
Defines functions rNiW

Documented in rNiW

#' Sample from a Normal inverse-Wishart distribution
#' whose parameter are given by the structure hyper
#' For internal use only.
#'@keywords internal
#'@importFrom stats rgamma rnorm

rNiW <- function(hyper, diagVar){

  mu0 = hyper[["mu"]]
  kappa0 = hyper[["kappa"]]
  nu0 = hyper[["nu"]]
  lambda0 = hyper[["lambda"]]

  # Sample S from an inverse Wishart distribution
      betas <- diag(lambda0)
      S <- diag(1/stats::rgamma(n=length(mu0), shape=nu0,
      S = invwishrnd(n = nu0, lambda = lambda0)

  # Sample mu from a normal distribution
  muSupp <- matrix(stats::rnorm(length(mu0)), nrow=1,
  mu = mu0 + as.vector(muSupp)

  return(list("S"=S, "mu"=mu))

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