Man pages for NetFACS
Network Applications to Facial Communication Data

add_inactive_single_unitsAdd inactive (missing) single units
calculate_combination_sizeCalculate combination size
conditional_probabilitiesSummarise dyadic combination of elements
define_contextsDefine truth for AUs active in different contexts
define_joint_probJoint probability distribution of AUs
distribution.plotPlots the observed probability for an element against the...
element.plotPlots the observed and expected probabilities for the basic...
element.specificity(Defunct) Tests how much each element increases the...
emotions_setLetter Data
entropy_overallCalculate information content of the dataset
entropy.overall(Deprecated) Calculate information content of the dataset
equal_observationsCheck that ALL objects have the same number of observations
event_size_plotPlots the probability that a combination of a certain size...
get_active_elementsExtract active elements from matrix
get_dataExtract used data from a 'netfacs' object
is.netfacsChecks if argument is a 'netfacs' object
is.netfacs_multipleChecks if argument is a 'netfacs_multiple' object
is.netfacs_specificityChecks if argument is a 'netfacs_specificity' object
letternetLetter Data
multiple.netfacs(Deprecated) Applies the 'netfacs' function across multiple...
multiple_netfacs_networkCreates network objects out of the netfacs data
multiple_network_plotPlots networks for multiple conditions
mutual.informationCalculates the pointwise mutual information of units with...
mutual.information.conditionTests how much each element increases the specificity of all...
netfacsCreate probability distribution of combinations of elements...
netfacs_bootstrapCalculate expected probability from single bootstrap
netfacs_extractExtract results from a netfacs object
netfacs_multipleApplies the 'netfacs' function across multiple levels of the...
netfacs_networkCreates a network object out of the netfacs data
netfacs_randomizeCalculate probabilities from single randomization
netfacs.reciprocityCalculate reciprocity of probabilities that two elements...
network_conditionalCreate a network based on conditional probabilities of dyads...
network.conditional(Deprecated) Produce conditional probabilities of dyads of...
network_plotPlots a network object
network_summaryReturns all kinds of network measures for the netfacs network
network_summary_graphReturns all kinds of graph-level network measures for the...
overlap_networkPlots the overlap of multiple conditions as bipartite network Plots the overlap of multiple conditions as...
possible_combinationsCalculate all possible combinations of elements
prepare.netfacsTake data that are not currently in format and turn them into...
print.netfacsPrint method for objects of class 'netfacs'
print.netfacs_multiplePrint method for objects of class 'netfacs_multiple'
probability_of_combinationCalculate probabilities of single elements and combinations...
probability_of_event_sizeCount number of event sizes
sim_facsSimulate FACS data
specificity_increaseTests how much each element increases the specificity of all...
summarise_combinationSummarise combination results from bootstrap
summarise_event_sizeSummarise event size probabilities
upsampleUp sample
validate_conditionCheck that condition arguments are formatted correctly
validate_dataCheck that 'data' argument is formatted correctly
NetFACS documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 1:12 a.m.