detect}} or \code{\link{pith_measure}} is called.
#' @param rotate An integer specifying how many degrees to rotate (clockwise). 
#' It requires one of the following values:
#' \code{0}, \code{90}, \code{180} or \code{270}.
#' @param magick A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, \code{magick} is used to
#' read the tree ring image. If \code{FALSE},
#' packages \code{png}, \code{jpg} and \code{tiff} are used instead.
#' See details below.
#' @return A magick image object containing the image data.
#' @details 
#' Proper image preparation has a great influence on the measurement of 
#' ring widths. A tree-ring image should not contain irrelevant or redundant 
#' features, such as wooden mounts where cores are glued. The larger the file 
#' size of an image, the slower the image processing operation will be.
#' \bold{Pith side} of a wood sample should be placed on the \bold{right side} 
#' of a graphics window. Use \code{rotate} to change its position.
#' It is highly recommended to use the default value \code{magick = TRUE}, 
#' because \code{magick} can significantly reduce the memory usage
#' when reading a large file.
#' If image data is stored in a non-standard format, image reading may fail.
#' In that case you can set \code{magick = FALSE} to 
#' avoid the use of \code{magick}.
#' @examples
#' img.path <- system.file("001.png", package = "MtreeRing")
#' ## Read and plot the image:
#' t1 <- ring_read(img = img.path, dpi = 1200, plot = TRUE)

ring_read <- function(img, dpi = NULL, RGB = c(0.299, 0.587, 0.114), 
                      plot = FALSE, rotate = 0, magick = TRUE)
  check.degree <- rotate %in% c(0, 90, 180, 270, 360) 
  if (!check.degree)
    stop(paste('The argument "rotate" should be one of',
                 'the following integers: 0, 90, 180 or 270'))
  if (is.null(dpi))
    stop('Please provide the dpi value of the image')
  options(warn = -1)
  img.size <- file.size(img) / 1024^2
  if (img.size <=10 | !magick) {
    last.path <- basename(img)
    if (grepl("\\.tif", last.path))
      tree.data <- readTIFF(img, native = FALSE, info = FALSE)
    if (grepl("\\.png", last.path))
      tree.data <- readPNG(img, native = FALSE, info = FALSE)
    if (grepl("\\.jpg", last.path) | grepl("\\.jpeg", last.path))
      tree.data <- readJPEG(img, native = FALSE)
    if (grepl("\\.bmp", last.path))
      tree.data <- read.bmp(img) / 255
    td.dim <- dim(tree.data)
    if (!is.matrix(tree.data)) {
      if (td.dim[3] %in% c(2, 4))
        tree.data <- tree.data[, , -td.dim[3]]
    if (is.matrix(tree.data)) {
      tdata <- as.raster(tree.data) %>%
               image_read %>%
               image_convert(colorspace = 'gray')
    } else {
      tdata <- image_read(tree.data)
  } else {
    tdata <- image_read(img)
  options(warn = 0)
  if (rotate != 0)
    tdata <- image_rotate(tdata, rotate)
  img.name <- ifelse(is.character(img),
    substitute(img) %>% as.character)
  attributes(tdata) <- c(attributes(tdata), 
    list(x.dpi = dpi, RGB = RGB, img.name = img.name, plot = plot))
  if (!plot)

  dim.tdata <- image_info(tdata) %>% '['(1, 2:3) %>% as.numeric
  dimcol <- dim.tdata[1]
  dimrow <- dim.tdata[2]
  if (dimcol*dimrow >= 1.2e+07) {
    resize.ratio <- 300 / dpi
    resize.str <- paste0(round(dimcol*resize.ratio), 'x', 
    tdata.copy <- image_resize(tdata, resize.str)
  } else{
    tdata.copy <- tdata
  if (names(dev.cur()) == "RStudioGD") dev.new()
  dn <- as.numeric(dev.cur())
  attributes(tdata) <- c(attributes(tdata), list(dn = dn, dimt = dim.tdata))
  xleft <- 0
  ybottom <- 0
  xright <- dimcol
  ytop <- dimrow
  layout(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), 2), 4, 1))
  plot(x = 0, y = 0, main = img.name, xlab = '', ylab = '',
       xlim = c(xleft, xright), ylim = c(ybottom, ytop), 
       type = 'n', axes = F, cex.main = 1.2)
  axis(1, col = "grey", cex.axis = 1)
  axis(2, col = "grey", cex.axis = 1)
  rasterImage(as.raster(tdata.copy), xleft, ybottom, 
              xright, ytop, interpolate = TRUE)

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MtreeRing documentation built on April 20, 2021, 1:10 a.m.