AddBinVars2Biplot | Add suplementary binary variables to a biplot |
AddCluster2Biplot | Add clusters to a biplot object |
AddContVars2Biplot | Adds supplementary continuous variables to a biplot object |
AddOrdVars2Biplot | Adds supplementary ordinal variables to an existing biplot... |
AddSupVars2Biplot | Adds supplementary variables to a biplot object |
anova.RidgeBinaryLogistic | Compares two binary logistic models |
Bartlett.Tests | Bartlett tests |
BasicDescription | Basic descriptive sataistics |
BinaryDistances | Binary Distances |
BinaryLogBiplotEM | Binary logistic biplot with the EM algorithm. |
BinaryLogBiplotGD | Binary Logistic Biplot with Gradient Descent Estimation |
BinaryLogBiplotGDRecursive | Binary Logistic Biplot with Recursive Gradient Descent... |
BinaryLogBiplotJoint | Binary logistic biplot with a gradient descent algorithm. |
BinaryLogBiplotMirt | Binary logistic biplot with Item Response Theory. |
BinaryLogisticBiplot | Binary Logistic Biplot |
BinaryPLSFit | Binary PLS Regression. |
BinaryPLSR | Partial Least Squares Regression with Binary Data |
BinaryProximities | Proximity Measures for Binary Data |
Biplot.BinaryPLSR | Biplot for a PLSR model with binary data |
BiplotFPCA | External Biplot for functional data from a functional PCA... |
Biplot.PLSR | Partial Least Squares Biplot |
Biplot.PLSR1BIN | Biplot for a PLSR model with a binary response |
Biplot.PLSRBIN | Biplot for a PLSR model with binary responses |
BootstrapDistance | Bootstrap on the distance matrices used for Principal... |
BootstrapScalar | Bootstrap on the scalar product matrices used for Principal... |
BootstrapSmacof | Bootstrap on the distance matrices used for MDS with Smacof |
BoxPlotPanel | Panel of box plots |
CA | Correspondence Analysis |
CanonicalBiplot | Biplot representation of a Canonical Variate Analysis or a... |
CanonicalDistanceAnalysis | MANOVA and Canonical Analysis of Distances |
CanonicalStatisBiplot | CANONICAL STATIS-ACT for multiple tables with common rows and... |
Canonical.Variate.Analysis | Biplot representation of a Canonical Variate Analysis or a... |
CategoricalDistances | Distances among individuals using nominal variables. |
CategoricalProximities | Proximities among individuals using nominal variables. |
CCA | Canonical Correspondence Analysis |
CheckBinaryMatrix | Checks if a data matrix is binary |
CheckBinaryVector | Checks if a vector is binary |
Chemical | Chemical data |
Circle | Draws a circle |
Coinertia | Coinertia Analysis. |
ColContributionPlot | Plots the contributios of a biplot |
ConcEllipse | Concentration ellipse for a se of two-dimensional points |
ConfidenceInterval | Confidence Interval for the mean |
ConstrainedLogisticBiplot | Constrained Binary Logistic Biplot |
ConstrainedOrdinalLogisticBiplot | Constrained Ordinal Logistic Biplot |
ContinuousDistances | Distances for Continuous Data |
ContinuousProximities | Proximities for Continuous Data |
Convert2ThreeWay | Three way array from a two way matrix |
Convert3wArray2List | Converts a three way array into a list |
ConvertFactors2Integers | Convert a factor to integer numbers |
ConvertList23wArray | Converts a list of matrices into a three way array |
CorrelationCircle | Circle of correlations |
CrissCross | Alternated Least Squares Biplot |
CumSum | Cummulative sums |
Dataframe2BinaryMatrix | Converts a Data Frame into a Binary Data Matrix |
DataFrame2Matrix4Regression | Prepares a matrix for regression from a data frame |
DensityBiplot | Adds Non-parametric densities to a biplot. Separated... |
Dhats | Calculation of Disparities |
diagonal | Diagonal matrix from a vector |
DimensionLabels | Labels for the selected dimensions in a biplot |
dlines | Connects two sets of points by lines |
Doctors | Data set extracted from the Careers of doctorate holders... |
ErrorBarPlotPanel | Plots a panel of error bars |
EuclideanDistance | Classical Euclidean Distance (Pythagorean Distance) |
ExpandTable | Expands a compressed table of patterns and frequencies |
ExternalBinaryLogisticBiplot | External Logistic Biplot for binary Data |
ExtractTable | Extracts unique patterns and its frequencies for a discrete... |
FA.Biplot | Biplot for Factor Analysis. |
Factor2Binary | Converts a Factor into its indicator matrix |
Fraction | Selection of a fraction of the data |
Games_Howell | Games-Howell post-hoc tests for Welch's one-way analysis |
GD.Biplot | Biplot for continuous data based on gradient descent methods |
GeneralizedProcrustes | Generalized Procrustes Analysis |
GetBiplotScales | Calculates the scales for the variables on a linear biplot |
GetCCAScales | Calculates scales for plotting the environmental variables in... |
ginv | G inverse |
GowerProximities | Gower Dissimilarities for mixed types of data |
GowerSimilarities | Gower Dissimilarities for mixed types of data |
Hermquad | Gauss-Hermite quadrature |
HistogramPanel | Panel of histograms |
HJ.Biplot | HJ Biplot with added features. |
InBox | Checks if a point is inside a box. |
InitialTransform | Initial transformation of data |
Integer2Binary | Transforms an Integer Variable into a Binary Variable |
Kruskal.Wallis.Tests | Kruskal Wallis Tests |
Levene.Tests | Levene Tests |
LogFrequencyBiplot | Weighted Biplot for a table of frequencies |
logit | Logit function |
Matrix2Proximities | Matrix to Proximities |
matrixsqrt | Matrix squared root |
matrixsqrtinv | Inverse of the Matrix squared root |
MDS | Multidimensional Scaling |
MGC | Mixture Gaussian Clustering |
MonotoneRegression | Weighted Isotonic Regression (Weighted Monotone Regression) |
moth | Moth data |
MultBiplotR-package | Multivariate Analysis using Biplots |
Multiquad | Multidimensional Gauss-Hermite quadrature |
MultiTableStatistics | Statistics for multiple tables |
MultiTableTransform | Initial Transformation of a multi table object |
NiceNumber | Nice numbers: simple decimal numbers |
NIPALS.Biplot | Biplot using the NIPALS algorithm |
NIPALSPCA | NIPALS algorithm for PCA |
NominalDistances | Distances among individuals with nominal variables |
NormalityTests | Normality tests |
Numeric2Binary | Converts a numeric variable into a binary one |
ones | Matrix of ones |
OrdinalLogisticFit | Fits an ordinal logistic regression with ridge penalization |
OrdLogBipEM | Alternated EM algorithm for Ordinal Logistic Biplots |
OrdVarBiplot | Plots an ordinal variable on the biplot |
OrdVarCoordinates | Coordinates of an ordinal variable on the biplot. |
OrthogonalizeScores | Orthogonalize a set of Scores calculated by other procedure |
PCA.Analysis | Classical PCA Biplot with added features. |
PCA.Biplot | Classical PCA Biplot with added features. |
PCA.Bootstrap | Principal Components Analysis with bootstrap confidence... |
PCoABootstrap | Plots an object of class PCoABootstrap |
plot.Binary.Logistic.Biplot | Plots the results of a Binary Logistic Biplot |
PlotBiplotClusters | Plot clusters on a biplot. |
plot.Canonical.Biplot | Plots a Canonical Biplot |
plot.CanonicalDistanceAnalysis | Plots a Canonical Distance Analysis |
plot.CA.sol | Plot the solution of a Coorespondence Analysis |
plot.CCA.sol | Plots the solution of a Canonical Correspondence Analysisis |
plot.ContinuousBiplot | Plots a biplot for continuous data. |
plot.CVA | Plot of a Canonical Variate Analysis |
plot.ellipse | Plot a concentration ellipse. |
plot.External.Binary.Logistic.Biplot | Plots an External Logistic Biplot for binary data |
plot.fraction | Plots a fraction of the data as a cluster |
plot.MGC | Plot the results of Model-Based Gaussian Clustering... |
plot.Ordinal.Logistic.Biplot | Plots an ordinal Logistic Biplot |
PlotOrdinalResponses | Plot the response functions along the directions of best fit. |
plot.PCA.Analysis | Plots a Principal Component Analysis |
plot.PCA.Bootstrap | Plots the Bootstrap information for Principal Components... |
plot.Principal.Coordinates | Plots an object of class Principal.Coordinates |
plot.Procrustes | Plots an object of class "Procrustes" |
plot.StatisBiplot | Plots a Statis Biplot Object |
plot.TetraDualStatis | Plots an object of class "tetraDualStatis". |
plot.Unfolding | Plots an Unfolding Representation |
PLSR | Partial Least Squares Regression |
PLSR1Bin | Partial Least Squares Regression with Binary Response |
PLSRBin | Partial Least Squares Regression with several Binary... |
PLSRBinFit | PLS binary regression. |
PLSRfit | Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) |
PoliticalFigures | Political Figures in the USA |
PolyOrdinalLogBiplot | Factor Analysis Biplot based on polychoric correlations |
PrettyTicks | Calculates loose axis ticks and labels using nice numbers |
PrincipalCoordinates | Principal Coordinates Analysis |
print.MGC | Prints the results of Model-Based Gaussian Clustering... |
print.RidgeBinaryLogistic | prints an object of class RidgeBinaryLogistic |
Protein | Protein consumption data. |
RAPD | Sugar Cane Data |
RemoveRowsWithNaNs | Remove rows that contains NaNs (missing data) |
riano | Ecological data from Riano (Spain) |
RidgeBinaryLogistic | Ridge Binary Logistic Regression for Binary data |
RidgeBinaryLogisticFit | Fits a binary logistic regression with ridge penalization |
RidgeMultinomialLogisticFit | Multinomial logistic regression with ridge penalization |
RidgeMultinomialLogisticRegression | Ridge Multinomial Logistic Regression |
RidgeOrdinalLogistic | Ordinal logistic regression with ridge penalization |
scores.CCA.sol | Extract the scores of a CCA solution object |
SeparateVarTypes | Separation of different types of variables into a list |
SimpleProcrustes | Simple Procrustes Analysis |
smoking | Smoking habits |
Sparse.NIPALSPCA | Sparse version of the NIPALS algorithm for PCA. |
spiders | Hunting Spiders Data |
SpidersEnv | Hunting spiders environmental data. |
SpidersSp | Hunting Spiders Data |
SSI | Sustainability Society Index |
SSI3w | Sustainability Society Index (3w) |
SSIEcon3w | Sustainability Society Index |
SSIEnvir3w | Sustainability Society Index |
SSIHuman3w | Sustainability Society Index |
StatisBiplot | STATIS-ACT for multiple tables with common rows and its... |
summary.Canonical.Biplot | Summary of the solution of a Canonical Biplot Analysis |
summary.CCA.sol | Summary of the solution of a CCA |
summary.ContinuousBiplot | Summary of the solution of a Biplot for Continuous Data |
summary.CVA | Summary of a Canonical Variate Analysis |
summary.MGC | Summary of Model-Based Gaussian Clustering results |
summary.PCA.Analysis | Summary of the results of a PCA. |
summary.PCA.Bootstrap | Summary of a PCA.Bootstrap object |
summary.PLSR | Summary of a PLSR object |
summary.PLSR1Bin | Summary of PLSR with a Binary Response |
summary.Principal.Coordinates | Summary of the results of a Principal Coordinates Analysis |
summary.RidgeBinaryLogistic | Summary of a Binary Logistic Regression with Ridge... |
summary.TetraDualStatis | Summary of the results of TetraDualStatis |
t3pcovr | Tucker 3 Principal Covariates Regression |
TetraDualStatis | Dual STATIS-ACT for binary data based on Tetrachoric... |
textsmart | Labels of a Scatter |
Three2TwoWay | Converts a multitable list to a two way matrix |
ThreeWay2FrontalSlices | Three to two way data |
TransformIni | Initial transformation of a data matrix |
Truncated.NIPALSPCA | Truncated version of the NIPALS algorithm for PCA. |
Unfolding | Multidimensional Unfolding |
VarBiplot | Draws a variable on a biplot |
wa | Extracts the weighted averages of a CCA solution |
wcor | Weighted correlations |
WeightedPCoA | Weighted Principal Coordinates Analysis |
weighted.quantile | Weighted quantiles |
wine | Wine data |
zeros | Matrix of zeros as in Matlab |
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