p_plot <-
function (analyses,, corner) {
plot <- list()
plot$x <-$x
plot$y <-$y
plot$scope.theo <-$scope.theo
plot$names <-$names
plot$flip.x <- ifelse(is.null(corner),$flip.x, FALSE)
plot$flip.y <- ifelse(is.null(corner),$flip.y, FALSE)
plot$conf <-$conf
plot$title <- p_generate_title(colnames(plot$x), colnames(plot$y))
plot$methods <- names(analyses)
plot$lines <- list()
for (method in plot$methods) {
analysis <- analyses[[method]]
if (is.null(analysis$line)) {
plot$lines[[method]] <- analysis$line
return ( plot )
p_display_plot <-
function (plot, pdf=FALSE, path=NULL) {
# Get the params for plotting
params <- get_plot_params()
line_colors <- params[[1]]
line_types <- params[[2]]
line_width <- params[[3]]
point_type <- params[[4]]
point_color <- params[[5]]
# Open new window or PDF
if (pdf) {
p_new_pdf("plot", plot$title, path)
} else {
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
# Plot the data points
xlim <- c(plot$scope.theo[1 + plot$flip.x], plot$scope.theo[2 - plot$flip.x])
ylim <- c(plot$scope.theo[3 + plot$flip.y], plot$scope.theo[4 - plot$flip.y])
# Confidence lines might be outside the scope
ylim <- p_con_lim(ylim, plot, plot$flip.y)
plot (plot$x, plot$y, pch=point_type, col=point_color,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
xlab=colnames(plot$x), ylab=tail(plot$names, n=1))
# Plot the scope outline
# Plot a simple grid, only for development
# p_plot_grid(plot, 10)
# Plot the legend before adding the clipping area
legendParams <- list()
for (method in plot$methods) {
line_color <- line_colors[[method]]
line_type <- line_types[[method]]
if (method %in% c("ce_cm_conf", "cr_cm_conf")) { <- paste(p_pretty_name(method), plot$conf)
legendParams$names <- append(legendParams$names,
} else {
legendParams$names <- append(legendParams$names, p_pretty_name(method))
legendParams$types <- append(legendParams$types, line_type)
legendParams$colors <- append(legendParams$colors, line_color)
if (length(legendParams) > 0) {
legend("topleft", cex=0.7, legendParams$names,
lty=legendParams$types, col=legendParams$colors, bg=NA)
# Apply clipping to the lines
clip(xlim[1], xlim[2], ylim[1], ylim[2])
# Print the lines
for (method in plot$methods) {
line <- plot$lines[[method]]
line_color <- line_colors[[method]]
line_type <- line_types[[method]]
if (method %in% p_ceilings_step) {
lines(line[[1]], line[[2]], type="l",
lty=line_type, col=line_color, lwd=line_width)
} else {
if (is_infinite(line)) {
abline(line, lty=line_type, col=line_color, lwd=line_width)
# Only for development
# p_plot_boundaries(line, method)
# Plot the title
title <- paste0("NCA Plot : ", plot$title)
title(title, cex.main=1)
if (pdf) {
p_con_lim <-
function (ylim, plot, flip.y) {
if ("ce_cm_conf" %in% plot$methods) {
columns <- attr(plot$lines[["ce_cm_conf"]], "columns")
} else if (("cr_cm_conf" %in% plot$methods)) {
columns <- attr(plot$lines[["cr_cm_conf"]], "columns")
} else {
return ( ylim )
if (!flip.y) {
ylim <- c(min(ylim[1], min(columns[5,])), max(ylim[2], max(columns[5,])))
} else {
ylim <- c(max(ylim[1], max(columns[5,])), min(ylim[2], min(columns[5,])))
return ( ylim )
p_plot_outline <-
function (plot) {
abline(v=plot$scope.theo[1], lty=2, col="grey")
abline(v=plot$scope.theo[2], lty=2, col="grey")
abline(h=plot$scope.theo[3], lty=2, col="grey")
abline(h=plot$scope.theo[4], lty=2, col="grey")
p_plot_grid_fixed <-
function (plot, size) {
start <- size * ceiling(plot$scope.theo[1] / size)
while (start < plot$scope.theo[2]) {
abline(v=start, lty=1, col="grey")
start <- start + size
start <- size * ceiling(plot$scope.theo[3] / size)
while (start < plot$scope.theo[4]) {
abline(h=start, lty=1, col="grey")
start <- start + size
p_plot_grid <-
function (plot, size) {
step <- (plot$scope.theo[2] - plot$scope.theo[1]) / size
start <- plot$scope.theo[1]
while (start < plot$scope.theo[2]) {
abline(v=start, lty=1, col="grey")
start <- start + step
step <- (plot$scope.theo[4] - plot$scope.theo[3]) / size
start <- plot$scope.theo[3]
while (start < plot$scope.theo[4]) {
abline(h=start, lty=1, col="grey")
start <- start + step
p_plot_boundaries <-
function (line, method) {
columns <- attr(line, "columns")
if (is.null(columns)) {
# Plot the column boundaries
for (col in 1:ncol(columns)) {
abline(v=columns[2, col], lty=2, col="grey")
abline(v=columns[3, col], lty=2, col="grey")
# Plot the points used for the cr_cm_conf
if (method == "cr_cm_conf") {
points(t(columns[4:5,]), col="red")
get_plot_params <-
function () {
# Get the line colors and types from the global env, allowing user changes
line_colors <- mget("line.colors", envir = .GlobalEnv, ifnotfound = "notfound")[[1]]
line_types <- mget("line.types", envir = .GlobalEnv, ifnotfound = "notfound")[[1]]
# Append default for missing values
line_colors <- append(line_colors, line.colors)
line_types <- append(line_types, line.types)
# The same for line width and point-type/-color
line_width <- mget("line.width", envir = .GlobalEnv, ifnotfound = "notfound")[[1]]
if (!is.numeric(line_width)) {
line_width <- line.width
point_type <- mget("point.type", envir = .GlobalEnv, ifnotfound = "notfound")[[1]]
if (!is.numeric(point_type)) {
point_type <- point.type
point_color <- mget("point.color", envir = .GlobalEnv, ifnotfound = "notfound")[[1]]
point_color <- tryCatch({
col2rgb(point_color); point_color
}, error = function (e) return(point.color))
return(list(line_colors, line_types, line_width, point_type, point_color))
is_infinite <-
function (line) {
# LH line
if (typeof(line) == "double" && !all(is.finite(line))) {
# 'LM' style line
if (typeof(line) == "list" && !all(is.finite(line$coefficients))) {
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