#'Slice Sampling of the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model with a prior on alpha
#'@param z data matrix \code{d x n} with \code{d} dimensions in rows and \code{n} observations in
#'  columns.
#'@param hyperG0 prior mixing distribution.
#'@param a shape hyperparameter of the Gamma prior on the concentration parameter of the Dirichlet
#' Process. Default is \code{0.0001}.
#'@param b scale hyperparameter of the Gamma prior on the concentration parameter of the Dirichlet
#' Process. Default is \code{0.0001}. If \code{0}, then the concentration is fixed set to \code{a}.
#'@param N number of MCMC iterations.
#'@param doPlot logical flag indicating whether to plot MCMC iteration or not. Default to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#'@param plotevery an integer indicating the interval between plotted iterations when \code{doPlot}
#' is \code{TRUE}.
#'@param nbclust_init number of clusters at initialization. Default to 30 (or less if there are less
#'  than 30 observations).
#'@param diagVar logical flag indicating whether the variance of each cluster is estimated as a
#'  diagonal matrix, or as a full matrix. Default is \code{TRUE} (diagonal variance).
#'@param use_variance_hyperprior logical flag indicating whether a hyperprior is added 
#'for the variance parameter. Default is \code{TRUE} which decrease the impact of the variance prior
#'on the posterior. \code{FALSE} is useful for using an informative prior.
#'@param verbose logical flag indicating whether partition info is written in the console at each
#'  MCMC iteration.
#'@param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{plot_DPM}}. Only used if \code{doPlot}
#'  is \code{TRUE}.
#'@return a object of class \code{DPMclust} with the following attributes:
#'  \itemize{
#'      \item{\code{mcmc_partitions}:}{ a list of length \code{N}. Each
#'       element \code{mcmc_partitions[n]} is a vector of length
#'       \code{n} giving the partition of the \code{n} observations.}
#'      \item{\code{alpha}:}{ a vector of length \code{N}. \code{cost[j]} is the cost
#' associated to partition \code{c[[j]]}}
#'       \item{\code{listU_mu}:}{a list of length \code{N} containing the matrices of
#'       mean vectors for all the mixture components at each MCMC iteration}
#'       \item{\code{listU_Sigma}:}{a list of length \code{N} containing the arrays of
#'       covariances matrices for all the mixture components at each MCMC iteration}
#'       \item{\code{U_SS_list}:}{a list of length \code{N} containing the lists of
#'       sufficient statistics for all the mixture components at each MCMC iteration}
#'      \item{\code{weights_list}:}{a list of length \code{N} containing the logposterior values
#'       at each MCMC iterations}
#'      \item{\code{logposterior_list}:}{a list of length \code{N} containing the logposterior values
#'       at each MCMC iterations}
#'      \item{\code{data}:}{ the data matrix \code{d x n} with \code{d} dimensions in rows
#'and \code{n} observations in columns.}
#'      \item{\code{nb_mcmcit}:}{ the number of MCMC iterations}
#'      \item{\code{clust_distrib}:}{the parametric distribution of the mixture component - \code{"gaussian"}}
#'      \item{\code{hyperG0}:}{the prior on the cluster location}
#'  }
#'@author Boris Hejblum
#' rm(list=ls())
#' #Number of data
#' n <- 500
#' #n <- 2000
#' set.seed(1234)
#' #set.seed(123)
#' #set.seed(4321)
#' # Sample data
#' m <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol=4, c(-1, 1, 1.5, 2, 2, -2, -1.5, -2))
#' p <- c(0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3) # frequence des clusters
#' sdev <- array(dim=c(2,2,4))
#' sdev[, ,1] <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol=2, c(0.3, 0, 0, 0.3))
#' sdev[, ,2] <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol=2, c(0.1, 0, 0, 0.3))
#' sdev[, ,3] <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol=2, c(0.3, 0.15, 0.15, 0.3))
#' sdev[, ,4] <- .3*diag(2)
#' c <- rep(0,n)
#' z <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=n)
#' for(k in 1:n){
#'  c[k] = which(rmultinom(n=1, size=1, prob=p)!=0)
#'  z[,k] <- m[, c[k]] + sdev[, , c[k]]%*%matrix(rnorm(2, mean = 0, sd = 1), nrow=2, ncol=1)
#'  #cat(k, "/", n, " observations simulated\n", sep="")
#' }
#'  d<-2
#'  # Set parameters of G0
#'  hyperG0 <- list()
#'  hyperG0[["mu"]] <- rep(0,d)
#'  hyperG0[["kappa"]] <- 0.001
#'  hyperG0[["nu"]] <- d+2
#'  hyperG0[["lambda"]] <- diag(d)/10
#'  # hyperprior on the Scale parameter of DPM
#'  a <- 0.0001
#'  b <- 0.0001
#'  # Number of iterations
#'  N <- 30
#'  # do some plots
#'  doPlot <- TRUE
#'  nbclust_init <- 30
#'  ## Data
#'  ########
#'  library(ggplot2)
#'  p <- (ggplot(data.frame("X"=z[1,], "Y"=z[2,]), aes(x=X, y=Y))
#'        + geom_point()
#'        + ggtitle("Toy example Data"))
#'  p
#'  ## alpha priors plots
#'  #####################
#'  prioralpha <- data.frame("alpha"=rgamma(n=5000, shape=a, scale=1/b),
#'                          "distribution" =factor(rep("prior",5000),
#'                          levels=c("prior", "posterior")))
#'  p <- (ggplot(prioralpha, aes(x=alpha))
#'        + geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),
#'                         colour="black", fill="white", bins=30)
#'        + geom_density(alpha=.6, fill="red", color=NA)
#'        + ggtitle(paste("Prior distribution on alpha: Gamma(", a,
#'                  ",", b, ")\n", sep=""))
#'        + theme_bw()
#'       )
#'  p
#'  # Gibbs sampler for Dirichlet Process Mixtures
#'  ##############################################
#'  MCMCsample <- DPMGibbsN(z, hyperG0, a, b, N=500, doPlot, nbclust_init, plotevery=100,
#'                          gg.add=list(theme_bw(),
#'                                  guides(shape=guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill="grey45")))),
#'                          diagVar=FALSE)
#'  plot_ConvDPM(MCMCsample, from=2)
#'  s <- summary(MCMCsample, burnin = 200, thin=2, posterior_approx=FALSE,
#'  lossFn = "MBinderN")
#'  F <- FmeasureC(pred=s$point_estim$c_est, ref=c)
#'  postalpha <- data.frame("alpha"=MCMCsample$alpha[50:500],
#'                          "distribution" = factor(rep("posterior",500-49),
#'                          levels=c("prior", "posterior")))
#'  p <- (ggplot(postalpha, aes(x=alpha))
#'        + geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), binwidth=.1,
#'                         colour="black", fill="white")
#'        + geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="blue")
#'        + ggtitle("Posterior distribution of alpha\n")
#'        # Ignore NA values for mean
#'        # Overlay with transparent density plot
#'        + geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(alpha, na.rm=TRUE)),
#'                     color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1)
#'      )
#'  p
#'  p <- (ggplot(drop=FALSE, alpha=.6)
#'        + geom_density(aes(x=alpha, fill=distribution),
#'                       color=NA, alpha=.6,
#'                       data=prioralpha)
#'        #+ geom_density(aes(x=alpha, fill=distribution),
#'        #               color=NA, alpha=.6,
#'        #               data=postalpha)
#'        + ggtitle("Prior and posterior distributions of alpha\n")
#'        + scale_fill_discrete(drop=FALSE)
#'        + theme_bw()
#'        +xlim(0,10)
#'        +ylim(0, 1.3)
#'      )
#'  p
#'# k-means comparison
#'  plot(x=z[1,], y=z[2,], col=kmeans(t(z), centers=4)$cluster,
#'       xlab = "d = 1", ylab= "d = 2", main="k-means with K=4 clusters")
#'  KM <- kmeans(t(z), centers=4)
#'  dataKM <- data.frame("X"=z[1,], "Y"=z[2,],
#'                     "Cluster"=as.character(KM$cluster))
#'  dataCenters <- data.frame("X"=KM$centers[,1],
#'                            "Y"=KM$centers[,2],
#'                            "Cluster"=rownames(KM$centers))
#'  p <- (ggplot(dataKM)
#'        + geom_point(aes(x=X, y=Y, col=Cluster))
#'        + geom_point(aes(x=X, y=Y, fill=Cluster, order=Cluster),
#'                     data=dataCenters, shape=22, size=5)
#'        + scale_colour_discrete(name="Cluster")
#'        + ggtitle("K-means with K=4 clusters\n"))
#'  p

DPMGibbsN <- function (z, hyperG0, a=0.0001, b=0.0001, N, doPlot=TRUE,
                       nbclust_init=30, plotevery=N/10,
                       diagVar=TRUE, use_variance_hyperprior=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
  p <- nrow(z)
  n <- ncol(z)
  U_mu <- matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=n)
  U_Sigma = array(0, dim=c(p, p, n))
  # U_SS is a list where each U_SS[[k]] contains the sufficient
  # statistics associated to cluster k
  U_SS <- list()
  #store U_SS :
  U_SS_list <- list()
  #store clustering :
  c_list <- list()
  #store sliced weights
  weights_list <- list()
  #store concentration parameter
  #alpha <- list()
  #store log posterior probability
  logposterior_list <- list()
  m <- numeric(n) # number of obs in each clusters
  c <-numeric(n)
  # initial number of clusters
  # Initialization----
  # each observation is assigned to a different cluster
  # or to 1 of the 50 initial clusters if there are more than
  # 50 observations
  i <- 1
    for (k in 1:n){
      c[k] <- k
      #cat("cluster ", k, ":\n")
      U_SS[[k]] <- update_SS(z=z[, k, drop=FALSE], S=hyperG0, hyperprior = NULL)
      NiW <- rNiW(U_SS[[k]], diagVar=diagVar)
      U_mu[, k] <- NiW[["mu"]]
      U_SS[[k]][["mu"]] <- NiW[["mu"]]
      U_Sigma[, , k] <- NiW[["S"]]
      U_SS[[k]][["S"]] <- NiW[["S"]]
      m[k] <- m[k]+1
      U_SS[[k]][["weight"]] <- 1/n
  } else{
    c <- sample(x=1:nbclust_init, size=n, replace=TRUE)
    for (k in unique(c)){
      obs_k <- which(c==k)
      #cat("cluster ", k, ":\n")
      U_SS[[k]] <- update_SS(z=z[, obs_k,drop=FALSE], S=hyperG0)
      NiW <- rNiW(U_SS[[k]], diagVar=diagVar)
      U_mu[, k] <- NiW[["mu"]]
      U_SS[[k]][["mu"]] <- NiW[["mu"]]
      U_Sigma[, , k] <- NiW[["S"]]
      U_SS[[k]][["S"]] <- NiW[["S"]]
      m[k] <- length(obs_k)
      U_SS[[k]][["weight"]] <- m[k]/n
  alpha <- c(log(n))
  U_SS_list[[i]] <- U_SS
  c_list[[i]] <- c
  weights_list[[i]] <- numeric(length(m))
  weights_list[[i]][unique(c)] <- table(c)/length(c)
  logposterior_list[[i]] <- logposterior_DPMG(z, mu=U_mu, Sigma=U_Sigma,
                                              hyper=hyperG0, c=c, m=m, alpha=alpha[i], n=n, a=a, b=b, diagVar)
    cat(i, "/", N, " samplings:\n", sep="")
    cat("  logposterior = ", sum(logposterior_list[[i]]), "\n", sep="")
    cl2print <- unique(c)
    cat(length(cl2print), "clusters:", cl2print[order(cl2print)], "\n\n")
    plot_DPM(z=z, U_mu=U_mu, U_Sigma=U_Sigma,
             c=c, i=i, alpha=alpha[[i]], U_SS=U_SS, ...)
  for(i in 2:N){
    nbClust <- length(unique(c))
    alpha <- c(alpha,sample_alpha(alpha_old=alpha[i-1], n=n,
                                  K=nbClust, a=a, b=b))
    slice <- sliceSampler_N(c=c, m=m, alpha=alpha[i],
                            z=z, hyperG0=hyperG0,
                            U_mu=U_mu, U_Sigma=U_Sigma,
    m <- slice[["m"]]
    c <- slice[["c"]]
    weights_list[[i]] <- slice[["weights"]]
    # Update cluster locations
    fullCl <- which(m!=0)
    for(j in fullCl){
      obs_j <- which(c==j)
      #cat("cluster ", j, ":\n")
        U_SS[[j]] <- update_SS(z=z[, obs_j, drop=FALSE], S=hyperG0, hyperprior = list("Sigma"=U_Sigma[,,j]))
        U_SS[[j]] <- update_SS(z=z[, obs_j, drop=FALSE], S=hyperG0)
      NiW <- rNiW(U_SS[[j]], diagVar=diagVar)
      U_mu[, j] <- NiW[["mu"]]
      U_SS[[j]][["mu"]] <- NiW[["mu"]]
      U_Sigma[, , j] <- NiW[["S"]]
      U_SS[[j]][["S"]] <- NiW[["S"]]
      U_SS[[j]][["weight"]] <- weights_list[[i]][j]
      #cat("sampled S =", NiW[["S"]], "\n\n\n")
    U_SS_list[[i]] <- U_SS[which(m!=0)]
    c_list[[i]] <- c
    logposterior_list[[i]] <- logposterior_DPMG(z, mu=U_mu, Sigma=U_Sigma,
                                                hyper=hyperG0, c=c, m=m, alpha=alpha[i], n=n, a=a, b=b, diagVar)
      cat(i, "/", N, " samplings:\n", sep="")
      cat("  logposterior = ", sum(logposterior_list[[i]]), "\n", sep="")
      cl2print <- unique(c)
      cat(length(cl2print), "clusters:", cl2print[order(cl2print)], "\n\n")
    if(doPlot && i/plotevery==floor(i/plotevery)){
      plot_DPM(z=z, U_mu=U_mu, U_Sigma=U_Sigma, c=c, i=i,
               alpha=alpha[i], U_SS=U_SS, ...)
  #     return(list("clusters" = c, "U_mu" = U_mu, "U_Sigma" = U_Sigma,
  #                 "partition" = m, "alpha"=alpha, "U_SS_list"=U_SS_list,
  #                 "c_list" = c_list, "weights_list"=weights_list,
  #                 "logposterior_list"=logposterior_list,
  #                 "nb_mcmcit"=N,
  #                 "clust_distrib"="Normal",
  #                 "hyperG0"=hyperG0))
  dpmclus <- list("mcmc_partitions" = c_list,
                  #                 "U_mu" = U_mu,
                  #                 "U_Sigma" = U_Sigma,
  class(dpmclus) <- "DPMMclust"

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