

# # test that increasing the correlation between outcomes increases width of null interval
# test_that("corr_tests #2", {
#   ######## Low Correlation Between Outcomes ######## 
#   N = 250
#   cor = make_corr_mat( nX = 3,
#                        nY = 100,
#                        rho.XX = 0,
#                        rho.YY = 0.05,
#                        rho.XY = 0,
#                        prop.corr = 1 )
#   d = sim_data( n = N, cor = cor )
#   all.covars = names(d)[ grep( "X", names(d) ) ]
#   C = all.covars[ !all.covars == "X1" ]
#   Y = names(d)[ grep( "Y", names(d) ) ]
#   res1 = corr_tests( d,
#                     X = "X1",
#                     C = C,
#                     Ys = Y,
#                     B = 500,
#                     alpha = 0.1,
#                     alpha.fam=0.1,
#                     method = c( "nreject", "bonferroni", "holm", "minP", "Wstep", "romano" ) )
#   ######## Check Results of First Sample ########
#   # check inference: excess hits
#   expect_equal( as.numeric(res1$samp.res$rej) - as.numeric(res1$null.int[2]),
#                 res1$excess.hits )
#   # check inference: critical value from global test
#   expect_equal( as.numeric( quantile( res1$nrej.bt, 1-0.1 ) ),
#                 as.numeric( res1$global.test$crit[ res1$global.test$method == "nreject"] ) )
#   # check p-value of global test
#   expect_equal( sum( res1$nrej.bt >= res1$samp.res$rej ) / length( res1$nrej.bt ),
#                 res1$global.test$pval[ res1$global.test$method == "nreject"] )
#   # check results from original sample
#   # do analysis manually
#   alpha = 0.1
#   rej.man = 0
#   tvals.man = c()
#   bhats.man = c()
#   pvals.man = c()
#   resid.man = matrix( NA, nrow = nrow(d), ncol = length(Y) )
#   for ( i in 1:length(Y) ) {
#     m = lm( d[[ Y[i] ]] ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = d )
#     bhats.man[i] = coef(m)[["X1"]]
#     tvals.man[i] = summary(m)$coefficients["X1","t value"]
#     pvals.man[i] = summary(m)$coefficients["X1", "Pr(>|t|)"]
#     resid.man[,i] = residuals(m)
#     # did we reject it?
#     if ( summary(m)$coefficients["X1", "Pr(>|t|)"] < alpha ) rej.man = rej.man + 1
#   }  
#   # check bhats
#   expect_equal( bhats.man, res1$samp.res$bhats )
#   expect_equal( tvals.man, res1$samp.res$tvals )
#   expect_equal( pvals.man, res1$samp.res$pvals )
#   expect_equal( as.numeric(as.matrix(resid.man)),
#                 as.numeric(as.matrix(res1$samp.res$resid)) )
#   expect_equal( sum( pvals.man < alpha ),
#                 sum( res1$samp.res$rej ) )
#   # check other global tests
#   expect_equal( res1$global.test$pval[ res1$global.test$method == "Wstep" ], 
#                 min( adj_Wstep( p = res1$samp.res$pvals, p.bt = res1$pvals.bt ) ) )
#   expect_equal( res1$global.test$pval[ res1$global.test$method == "minP" ], 
#                 min( adj_minP( p = res1$samp.res$pvals, p.bt = res1$pvals.bt ) ) )
#   expect_equal( res1$global.test$pval[ res1$global.test$method == "bonferroni" ], 
#                 min( p.adjust( res1$samp.res$pvals, method="bonferroni" ) ) )
#   expect_equal( res1$global.test$pval[ res1$global.test$method == "holm" ], 
#                 min( p.adjust( res1$samp.res$pvals, method="holm" ) ) )
#   expect_equal( res1$global.test$reject[ res1$global.test$method == "romano" ], 
#                 any( FWERkControl( res1$samp.res$tvals, as.matrix( res1$tvals.bt ), k = 1, alpha = .1 )$Reject == 1 ) )
#   ######## Higher Correlation Between Outcomes ######## 
#   cor = make_corr_mat( nX = 3,
#                        nY = 100,
#                        rho.XX = 0,
#                        rho.YY = 0.25,
#                        rho.XY = 0,
#                        prop.corr = 1 )
#   d = sim_data( n = N, cor = cor )
#   all.covars = names(d)[ grep( "X", names(d) ) ]
#   C = all.covars[ !all.covars == "X1" ]
#   Y = names(d)[ grep( "Y", names(d) ) ]
#   res2 = corr_tests( d,
#                      X = "X1",
#                      C = C,
#                      Ys = Y,
#                      B = 500,
#                      alpha = 0.1,
#                      alpha.fam = 0.1,
#                      method = c( "nreject", "bonferroni", "holm", "minP", "Wstep", "romano" ) )
#   ######## Tests ######## 
#   # null interval should be wider for the second one
#   expect_equal( as.logical( res2$null.int[2] >= res1$null.int[2] ), TRUE )
#   # p-value should be larger for the second one
#   expect_equal( as.logical( res2$global.test$pval[ res2$global.test$method == "nreject" ] >=
#                               res1$global.test$pval[ res1$global.test$method == "nreject" ] ), TRUE )
# } )

# only checks a few things: 
# two of the global tests
# and the average number of rejections in resamples
test_that( "corr_tests #1", {
  X = "pH"
  C = c("Na", "Conduc")
  Y = c("N", "Dens", "P", "Ca", "Mg", "K")
  res = corr_tests( Soils,
                    X = X,
                    Ys = Y,
                    B = 200,
                    alpha = 0.1,
                    method = c( "nreject", "bonferroni", "holm", "minP", "Wstep", "romano" ) )
  # should be about equal
  expect_equal( mean(res$nrej.bt),
                tolerance = 0.1 )
  # Bonferroni: should be exactly equal
  expect_equal( min( res$samp.res$pvals * length(Y) ),
                res$global.test$pval[2] )
  # Holm: should be exactly equal
  expect_equal( min( p.adjust( res$samp.res$pvals, method = "holm" ) ),
                res$global.test$pval[3] )
} )

###################### TEST FNS FOR APPLYING OUR METRICS ###################### 

# fix_input with extra covariates
# X1 is extra and should be removed
test_that("fix_input #2", {
  cor = make_corr_mat( nX = 1,
                       nY = 4,
                       rho.XX = 0,
                       rho.YY = 0.25,
                       rho.XY = 0,
                       prop.corr = 1 )
  d = sim_data( n = 20, cor = cor )
  all.covars = names(d)[ grep( "X", names(d) ) ]
  C = all.covars[ !all.covars == "X1" ]
  ##### Add Bad Input ######
  # insert missing data
  d[1,4] = NA
  # insert a decoy variable that should be removed in analysis
  d$X20 = rnorm( n = nrow(d) )
  d$X21 = rnorm( n = nrow(d) )
  # make one of the covariates not mean-centered
  d$X1 = d$X1 + 2
  d = fix_input( X="X1",
                 Ys=names(d)[ grep( "Y", names(d) ) ],
                 d = d )
  # check that it caught bad input
  expect_equal( c( "X20", "X21" ) %in% names(d), 
                c(FALSE, FALSE) )
  expect_equal( any( is.na(d) ), 
                FALSE )
} )

# fix_input with extra covariates
test_that("fix_input #1", {
  cor = make_corr_mat( nX = 5,
                       nY = 10,
                       rho.XX = -0.06,
                       rho.YY = 0.1,
                       rho.XY = -0.1,
                       prop.corr = 8/40 )
  d = sim_data( n = 20, cor = cor )
  all.covars = names(d)[ grep( "X", names(d) ) ]
  C = all.covars[ !all.covars == "X1" ]
  ##### Add Bad Input ######
  # insert missing data
  d[1,4] = NA
  # insert a decoy variable that should be removed in analysis
  d$X20 = rnorm( n = nrow(d) )
  d$X21 = rnorm( n = nrow(d) )
  # make one of the covariates not mean-centered
  d$X5 = d$X5 + 2
  d = fix_input( X="X1",
             Ys=names(d)[ grep( "Y", names(d) ) ],
             d = d )
  # check that it caught bad input
  expect_equal( c( "X20", "X21" ) %in% names(d), 
                c(FALSE, FALSE) )
  expect_equal( any( is.na(d) ), 
                FALSE )

} )

# fit_model doesn't need a test because we test it through the dataset_result tests

# without centering test stats
test_that("dataset_result #1", {

  cor = make_corr_mat( nX = 5,
                       nY = 2,
                       rho.XX = -0.06,
                       rho.YY = 0.1,
                       rho.XY = -0.1,
                       prop.corr = 8/40 )
  d = sim_data( n = 50, cor = cor )
  # try to confuse fn by choosing a different X as covariate of interest
  Ys = names(d)[ grep( "Y", names(d) ) ]
  X = "X2"
  all.covars = names(d)[ grep( "X", names(d) ) ]
  C = all.covars[ !all.covars == X ]

  # do analysis manually
  alpha = 0.05
  rej.man = 0
  tvals.man = c()
  bhats.man = c()
  pvals.man = c()
  resid.man = matrix( NA, nrow = 50, ncol = 2 )
  for ( i in 1:length(Ys) ) {
    m = lm( d[[ Ys[i] ]] ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5, data = d )
    bhats.man[i] = coef(m)[[X]]
    tvals.man[i] = summary(m)$coefficients[X,"t value"]
    pvals.man[i] = summary(m)$coefficients[X, "Pr(>|t|)"]
    resid.man[,i] = residuals(m)
    # did we reject it?
    if ( summary(m)$coefficients[X, "Pr(>|t|)"] < alpha ) rej.man = rej.man + 1
  # with function
  samp.res = dataset_result( d = d,
                             X = X,
                             C = C,
                             Ys = Ys,  # all outcome names
                             alpha = alpha,
                             center.stats = FALSE,
                             bhat.orig = NA )
  resid.man = as.data.frame(resid.man)
  names(resid.man) = Ys
  expect_equal( rej.man, samp.res$rej )
  expect_equal( bhats.man, samp.res$bhat )
  expect_equal( tvals.man, samp.res$tvals )
  expect_equal( pvals.man, samp.res$pvals )
  expect_equal( as.matrix(resid.man), as.matrix(samp.res$resid) )
} )

# with centered test stats
test_that("dataset_result #2", {
  cor = make_corr_mat( nX = 5,
                       nY = 20,
                       rho.XX = 0.16,
                       rho.YY = 0.1,
                       rho.XY = 0.1,
                       prop.corr = 1 )
  d = sim_data( n = 50, cor = cor )
  # try to confuse fn by choosing a different X as covariate of interest
  Ys = names(d)[ grep( "Y", names(d) ) ]
  X = "X2"
  all.covars = names(d)[ grep( "X", names(d) ) ]
  C = all.covars[ !all.covars == X ]
  # do analysis manually
  # choose an unusual alpha level to make sure it's working
  alpha = 0.4
  rej.man = 0
  tvals.man = c()
  bhats.man = c()
  pvals.man = c()
  resid.man = matrix( NA, nrow = 50, ncol = length(Ys) )
  # fake original coefficients
  bhat.orig = rnorm( n=length(Ys), mean = 0.8, sd = 2 )

  for ( i in 1:length(Ys) ) {
    m = lm( d[[ Ys[i] ]] ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5, data = d )
    bhats.man[i] = coef(m)[[X]] - bhat.orig[i]
    df = 50 - 5 - 1
    se = summary(m)$coefficients[X, "Std. Error"]
    tvals.man[i] = bhats.man[i] / se
    pvals.man[i] = 2 * ( 1 - pt( abs( tvals.man[i] ), df = df ) )
    resid.man[,i] = residuals(m)
    # did we reject it?
    if ( pvals.man[i] < alpha ) rej.man = rej.man + 1
  # with function
  samp.res = dataset_result( d = d,
                             X = X,
                             C = C,
                             Ys = Ys,  # all outcome names
                             alpha = alpha,
                             center.stats = TRUE,
                             bhat.orig = bhat.orig )
  resid.man = as.data.frame(resid.man)
  names(resid.man) = Ys
  expect_equal( rej.man, samp.res$rej )
  expect_equal( bhats.man, samp.res$bhat )
  expect_equal( tvals.man, samp.res$tvals )
  expect_equal( pvals.man, samp.res$pvals )
  expect_equal( as.matrix(resid.man), as.matrix(samp.res$resid) )
} )

###################### TEST FNS FOR SIMULATING DATA ###################### 

test_that("cell_corr #1", {

  expect_equal( -0.1,
    cell_corr( vname.1 = "X1",
               vname.2 = "Y3",
               rho.XX = 0,
               rho.YY = 0.25,
               rho.XY = -0.1,
               nY = 6,
               prop.corr = 1 ) )
  expect_equal( 0.25,
    cell_corr( vname.1 = "Y1",
               vname.2 = "Y3",
               rho.XX = 0,
               rho.YY = 0.25,
               rho.XY = -0.1,
               nY = 6,
               prop.corr = 1 ) )

  expect_equal( 0,
    cell_corr( vname.1 = "X2",
               vname.2 = "Y3",
               rho.XX = 0,
               rho.YY = 0.25,
               rho.XY = -0.1,
               nY = 6,
               prop.corr = 1 ) )
  expect_equal( -0.1,
    cell_corr( vname.1 = "X1",
               vname.2 = "Y2",
               rho.XX = 0,
               rho.YY = 0.25,
               rho.XY = -0.1,
               nY = 10,
              prop.corr = .2 ) )
  expect_equal( 0,
    cell_corr( vname.1 = "X1",
               vname.2 = "Y3",
               rho.XX = 0,
               rho.YY = 0.25,
               rho.XY = -0.1,
               nY = 10,
               prop.corr = .2 ) )
} )

test_that("make_corr_mat #1", {
  # sanity checks
  cor = make_corr_mat( nX = 1,
                  nY = 40,
                  rho.XX = 0,
                  rho.YY = 0.25,
                  rho.XY = 0.1,
                  prop.corr = 8/40 )

  # do we have the right number of each type of correlation?
  # only look at first row (correlations of X1 with everything else)
  expect_equal( c( 1, rep(0.10, 8), rep(0, 40-8) ),
                   as.numeric( cor[1,] ) )
} )

test_that("make_corr_mat #1", {
  cor = make_corr_mat( nX = 2,
                       nY = 40,
                       rho.XX = 0.35,
                       rho.YY = 0.25,
                       rho.XY = 0.1,
                       prop.corr = 8/40 )
  d = sim_data( n = 10000, cor = cor )
  # rho.XX correlations
  expect_equal( cor(d$X1, d$X2), 0.35, tolerance = 0.05 )
  # rho.XY correlations for non-null ones
  names = paste( "Y", seq(1,8,1), sep="" )
  expect_equal( as.numeric( cor( d$X1, d[, names] ) ),
                rep( 0.1, 8 ),
                tolerance = 0.05 )
  # rho.XY correlations for null ones
  names = paste( "Y", seq(9,40,1), sep="" )
  expect_equal( as.numeric( cor( d$X1, d[, names] ) ),
                rep( 0, 40-8 ),
                tolerance = 0.05 )

  # plot empirical vs. real correlations
  #plot( as.numeric(cor(d)), as.numeric(as.matrix(cor)) ); abline( a = 0, b = 1, col="red")
} )

###################### TEST WESTFALL FNS ###################### 

test_that("adj_minP #1", {
  # sanity check
  B = 200
  n.tests = 10

  # generate fake p-values under strong null
  p.bt = matrix( runif(B*n.tests, 0, 1), nrow = n.tests)

  # generate fake p-values from real dataset
  p = runif( n.tests, 0, .1)

  p.adj = adj_minP( p, p.bt )
  #plot(p, p.adj)

  # manually adjust second p-value
  mins = apply( p.bt, MARGIN = 2, FUN = min )

  expect_equal( prop.table( table( mins <= p[2] ) )[["TRUE"]],
                p.adj[2] )

test_that("adjust_Wstep #1", {
  # # Sanity Check
  # nX = 1
  # nY = 3
  # B = 5
  # library(matrixcalc)
  # library(mvtnorm)
  # cor = make_corr_mat( nX = nX,
  #                      nY = nY,
  #                      rho.XX = 0,
  #                      rho.YY = 0.25,
  #                      rho.XY = 0.05,
  #                      prop.corr = 1 )
  # d = sim_data( n = 1000, cor = cor )
  # samp.res = dataset_result( X = "X1",
  #                 C = NA,
  #                 Ys = c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3"), 
  #                 d = d,
  #                 alpha = 0.05,
  #                 center.stats = FALSE )
  # # do 5 bootstraps
  # resamps = resample_resid( X = "X1",
  #                           C = NA,
  #                           Ys = c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3"),
  #                           d = d,
  #                           alpha = 0.05,
  #                           resid = samp.res$resid,
  #                           bhat.orig = samp.res$bhats,
  #                           B=5,
  #                           cores = 8 )
  # p.bt = t( resamps$p.bt )
  # pvals = samp.res$pvals
  pvals = c(0.00233103655078803, 0.470366742594242, 0.00290278216035089

  p.bt = structure(c(0.308528665936264, 0.517319402377912, 0.686518314693482,
                     0.637306248855186, 0.106805510862352, 0.116705315041494, 0.0732076817175753,
                     0.770308936364482, 0.384405349738909, 0.0434358213611965, 0.41497067850141,
                     0.513471489744384, 0.571213377144122, 0.628054979652722, 0.490196884985226
  ), .Dim = c(5L, 3L))

  # indicators of which hypothesis the sorted p-vals go with
  r = c(1,3,2)
  qstar = matrix( NA, nrow = nrow(p.bt), ncol = ncol(p.bt) )
  for (i in 1:nrow(p.bt)) {
    qstar[i,3] = p.bt[ i, r[3] ]
    qstar[i,2] = min( qstar[i,3], p.bt[ i, r[2] ] )
    qstar[i,1] = min( qstar[i,2], p.bt[ i, r[1] ] )
  less = t( apply( qstar, MARGIN = 1,
                function(row) row <= sort(pvals) ) )
  p.tilde = colMeans(less)
  # enforce monotonicity
  p.tilde.sort = sort(p.tilde)
  p.tilde.sort[2] = max( p.tilde.sort[1], p.tilde.sort[2] )
  p.tilde.sort[3] = max( p.tilde.sort[2], p.tilde.sort[3] )
  # put back in original order
  p.adj = p.tilde.sort[r]
  expect_equal( p.adj, adj_Wstep( p = pvals, p.bt = t(p.bt) ) )

###################### TEST RESAMPLE_RESID ###################### 

# generate data NOT under null and
# check that mean p-value is .5 in resamples
# and that we have the expected number of rejections

test_that("resample_resid #1", {
  # Sanity Check
  nX = 1
  nY = 3
  B = 5
  cor = make_corr_mat( nX = nX,
                       nY = nY,
                       rho.XX = 0,
                       rho.YY = 0.25,
                       rho.XY = 0.05,
                       prop.corr = 1 )
  d = sim_data( n = 1000, cor = cor )
  # mean-center them
  d = as.data.frame( apply( d, 2, function(col) col - mean(col) ) )
  # bookmark
  samp.res = dataset_result( X = "X1",
                             C = NA,
                             Ys = c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3"), 
                             d = d,
                             alpha = 0.05,
                             center.stats = FALSE )
  # do 5 bootstraps
  resamps = resample_resid( X = "X1",
                            C = NA,
                            Ys = c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3"),
                            d = d,
                            alpha = 0.05,
                            resid = samp.res$resid,
                            bhat.orig = samp.res$bhats,
                            cores = 8 )
  expect_equal( mean(resamps$p.bt), .5, tolerance = 0.03 )
  expect_equal( mean(resamps$rej.bt), .05*nY, tolerance = 0.03 )
} )

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