
nca <-
function (data, x, y, ceilings=c("ols", "ce_fdh", "cr_fdh")) {
  model <- nca_analysis(data, x, y, ceilings=ceilings)
  attr(model, "show.plots") <- TRUE

  model["bottlenecks"] <- NULL
  model["tests"] <- NULL
  model["test.time"] <- NULL

  return( model )

nca_analysis <-
function (data, x, y, ceilings=c("ols", "ce_fdh", "cr_fdh"),
          corner=NULL, flip.x=FALSE, flip.y=FALSE, scope=NULL,
          bottleneck.x='percentage.range', bottleneck.y='percentage.range',
          steps=10, step.size=NULL, cutoff=0, qr.tau=0.95, effect_aggregation=1,
          test.rep=0, test.p_confidence=0.95, test.p_threshold=0.05) {

  # Cleans up any cluster registration

  # Validate and clean data
  cleaned <- p_validate_clean(data, x, y)
  data.x <- cleaned$x
  data.y <- cleaned$y

  # Validate ceiling types
  ceilings <- p_validate_ceilings(ceilings)

  # Overrule flip.x and flip.y if corners is defined
  if (!is.null(corner)) {
    corner <- p_validate_corner(x, corner)
    if (flip.x || flip.y) {
      warning("Ignoring 'flip.x' and 'flip.y': 'corner' is defined", call.=FALSE)
    flip.y <- all(corner %in% c(3, 4))
    flip.x <- corner %in% c(2, 4)
  # Always validate flip.x and flip.y
  flip.x <- p_validate_flipx(x, flip.x)
  flip.y <- isTRUE(flip.y)

  # Validate scope
  scope <- p_scope(x, scope)

  # Validate effect size aggregation
  effect_aggregation <- intersect(c(2, 3, 4), effect_aggregation)
  if (length(effect_aggregation) > 0) {
    total <- paste(c(1, effect_aggregation), collapse = ', ')
    warning(paste("Using corners", total, "for effect_aggregation"), call.=FALSE)

  # Data object for bottlenecks
  bn.data <- p_bottleneck_data(data.x, data.y, scope, flip.y, ceilings,
                               bottleneck.x, bottleneck.y, steps, step.size, cutoff)

  # Data for tests
  # test.rep can never be larger than n!, only test for small n's
  # fact(15) is 1e12, if user chooses that for test.rep he's got other problems
  if (nrow(data.y) < 16 && test.rep > factorial(nrow(data.x))) {
    test.rep <- factorial(nrow(data.y))
    fmt <- "\nLowered test.rep to %s as it can not be larger than N!\n\n"
    cat(sprintf(fmt, test.rep))
  test.params <- list(rep=test.rep,

  # Create cluster for parallisation if needed
  condition <- length(ceilings) * length(data.x) * test.rep > 6000
  p_start_cluster(detectCores() > 1 && condition)

  # Create output lists
  plots <- list()
  summaries <- list()
  tests <- list()
  peers <- list()
  test.time <- 0

  # Loop the independent varaibles
  for (id.x in 1:length(data.x)) {
    loop.data <- p_create_loop_data(data.x, data.y, scope, flip.x, flip.y, id.x, qr.tau)
    p_warn_percentage_max(loop.data, bn.data)
    x.name <- loop.data$names[id.x]

    # We need this for the 'FIT' number, regardless of user preference
    analisys_ce_fdh <- p_nca_wrapper("ce_fdh", loop.data, bn.data, effect_aggregation)
    loop.data$ce_fdh_ceiling <- analisys_ce_fdh$ceiling
    loop.data$ce_fdh_peers <- analisys_ce_fdh$peers
    analisys_ce_fdh$peers <- NULL

    # We need to make sure ce_cm_conf (if present) comes before cr_cm_conf
    if ("ce_cm_conf" %in% ceilings) {
      analisys_ce_cm_conf <- p_nca_wrapper("ce_cm_conf", loop.data, bn.data, effect_aggregation)
      loop.data$ce_cm_conf_columns <- attr(analisys_ce_cm_conf$line, "columns")

    analyses <- list()
    for (ceiling in ceilings) {
      if (ceiling == "ce_fdh") {
        analysis <- analisys_ce_fdh
      } else if (ceiling == "ce_cm_conf") {
        analysis <- analisys_ce_cm_conf
      } else {
        analysis <- p_nca_wrapper(ceiling, loop.data, bn.data, effect_aggregation)
      if (!is.null(analysis$bottleneck) && !(ceiling %in% p_no_bottleneck)) {
        bn.data$bottlenecks[[ceiling]][x.name] <- analysis$bottleneck
      analysis$bottleneck <- NULL
      analyses[[ceiling]] <- analysis

    test_tuple <- p_test(analyses, loop.data, test.params, effect_aggregation)
    if (!is.null(test_tuple)) {
      tests[[x.name]] <- test_tuple$test
      test.time <- test.time + test_tuple$test.time

    # Add P-value/accuracy for displaying in summary
    for (ceiling in ceilings) {
      if (ceiling %in% names(tests[[x.name]])) {
        analyses[[ceiling]]$p <- tests[[x.name]][[ceiling]]$p
        analyses[[ceiling]]$p_accuracy <- tests[[x.name]][[ceiling]]$test.params$p_accuracy
      else {
        analyses[[ceiling]]$p <- NA
        analyses[[ceiling]]$p_accuracy <- NA
    plots[[x.name]] <- p_plot(analyses, loop.data, corner)
    summaries[[x.name]] <- p_summary(analyses, loop.data)
    peers[[x.name]] <- p_peers(loop.data)

  # Shut down cluster for parallisation

  # Add the bottlenecks with mpy attribute
  bottlenecks <- bn.data$bottlenecks
  attr(bottlenecks, "mpy") <- bn.data$mpy
  attr(bottlenecks, "flip.y") <- flip.y

  model <- list(plots=plots,
                peers=p_method_peers(peers, plots, ceilings),
  class(model) <- "nca_result"
  attr(model, "show.plots") <- FALSE

  return ( model )

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NCA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:47 a.m.