#' Order nodes in descending order of \emph{weighted degree} and order
#' modules by the similarity of their summary vectors.
#' @inheritParams common_params
#' @inheritParams simplify_param
#' @inheritParams orderModules_param
#' @param na.rm logical; If \code{TRUE}, nodes and modules present in the
#' \code{discovery} dataset but missing from the test dataset are excluded. If
#' \code{FALSE}, missing nodes and modules are put last in the ordering.
#' @param mean logical; if \code{TRUE}, node order will be calculated for each
#' \code{discovery} dataset by averaging the weighted degree and pooling
#' \emph{module summary} vectors across the specified \code{test} datasets.
#' If \code{FALSE}, the node order is calculated separately in each test
#' dataset.
#' @details
#' \subsection{Input data structures:}{
#' The \link[=modulePreservation]{preservation of network modules} in a second
#' dataset is quantified by measuring the preservation of topological
#' properties between the \emph{discovery} and \emph{test} datasets. These
#' properties are calculated not only from the interaction networks inferred
#' in each dataset, but also from the data used to infer those networks (e.g.
#' gene expression data) as well as the correlation structure between
#' variables/nodes. Thus, all functions in the \code{NetRep} package have the
#' following arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{network}:}{
#' a list of interaction networks, one for each dataset.
#' }
#' \item{\code{data}:}{
#' a list of data matrices used to infer those networks, one for each
#' dataset.
#' }
#' \item{\code{correlation}:}{
#' a list of matrices containing the pairwise correlation coefficients
#' between variables/nodes in each dataset.
#' }
#' \item{\code{moduleAssignments}:}{
#' a list of vectors, one for each \emph{discovery} dataset, containing
#' the module assignments for each node in that dataset.
#' }
#' \item{\code{modules}:}{
#' a list of vectors, one for each \emph{discovery} dataset, containing
#' the names of the modules from that dataset to analyse.
#' }
#' \item{\code{discovery}:}{
#' a vector indicating the names or indices of the previous arguments'
#' lists to use as the \emph{discovery} dataset(s) for the analyses.
#' }
#' \item{\code{test}:}{
#' a list of vectors, one vector for each \emph{discovery} dataset,
#' containing the names or indices of the \code{network}, \code{data}, and
#' \code{correlation} argument lists to use as the \emph{test} dataset(s)
#' for the analysis of each \emph{discovery} dataset.
#' }
#' }
#' The formatting of these arguments is not strict: each function will attempt
#' to make sense of the user input. For example, if there is only one
#' \code{discovery} dataset, then input to the \code{moduleAssigments} and
#' \code{test} arguments may be vectors, rather than lists. If the
#' \code{nodeOrder} are being calculate within the \emph{discovery} or
#' \emph{test} datasets, then the \code{discovery} and \code{test} arguments do
#' not need to be specified, and the input matrices for the \code{network},
#' \code{data}, and \code{correlation} arguments do not need to be wrapped in
#' a list.
#' }
#' \subsection{Analysing large datasets:}{
#' Matrices in the \code{network}, \code{data}, and \code{correlation} lists
#' can be supplied as \code{\link{disk.matrix}} objects. This class allows
#' matrix data to be kept on disk and loaded as required by \pkg{NetRep}.
#' This dramatically decreases memory usage: the matrices for only one
#' dataset will be kept in RAM at any point in time.
#' }
#' \subsection{Mean weighted degree:}{
#' When multiple \code{'test'} datasets are specified and \code{'mean'} is
#' \code{TRUE}, then the order of nodes will be determine by the average of
#' each node's weighted degree across datasets. The weighted degree in each
#' dataset is scaled to the node with the maximum weighted degree in that
#' module in that dataset: this prevents differences in average edge weight
#' across datasets from influencing the outcome (otherwise the mean would be
#' weighted by the overall density of connections in the module). Thus, the
#' mean weighted degree is a robust measure of a node's relative importance
#' to a module across datasets. The mean is calculated with
#' \code{'na.rm=TRUE'}: where a node is missing it does not contribute to
#' the mean.
#' }
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{
#' Langfelder, P., Mischel, P. S. & Horvath, S. \emph{When is hub gene
#' selection better than standard meta-analysis?} PLoS One \strong{8},
#' e61505 (2013).
#' }
#' }
#' @return
#' A nested list structure. At the top level, the list has one element per
#' \code{'discovery'} dataset. Each of these elements is a list that has one
#' element per \code{'test'} dataset analysed for that \code{'discovery'}
#' dataset. Each of these elements is a list that has one element per
#' \code{'modules'} specified, containing a vector of node names for the
#' requested module. When \code{simplify = TRUE} then the simplest possible
#' structure will be returned. E.g. if the node ordering are requested for
#' module(s) in only one dataset, then a single vector of node labels will
#' be returned.
#' When \code{simplify = FALSE} then a nested list of datasets will always be
#' returned, i.e. each element at the top level and second level correspond to
#' a dataset, and each element at the third level will correspond to modules
#' discovered in the dataset specified at the top level if module labels are
#' provided in the corresponding \code{moduleAssignments} list element. E.g.
#' \code{results[["Dataset1"]][["Dataset2"]][["module1"]]} will contain the
#' order of nodes calculated in "Dataset2", where "module1" was indentified in
#' "Dataset1". Modules and datasets for which calculation of the node order
#' have not been requested will contain \code{NULL}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{networkProperties}}
#' @examples
#' # load in example data, correlation, and network matrices for a discovery
#' # and test dataset:
#' data("NetRep")
#' # Set up input lists for each input matrix type across datasets. The list
#' # elements can have any names, so long as they are consistent between the
#' # inputs.
#' network_list <- list(discovery=discovery_network, test=test_network)
#' data_list <- list(discovery=discovery_data, test=test_data)
#' correlation_list <- list(discovery=discovery_correlation, test=test_correlation)
#' labels_list <- list(discovery=module_labels)
#' # Sort modules by similarity and nodes within each module by their weighted
#' # degree
#' nodes <- nodeOrder(
#' network=network_list, data=data_list, correlation=correlation_list,
#' moduleAssignments=labels_list
#' )
#' @name nodeOrder
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
nodeOrder <- function(
network, data, correlation, moduleAssignments=NULL, modules=NULL,
backgroundLabel="0", discovery=NULL, test=NULL, na.rm=FALSE,
orderModules=TRUE, mean=FALSE, simplify=TRUE, verbose=TRUE
) {
# always garbage collect before the function exits so any loaded
# disk.matrices get unloaded as appropriate
on.exit({ gc() }, add = TRUE)
# Input processing and sanity checking
vCat(verbose, 0, "Validating user input...")
if (!is.logical(na.rm) || || length(na.rm) > 1) {
stop("'na.rm' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'")
if (!is.logical(orderModules) || || length(orderModules) > 1) {
stop("'orderModules' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'")
# We can save time and space by not checking, scaling, or calculating
# properties from the 'data' if we're not ordering by module.
if (!orderModules)
data <- NULL
# Now try to make sense of the rest of the input
finput <- processInput(discovery, test, network, correlation, data,
moduleAssignments, modules, backgroundLabel,
verbose, "props")
data <- finput$data
correlation <- finput$correlation
network <- finput$network
loadedIdx <- finput$loadedIdx
dataEnv <- finput$dataEnv
networkEnv <- finput$networkEnv
discovery <- finput$discovery
test <- finput$test
modules <- finput$modules
moduleAssignments <- finput$moduleAssignments
nDatasets <- finput$nDatasets
datasetNames <- finput$datasetNames
# We don't want a second copy of these environments when we start
# swapping datasets.
finput$dataEnv <- NULL
finput$networkEnv <- NULL
finput$correlationEnv <- NULL # unload the correlation matrix as well since we don't need it
anyDM <- any.disk.matrix(data[[loadedIdx]],
vCat(verbose && anyDM, 0, "Unloading dataset from RAM...")
dataEnv$matrix <- NULL
networkEnv$matrix <- NULL
}, add=TRUE)
# If 'orderModules' is TRUE we need to make sure that there is data in each
# test dataset if there is more than one 'module'
if (orderModules) {
for (di in discovery) {
for (ti in test[[di]]) {
if (is.null(data[[ti]]) && length(modules[[di]]) > 1) {
stop("'data' must be provided for all 'test' datasets ",
"if 'orderModules' is TRUE")
vCat(verbose, 0, "User input ok!")
# Similarly when 'orderModules = TRUE' but there is only one module (per test)
# Then we can save time by not calculating the data-based network properties.
# We can't detect this without sanity checking the user input first though, so
# datasets may have been loaded
for (di in discovery) {
if (length(modules[[di]]) == 1) {
data[di] <- list(NULL)
dataEnv$matrix <- NULL
# Calculate the network properties
props <- netPropsInternal(network, data, moduleAssignments,
modules, discovery, test,
nDatasets, datasetNames, verbose,
loadedIdx, dataEnv, networkEnv, FALSE)
anyDM <- FALSE
res <- nodeOrderInternal(
props, orderModules, simplify, verbose, na.rm, mean
# Simplify the output data structure where possible
if (simplify) {
res <- simplifyList(res, depth=3)
on.exit({vCat(verbose, 0, "Done!")}, add=TRUE)
### Internal use function for calculating node order
### Used by plotting functions: assumes user input has been sanitised already
### @param props network properties to calculate order from.
### @param orderModules logical; are we ordering the modules by similarity?
### @param simplify logical; are we simplifying the output?
### @param verbose logical; is verbose printing turned on?
### @param na.rm logical; remove missing nodes?
### @param mean logical; should the node order be calculated by averaging across
### test datasets?
### @return list structure of ordered nodes.
### @import stats
### @keywords internal
nodeOrderInternal <- function(
props, orderModules, simplify, verbose, na.rm, mean
) {
vCat(verbose, 0, "Ordering nodes...")
# Iterators used in foreach calls. Declaration suppresses R CMD Check NOTEs.
di <- NULL # discovery datasets iterator
ti <- NULL # test datasets iterator
mi <- NULL # modules iterator
# Average weighted degree and pool summary profiles across test datasets if 'mean'
# is 'TRUE'
if (mean) {
avgProps <- foreach(di = seq_along(props)) %do% {
# skip this discovery dataset if properties have not been calculated for
# any of its modules in any dataset (i.e. it was not requested)
notDiscovery <- foreach(ti = seq_along(props[[di]]), .combine=`&&`) %do% {
if (notDiscovery) {
# Otherwise, for each module in this discovery dataset,
res <- foreach(mi = names(props[[di]][[1]])) %do% {
# Skip if its properties haven't been calculated in any dataset (i.e.
# it was not requested)
notRequested <- foreach(ti = seq_along(props[[di]]), .combine=`&&`) %do% {
if (notRequested) {
# Get a matrix of degree vectors
degreeMat <- foreach(ti = seq_along(props[[di]]), .combine=rbind) %do% {
if(!is.null(props[[di]][[ti]][[mi]])) {
degree <- props[[di]][[ti]][[mi]][["degree"]]
return(degree / max(degree, na.rm=TRUE)) # scale the weighted degree
# Gracefully handles case where the module is only requested across 1
# dataset.
if(is.null(dim(degreeMat))) {
degreeMat <- matrix(degreeMat, nrow=1)
avgDegree <- colMeans(degreeMat, na.rm=TRUE)
# Pool the summary profile vectors
pooledSummary <- foreach(ti = seq_along(props[[di]]), .combine=c) %do% {
return(list(degree = avgDegree, summary = pooledSummary))
names(res) <- names(props[[di]][[1]])
names(avgProps) <- names(props)
props <- avgProps
for (ii in seq_along(props)) {
for (jj in seq_along(props[[ii]])) {
hasProps <- which(!sapply(props[[ii]][[jj]], is.null))
if (length(hasProps) == 0) {
# First get module order
if (length(hasProps) > 1 && orderModules) {
modProps <- props[[ii]][[jj]][hasProps]
# First get the summary profiles for each module
summaries <- matrix(0, ncol=length(hasProps),
colnames(summaries) <- names(modProps)
rownames(summaries) <- names(modProps[[1]][["summary"]])
for (mi in seq_along(modProps)) {
summaries[,mi] <- modProps[[mi]][["summary"]]
# Identify modules where no nodes are present in the test dataset
na.inds <- which(apply(summaries, 2, function(s) all(
na.mods <- colnames(summaries)[na.inds]
if (length(na.mods) > 0) {
summaries <- summaries[,-na.mods]
# Cluster modules that do have summary profiles
clusteredMods <- hclust(as.dist(1-cor(summaries)))
hasProps <- colnames(summaries)[clusteredMods$order]
# Add the 'NA' modules
hasProps <- c(hasProps , na.mods)
# order nodes within each module
modProps <- props[[ii]][[jj]][hasProps]
for (kk in rev(seq_along(modProps))) {
nodeDegree <- modProps[[kk]][["degree"]]
sortedNodes <- sort(nodeDegree, decreasing=TRUE, na.last=TRUE)
# Remove missing nodes and modules
if (na.rm) {
sortedNodes <- na.omit(sortedNodes)
if (length(sortedNodes) == 0) {
sortedNodes <- NULL
modProps[[kk]] <- names(sortedNodes)
if (simplify) {
modProps <- unlist(modProps)
names(modProps) <- NULL
props[[ii]][[jj]] <- modProps
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