
Defines functions fit_water_regression fit_carbon_regression estimate_calibration_error loocv

Documented in estimate_calibration_error fit_carbon_regression fit_water_regression loocv

#' loocv
#' @author Rich Fiorella \email{rfiorella@@lanl.gov}
#' helper function for the leave-one-out cross variance
#' @param mod Fitted model to estimate leave-one-out CV on.
loocv <- function(mod) {
  h <- stats::lm.influence(mod)$hat
  # might need to add na.rm
  return(base::mean((stats::residuals(mod) / (1 - h)) ^ 2))

#' estimate_calibration_error
#' @author Rich Fiorella \email{rfiorella@@lanl.gov}
#' @param data Data frame to perform cross-validation on.
#' @param formula Formula to pass to caret::train to perform cross validation.
estimate_calibration_error <- function(formula, data) {

  # force data to be a dataframe, as caret chokes on tibbles evidently.
  data2 <- as.data.frame(data)

  ctrl <- caret::trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5)

  model <- suppressWarnings(caret::train(form = formula, data = data2,
                        method = "lm",
                        trControl = ctrl,
                        na.action = stats::na.omit))

  output <- model$results[c("RMSE", "Rsquared", "MAE")]



#' fit_carbon_regression
#' @author Rich Fiorella \email{rfiorella@@lanl.gov}
#' @param method Are we using the Bowling et al. 2003 method
#'              ("Bowling_2003") or direct linear regression of
#'              d13C and CO2 mole fractions ("linreg")?
#' @param calibration_half_width Determines the period (in days)
#'        from which reference data are selected (period
#'        is 2*calibration_half_width).
#' @param ref_data Reference data.frame from which to estimate
#'        calibration parameters.
#' @param plot_regression_data True or false - should we plot the data used in
#'        the regression? Useful for debugging.
#' @param plot_dir If plot_regression_data is true, where should the
#'        plots be saved?
#' @param site Needed for regression plots.
#' @param min_nobs Minimum number of high-frequency observations
#'                 to define a peak.
#' @return Returns a data.frame of calibration parameters. If
#'        `method == "Bowling_2003"`, then data.frame includes
#'        gain and offset parameters for 12CO2 and 13CO2, and r^2
#'        values for each regression. If `method == "linreg"`,
#'        then data.frame includes slope, intercept, and r^2 values
#'        for d13C and CO2 values.
#' @importFrom stats coef lm
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%

fit_carbon_regression <- function(ref_data, method, calibration_half_width,
                                  plot_regression_data = FALSE,
                                  plot_dir = "/dev/null",
                                  min_nobs = NA) {

  # First, identify year/month combination and then select data.
  yrmn <- paste(lubridate::year(ref_data$timeBgn)[1],
                sep = "-")

  # validate yrmn - is it actually a date? if no refdata, then no.
  # Select which validation data to carry through to calibration
  ref_data <- select_daily_reference_data(ref_data, analyte = "co2", min_nobs = min_nobs)

  if (method == "Bowling_2003") {

    # calculate mole fraction (12CO2 / 13CO2) for ref gases and observed values
    ref_data$conc12CCO2_ref <- calculate_12CO2(ref_data$rtioMoleDryCo2Refe.mean,
    ref_data$conc13CCO2_ref <- calculate_13CO2(ref_data$rtioMoleDryCo2Refe.mean,
    ref_data$conc12CCO2_obs <- calculate_12CO2(ref_data$rtioMoleDryCo2.mean,
    ref_data$conc13CCO2_obs <- calculate_13CO2(ref_data$rtioMoleDryCo2.mean,

    if (nrow(ref_data) == 0) {

      # output dataframe giving valid time range, slopes, intercepts, rsquared.
      out <- data.frame(timeBgn = as.POSIXct(yrmn,
                                           format = "%Y-%m",
                                           tz = "UTC",
                                           origin = "1970-01-01"),
                        timeEnd = as.POSIXct(yrmn,
                                         format = "%Y-%m",
                                         tz = "UTC",
                                         origin = "1970-01-01"),
                        gain12C = as.numeric(NA),
                        gain13C = as.numeric(NA),
                        offset12C = as.numeric(NA),
                        offset13C = as.numeric(NA),
                        r2_12C = as.numeric(NA),
                        r2_13C = as.numeric(NA),
                        cvloo_12C = as.numeric(NA),
                        cvloo_13C = as.numeric(NA),
                        cv5mae_12C = as.numeric(NA),
                        cv5mae_13C = as.numeric(NA),
                        cv5rmse_12C = as.numeric(NA),
                        cv5rmse_13C = as.numeric(NA))
    } else {

      out <- data.frame(gain12C   = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        gain13C   = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        offset12C = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        offset13C = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        r2_12C    = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        r2_13C    = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        cvloo_12C = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        cvloo_13C = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        cv5mae_12C = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        cv5mae_13C = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        cv5rmse_12C = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        cv5rmse_13C = numeric(length = 2e5))

      # get start and end days.
      start_date <- as.Date(min(ref_data$timeBgn))
      end_date   <- as.Date(max(ref_data$timeEnd))

      # generate date sequence
      date_seq <- base::seq.Date(start_date, end_date, by = "1 day")

      # initialize vectors to hold times.
      start_time <- end_time <- vector()

      # okay, now run calibrations...

      for (i in 1:length(date_seq)) {
        start_time[i] <- as.POSIXct(paste(date_seq[i],"00:00:00.0001"),
                                    tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")
        end_time[i]   <- as.POSIXct(paste(date_seq[i],"23:59:59.0000"),
                                    tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")

        # define calibration interval
        cal_period <- lubridate::interval(date_seq[i] - lubridate::ddays(calibration_half_width),
                                          date_seq[i] + lubridate::ddays(calibration_half_width))

        # select data subset using the interval
        cal_subset <- ref_data %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$timeBgn %within% cal_period)

        if (plot_regression_data) {
          print("Plotting regression data...this step will take some time...")
                                  plot_filename = paste0(plot_dir,
                                                         "/", site,
                                                         "_", date_seq[i],
                                  method = method,
                                  mtitle = paste0(site, date_seq[i]))
        # do some light validation of these points.
        cal_subset <- cal_subset %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$dlta13CCo2.vari < 5 &
                          abs(.data$rtioMoleDryCo2.mean - .data$rtioMoleDryCo2Refe.mean) < 10 &
                          abs(.data$dlta13CCo2.mean - .data$dlta13CCo2Refe.mean) < 5)

        if (length(unique(cal_subset$verticalPosition)) >= 2 & # >= 2 standards
            !all(is.na(cal_subset$dlta13CCo2.mean)) & # not all obs missing
            !all(is.na(cal_subset$dlta13CCo2Refe.mean))) { # not all ref missing

          tmpmod12C <- stats::lm(conc12CCO2_ref ~ conc12CCO2_obs,
                                 data = cal_subset)
          tmpmod13C <- stats::lm(conc13CCO2_ref ~ conc13CCO2_obs,
                                 data = cal_subset)

          # calculate gain and offset values.
          out$gain12C[i]   <- stats::coef(tmpmod12C)[[2]]
          out$gain13C[i]   <- stats::coef(tmpmod13C)[[2]]
          out$offset12C[i] <- stats::coef(tmpmod12C)[[1]]
          out$offset13C[i] <- stats::coef(tmpmod13C)[[1]]

          # extract r2
          out$r2_12C[i] <- summary(tmpmod12C)$r.squared
          out$r2_13C[i] <- summary(tmpmod13C)$r.squared

          # extract leave-one-out CV value
          out$cvloo_12C[i] <- loocv(tmpmod12C)
          out$cvloo_13C[i] <- loocv(tmpmod13C)

          # get cv5 values
          tmp <- stats::formula(conc12CCO2_ref ~ conc12CCO2_obs)
          cv12C <- estimate_calibration_error(tmp, cal_subset)
          tmp <- stats::formula(conc13CCO2_ref ~ conc13CCO2_obs)
          cv13C <- estimate_calibration_error(tmp, cal_subset)

          # assign cv values:
          out$cv5mae_12C[i] <- cv12C$MAE
          out$cv5mae_13C[i] <- cv13C$MAE
          out$cv5rmse_12C[i] <- cv12C$RMSE
          out$cv5rmse_13C[i] <- cv13C$RMSE

        } else {

          out$gain12C[i]      <- NA
          out$gain13C[i]      <- NA
          out$offset12C[i]    <- NA
          out$offset13C[i]    <- NA
          out$r2_12C[i]       <- NA
          out$r2_13C[i]       <- NA
          out$cvloo_12C[i]    <- NA
          out$cvloo_13C[i]    <- NA
          out$cv5mae_12C[i]   <- NA
          out$cv5mae_13C[i]   <- NA
          out$cv5rmse_12C[i]  <- NA
          out$cv5rmse_13C[i]  <- NA

      #subset out data frame.
      out <- out[1:length(start_time), ]

      # output dataframe giving valid time range, slopes, intercepts, rsquared.
      out$timeBgn <- as.POSIXct(start_time, tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")
      out$timeEnd <- as.POSIXct(end_time, tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")

      # re-order columns to ensure that they are consistent across methods
      out <- out[, c("timeBgn", "timeEnd",
                     "gain12C", "offset12C", "r2_12C",
                     "cvloo_12C", "cv5mae_12C", "cv5rmse_12C",
                     "gain13C", "offset13C", "r2_13C",
                     "cvloo_13C", "cv5mae_13C", "cv5rmse_13C")]

  } else if (method == "linreg") {

    if (nrow(ref_data) == 0) {
      # output dataframe giving valid time range, slopes, intercepts, rsquared.
      out <- data.frame(timeBgn = as.POSIXct(yrmn,
                                           format = "%Y-%m",
                                           tz = "UTC",
                                           origin = "1970-01-01"),
                        timeEnd = as.POSIXct(yrmn,
                                         format = "%Y-%m",
                                         tz = "UTC",
                                         origin = "1970-01-01"),
                        d13C_slope     = as.numeric(NA),
                        d13C_intercept = as.numeric(NA),
                        d13C_r2        = as.numeric(NA),
                        d13C_cvloo     = as.numeric(NA),
                        d13C_cv5mae    = as.numeric(NA),
                        d13C_cv5rmse   = as.numeric(NA),
                        co2_slope      = as.numeric(NA),
                        co2_intercept  = as.numeric(NA),
                        co2_r2         = as.numeric(NA),
                        co2_cvloo      = as.numeric(NA),
                        co2_cv5mae     = as.numeric(NA),
                        co2_cv5rmse    = as.numeric(NA))
    } else {

      # output dataframe giving valid time range, slopes, intercepts, rsquared.
      out <- data.frame(d13C_slope     = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        d13C_intercept = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        d13C_r2        = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        d13C_cvloo     = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        d13C_cv5mae    = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        d13C_cv5rmse   = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        co2_slope      = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        co2_intercept  = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        co2_r2         = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        co2_cvloo      = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        co2_cv5mae     = numeric(length = 2e5),
                        co2_cv5rmse    = numeric(length = 2e5))

      # get start and end days.
      start_date <- as.Date(min(ref_data$timeBgn))
      end_date   <- as.Date(max(ref_data$timeEnd))

      # generate date sequence
      date_seq <- base::seq.Date(start_date, end_date, by = "1 day")

      # initialize vectors to hold times.
      start_time <- end_time <- vector()

      # okay, now run calibrations...
      for (i in 1:length(date_seq)) {

        start_time[i] <- as.POSIXct(paste(date_seq[i],"00:00:00.0001"),
                                    tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")
        end_time[i]   <- as.POSIXct(paste(date_seq[i],"23:59:59.0000"),
                                    tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")

        # define calibration interval
        cal_period <- lubridate::interval(date_seq[i] - lubridate::ddays(calibration_half_width),
                                          date_seq[i] + lubridate::ddays(calibration_half_width))

        # select data subset using the interval
        cal_subset <- ref_data %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$timeBgn %within% cal_period)

        # do some light validation of these points.
        cal_subset <- cal_subset %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$dlta13CCo2.vari < 5 &
                          abs(.data$rtioMoleDryCo2.mean - .data$rtioMoleDryCo2Refe.mean) < 10 &
                          abs(.data$dlta13CCo2.mean - .data$dlta13CCo2Refe.mean) < 5)

        if (length(unique(cal_subset$verticalPosition)) >= 2 & # >= 2 standards
            !all(is.na(cal_subset$dlta13CCo2.mean)) & # not all obs missing
            !all(is.na(cal_subset$dlta13CCo2Refe.mean))) { # not all ref missing

          # model to calibrate delta 13C values.
          tmpmod_d13 <- stats::lm(dlta13CCo2Refe.mean ~ dlta13CCo2.mean,
                                  data = cal_subset)
          tmpmod_co2 <- stats::lm(rtioMoleDryCo2Refe.mean ~ rtioMoleDryCo2.mean,
                                  data = cal_subset)

          out$d13C_slope[i]     <- coef(tmpmod_d13)[[2]]
          out$d13C_intercept[i] <- coef(tmpmod_d13)[[1]]
          out$d13C_r2[i]        <- summary(tmpmod_d13)$r.squared

          out$co2_slope[i]      <- coef(tmpmod_co2)[[2]]
          out$co2_intercept[i]  <- coef(tmpmod_co2)[[1]]
          out$co2_r2[i]         <- summary(tmpmod_co2)$r.squared

          # extract uncertainties:
          # extract leave-one-out CV value
          out$d13C_cvloo[i] <- loocv(tmpmod_d13)
          out$co2_cvloo[i]  <- loocv(tmpmod_co2)

          # get cv5 values
          tmp <- stats::formula(dlta13CCo2Refe.mean ~ dlta13CCo2.mean)
          cv_d13C <- estimate_calibration_error(tmp, cal_subset)
          tmp <- stats::formula(rtioMoleDryCo2Refe.mean ~ rtioMoleDryCo2.mean)
          cv_co2 <- estimate_calibration_error(tmp, cal_subset)

          # assign cv values:
          out$d13C_cv5mae[i]  <- cv_d13C$MAE
          out$co2_cv5mae[i]   <- cv_co2$MAE
          out$d13C_cv5rmse[i] <- cv_d13C$RMSE
          out$co2_cv5rmse[i]  <- cv_co2$RMSE

        } else {

          out$d13C_slope[i]     <- NA
          out$d13C_intercept[i] <- NA
          out$d13C_r2[i]        <- NA

          out$co2_slope[i]      <- NA
          out$co2_intercept[i]  <- NA
          out$co2_r2[i]         <- NA

          # set uncertainty values to NA as well.
          out$d13C_cvloo[i]   <- NA
          out$d13C_cv5mae[i]  <- NA
          out$d13C_cv5rmse[i] <- NA
          out$co2_cvloo[i]    <- NA
          out$co2_cv5mae[i]   <- NA
          out$co2_cv5rmse[i]  <- NA


      #subset out data frame.
      out <- out[1:length(start_time), ]

      # output dataframe giving valid time range, slopes, intercepts, rsquared.
      out$timeBgn <- as.POSIXct(start_time, tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")
      out$timeEnd <- as.POSIXct(end_time, tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")

      # re-order columns to ensure that they are consistent across methods
      out <- out[, c("timeBgn", "timeEnd",
                     "d13C_slope", "d13C_intercept", "d13C_r2",
                     "d13C_cvloo", "d13C_cv5mae", "d13C_cv5rmse",
                     "co2_slope", "co2_intercept", "co2_r2",
                     "co2_cvloo", "co2_cv5mae", "co2_cv5rmse")]


  # ensure that not all dates are missing...narrowly defined here to
  # be if out only has 1 row (should be the only case where this happens!)
  if (nrow(out) == 1) {
    if (is.na(out$timeBgn)) {
      out$timeBgn <- as.POSIXct("2010-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
      out$timeEnd <- as.POSIXct("2010-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d")

  # check to see if any out$timeBgn or end are NA
  if (sum(is.na(out$timeBgn)) > 0 | sum(is.na(out$timeEnd)) > 0) {
    stop("NA in calibration data frame time - how did I get here?")



#' fit_water_regression
#' @param stds Reference data.frame from which to estimate
#'        calibration parameters.
#' @param calibration_half_width Determines the period (in days)
#'        from which reference data are selected (period
#'        is 2*calibration_half_width).
#' @param slope_tolerance Allows for filtering of slopes that deviate
#'        from 1 by slope_tolerance.
#' @param r2_thres What is the minimum r2 value permitted in a 'useful'
#'        calibration relationship.
#' @return Returns a data.frame of calibration parameters.
#'        Output data.frame includes slope, intercept, and r^2 values
#'        for d13C and CO2 values.
#' @importFrom stats coef lm
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
fit_water_regression <- function(stds,
                                 r2_thres) {
  # do some light validation of these points.
  stds <- stds %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$d18O_meas_var < 5 &
                    abs(.data$d18O_meas_mean - .data$d18O_ref_mean) < 3 &
                    .data$d2H_meas_var < 10 &
                    abs(.data$d18O_meas_mean - .data$d18O_ref_mean) < 24)

  if (nrow(stds) > 0) {
    # replace NaNs with NA
    # is.na() also returns NaN as NA, so this does actually do what first
    # comment indicates.
    stds[is.na(stds)] <- NA


    # reorder data frame
    stds <- stds[order(stds$btime), ]

    # loop through days represented in the dataframe,
    # select rows corresponding to window of interest,
    # and run regression.

    # get start and end days.
    start_date <- as.Date(min(stds$btime))
    end_date   <- as.Date(max(stds$etime))

    # set up output vectors
    oxy_cal_slopes <- vector()
    oxy_cal_ints   <- vector()
    oxy_cal_rsq    <- vector()

    hyd_cal_slopes <- vector()
    hyd_cal_ints   <- vector()
    hyd_cal_rsq    <- vector()

    start_time     <- vector()
    end_time       <- vector()

    # loop through days and get regression statistics.
    # generate sequence of dates:
    loop_start_date <- start_date
    loop_end_date   <- end_date

    # generate date sequence
    date_seq <- base::seq.Date(loop_start_date, loop_end_date, by = "1 day")

    for (i in 1:length(date_seq)) {

      start_time[i] <- as.POSIXct(paste(date_seq[i],"00:00:00.0001"),
                                  tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")
      end_time[i]   <- as.POSIXct(paste(date_seq[i],"23:59:59.0000"),
                                  tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01")

      # define calibration interval
      cal_period <- lubridate::interval(date_seq[i] - lubridate::days(calibration_half_width),
                                        date_seq[i] + lubridate::days(calibration_half_width))

      # select data subset using the interval
      std_subset <- stds %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$btime %within% cal_period)

      # check to see if sum of is.na() on oxygen data = nrow of oxygen data
      if (sum(is.na(std_subset$d18O_meas_mean)) < nrow(std_subset) &
          sum(is.na(std_subset$d18O_ref_mean)) < nrow(std_subset)) {
        tmp <- lm(d18O_ref_mean ~ d18O_meas_mean, data = std_subset)

        oxy_cal_slopes[i] <- coef(tmp)[[2]]
        oxy_cal_ints[i]   <- coef(tmp)[[1]]
        oxy_cal_rsq[i]    <- summary(tmp)$r.squared

        # enforce thresholds. replace regression parameters as NA where fail.
        if (!is.na(oxy_cal_rsq[i])) {
          if ((oxy_cal_slopes[i] > (1 + slope_tolerance)) |
              (oxy_cal_slopes[i] < (1 - slope_tolerance)) |
              (oxy_cal_rsq[i] < r2_thres)) {

            # set as NA
            oxy_cal_slopes[i] <- NA
            oxy_cal_ints[i]   <- NA
            oxy_cal_rsq[i]    <- NA
        } else {
          # set as NA
          oxy_cal_slopes[i] <- NA
          oxy_cal_ints[i]   <- NA
          oxy_cal_rsq[i]    <- NA

      } else { # all are missing
        oxy_cal_slopes[i] <- NA
        oxy_cal_ints[i]   <- NA
        oxy_cal_rsq[i]    <- NA

      # HYDROGEN

      # check to see if sum of is.na() on oxygen data = nrow of oxygen data
      if (sum(is.na(std_subset$d2H_meas_mean)) < nrow(std_subset) &
          sum(is.na(std_subset$d2H_ref_mean)) < nrow(std_subset)) {

        tmp <- lm(d2H_ref_mean ~ d2H_meas_mean, data = std_subset)

        hyd_cal_slopes[i] <- coef(tmp)[[2]]
        hyd_cal_ints[i]   <- coef(tmp)[[1]]
        hyd_cal_rsq[i]    <- summary(tmp)$r.squared

        # enforce thresholds. replace regression parameters where they fail.
        if (!is.na(hyd_cal_rsq[i])) {
          if ((hyd_cal_slopes[i] > (1 + slope_tolerance)) |
              (hyd_cal_slopes[i] < (1 - slope_tolerance)) |
              (hyd_cal_rsq[i] < r2_thres)) {

            # set as NA
            hyd_cal_slopes[i] <- NA
            hyd_cal_ints[i]   <- NA
            hyd_cal_rsq[i]    <- NA
        } else {
          # set as NA
          hyd_cal_slopes[i] <- NA
          hyd_cal_ints[i]   <- NA
          hyd_cal_rsq[i]    <- NA

      } else { # all are missing

        hyd_cal_slopes[i] <- NA
        hyd_cal_ints[i]   <- NA
        hyd_cal_rsq[i]    <- NA

    # start time is numeric here at some point - hence, format not necessary
    # to be specified below.
    # output dataframe giving valid time range, slopes, intercepts, rsquared.
    out <- data.frame(start = lubridate::as_datetime(start_time, tz = "UTC"),
                      end = lubridate::as_datetime(end_time, tz = "UTC"),
                      o_slope = as.numeric(oxy_cal_slopes),
                      o_intercept = as.numeric(oxy_cal_ints),
                      o_r2 = as.numeric(oxy_cal_rsq),
                      h_slope = as.numeric(hyd_cal_slopes),
                      h_intercept = as.numeric(hyd_cal_ints),
                      h_r2 = as.numeric(hyd_cal_rsq))

  } else { # this branch should rarely run, if at all
    out <- data.frame(start = lubridate::as_datetime(start_date, tz = "UTC"),
                      end = lubridate::as_datetime(end_date, tz = "UTC"),
                      o_slope = as.numeric(NA),
                      o_intercept = as.numeric(NA),
                      o_r2 = as.numeric(NA),
                      h_slope = as.numeric(NA),
                      h_intercept = as.numeric(NA),
                      h_r2 = as.numeric(NA))

  # check to ensure there are 6 columns.
  # add slope, intercept, r2 columns if missing.
  if (!("o_slope" %in% names(out))) {
    out$o_slope <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("o_intercept" %in% names(out))) {
    out$o_intercept <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("o_r2" %in% names(out))) {
    out$o_r2 <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("h_slope" %in% names(out))) {
    out$h_slope <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("h_intercept" %in% names(out))) {
    out$h_intercept <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))
  if (!("h_r2" %in% names(out))) {
    out$h_r2 <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(out$start)))

  # ensure there are 8 columns in out!
  if (ncol(out) != 8) {
    stop("Wrong number of columns in out.")


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