nroRcppMatrix <- function(
trim) {
# Check if anything to do.
if(length(data) < 1) return(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0))
binary <- attr(data, "binary")
# Convert to matrix.
data <- as.matrix(data)
if(is.atomic(data) && !is.matrix(data)) {
data <- as.matrix(data)
colnames(data) <- "data"
if(is.list(data)) {
warning("Unusable input.")
# Check if already fully numeric.
formatted <- FALSE
if(is.matrix(data)) {
if(is.numeric(data)) formatted <- TRUE
if(is.integer(data)) formatted <- TRUE
if(is.logical(data)) formatted <- TRUE
# Row and column names.
rnames <- rownames(data)
cnames <- colnames(data)
if(length(rnames) != nrow(data)) {
rnames <- (1:nrow(data))
rownames(data) <- rnames
if(length(cnames) != ncol(data)) {
cnames <- (1:ncol(data))
colnames(data) <- cnames
# Convert to numeric values.
if(!formatted) {
suppressWarnings( # data frame to matrix
data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
x[which(!is.finite(x))] <- NA
})), silent=TRUE)
if(!is.numeric(data)) {
warning("Unusable input.")
# Restore names.
rownames(data) <- rnames
colnames(data) <- cnames
# Detect binary variables.
if(is.null(binary)) {
for(vn in colnames(data)) {
x <- data[,vn]
n <- sum(is.finite(x), na.rm=TRUE)
n0 <- sum((x == 0), na.rm=TRUE)
n1 <- sum((x == 1), na.rm=TRUE)
if(n != (n0 + n1)) next
binary <- c(binary, vn)
# Remove unusable data points.
if(trim) {
nprev <- 0
while(nrow(data)*ncol(data) != nprev) {
nprev <- nrow(data)*ncol(data)
if(nprev < 1) break
# Remove rows with no usable values.
if(ncol(data) > 1) {
rows <- which(is.finite(rowMeans(data, na.rm=TRUE)))
data <- data[rows,,drop=FALSE]
else {
rows <- which(is.finite(data[,1]))
data <- data[rows,,drop=FALSE]
# Remove columns with no usable values.
if(nrow(data) > 1) {
cols <- which(is.finite(colMeans(data, na.rm=TRUE)))
data <- data[,cols,drop=FALSE]
else {
cols <- which(is.finite(data[1,]))
data <- data[,cols,drop=FALSE]
# Return results.
attr(data, "binary") <- intersect(binary, colnames(data))
attr(data, "excl.rows") <- setdiff(rnames, rownames(data))
attr(data, "excl.columns") <- setdiff(cnames, colnames(data))
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