
Defines functions NullModelTest NullModel

Documented in NullModel NullModelTest

#' @title Calculate the Normalized Counts and Related Training Parameters.
#' @description Fit a training set to the NBLDA model and estimate normalized counts. The related model parameters, which are used while normalizing training sets, are also returned to normalize test sets using training set parameters.
#' @param x an n-by-p data frame or matrix of count data. Samples should be in the rows.
#' @param type the normalization method. See \code{\link{control}} for details.
#' @return a list with the normalized counts and the training set parameters that are used for normalizing the raw counts.
#' @author Dincer Goksuluk
#' @note These functions are copied from the \code{PoiClaClu} package and modified here to make "tmm" and "none" methods available.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2128)
#' counts <- generateCountData(n = 20, p = 10, K = 2, param = 1, sdsignal = 0.5, DE = 0.8,
#'                             allZero.rm = FALSE, tag.samples = TRUE)
#' x <- counts$x
#' xte <- counts$xte
#' x.out <- NullModel(x, "mle")
#' x.out$n ## Normalized counts using "mle" method
#' xte.out <- NullModelTest(x.out, xte)
#' xte.out$n  # Normalized counts for test set using train set parameters.
#' @name NullModel
#' @rdname NullModel
#' @export
NullModel <- function(x, type = c("mle", "deseq", "quantile", "none", "tmm")){
  # x MUST be a n times p matrix - i.e. observations on the rows and features on the columns
  type <- match.arg(type)
  rowsum <- rowSums(x)
  colsum <- colSums(x)

  if (type == "mle"){
    sizes <- rowSums(x)/sum(x)  # size factors for each sample
    mle <- outer(sizes, colsum, "*")
    return(list(n = mle, sizes = sizes, lib.size = rowsum, gene.length = colsum, type = type))

  } else if (type == "quantile"){ ### BU KISIM DÜZENLENECEK.
    # This is quantile normalization idea of Bullard et al 2010 -- quantile-normalize using 75th quantile of observed counts for each sample, excluding zero-counts
    sample.qts <- apply(x, 1, quantile, .75)
    sample.qts.pmax <- pmax(sample.qts, 1) # Don't wait to standardize by 0... min allowed is 1
    sizes <- sample.qts.pmax/sum(sample.qts.pmax)   # size factors for each sample
    fit <- outer(sizes, colsum, "*")
    return(list(n = fit, sizes = sizes, lib.size = rowsum, gene.length = colsum, sample.qts.tr = sample.qts,
                rawsizetr = sample.qts.pmax, type = type))

  } else if (type == "deseq"){ #Trying to implement idea from Anders and Huber Genome Biology 2010 paper.
    counts <- t(x)
    geomeans <- exp(rowMeans(log(counts)))   # Geometric means for each features.
    sizes <- apply(counts, 2, function(cnts) median((cnts/geomeans)[geomeans > 0]))
    rawsizestr <- sizes  ## This part will be used to normalize test samples using train sample information.
    sizes <- sizes/sum(sizes)  # size factors for each sample
    fit <- outer(sizes, colsum, "*")   # s.i * g.j
    return(list(n = fit, sizes = sizes, geomeans = geomeans, rawsizestr = rawsizestr,
                lib.size = rowsum, gene.length = colsum, type = type))

  } else if (type == "tmm"){
    counts <- t(x)
    null.out <- calcTMMnormFactors(object = counts)

    lib.size <- colSums(counts)  ## Library sizes
    gene.length <- rowSums(counts)   # Gene lengths

    nf <- null.out$norm.factors   ## Normalization factors
    sizes <- nf / sum(nf)
    fit <- outer(sizes, gene.length, "*")

    return(list(n = fit, refSample = null.out$refSample, geomean = null.out$geomean,
                sizes = sizes, normalization.factors = nf, lib.size = lib.size, type = type))

  } else if (type == "none"){
    fit <- x
    lsize <- rowSums(x)

    return(list(n = fit, lib.size = lsize, type = type))

#' @param null.out an object returned from \code{\link{NullModel}}.
#' @param xte an n-by-p count matrix or data frame of test set. These counts are normalized using the training set parameters.
#' @rdname NullModel
#' @importFrom stats median quantile
#' @export
NullModelTest <- function(null.out, xte = NULL){
  # xte MUST be a n times p matrix - i.e. observations on the rows and features on the columns

  type <- null.out$type

  if (is.null(xte)){
    stop("'xte' cannot be NULL. Which data set should be normalized?")

  if (type == "mle"){
    sizeste <- rowSums(xte)/sum(null.out$lib.size)
    nste <- outer(sizeste, null.out$gene.length, "*")
    rawsize.xte <- NULL

  } else if (type == "quantile"){   ### BU KISIM DÜZENLENECEK.
    sizeste <- pmax(1, apply(xte, 1, quantile, .75)) # don't want to scale by anything less than 1...
    rawsize.xte <- sizeste
    sizeste <- sizeste/sum(null.out$sample.qts.tr)
    nste <- outer(sizeste, null.out$gene.length, "*")

  } else if (type == "deseq"){
    countste <- t(xte)
    geomeans <- null.out$geomeans
    geom.xte  = countste / geomeans
    rawsize.xte = apply(geom.xte, 2, function(x) median(x[geomeans > 0], na.rm = TRUE))

    sizeste <- rawsize.xte / sum(null.out$rawsizestr)  #### PoiClaClu paketi rawsize toplamları olarak train setin değerini kullanıyor. Bu değerlerin toplamı
    #### 1'e eşit çıkmıyor. Eşitliğin 1 olabilmesi için test setinin rawsize değerlerine bölmek gerekiyor.
    #### Burada bir problem olabilir mi???
    # sizete <- rawsize.xte / sum(rawsize.xte)

    nste <- outer(sizeste, null.out$gene.length, "*")

  } else if (type == "tmm"){
    referenceSample <- null.out$refSample

    ## Check if the feature names of reference sample are in the same order with rawCounts.
    if (identical(colnames(xte), names(referenceSample))){
      xte <- rbind(xte, referenceSample)
    } else {
      stop(warning("Reference sample either does not have same features or the features are not in the same order as test set. Calculation stops.."))

    tmp.out <- calcTMMnormFactors(t(xte), refColumn = nrow(xte), geomean = null.out$geomean, test.sample = TRUE)
    nf <- tmp.out$norm.factors   ## Normalization factors
    # lsize <- countsDGE.nf$samples$lib.size  ## Library sizes

    xte <- xte[-nrow(xte), ]   ## Remove reference sample from test data.

    # sizeste <- nf / sum(nf)
    sizeste <- nf / sum(null.out$normalization.factors)   ## sum of normalization factors from training set. "deseq" ile benzer mantıkla.
    rawsize.xte <- nf

    nste <- outer(sizeste, colSums(xte), "*")
    lib.size <- rowSums(xte)  ## Library sizes
    gene.length <- colSums(xte)

  } else if (type == "none"){


  return(list(nste = nste, sizeste = sizeste, type = type, rawsizete = rawsize.xte))

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NBLDA documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:51 p.m.