numero.evaluate <- function(
n=1000) {
# Continue analyses.
output <- list(stamp=date())
cat("\n*** numero.evaluate ***\n", output$stamp, "\n", sep="")
# Check that resources are available.
if(is.null(model$map)) stop("Self-organizing map not available.")
if(is.null(model$layout)) stop("Map layout not available.")
if(is.null(model$zbase)) warning("Reference Z-score not available.")
layout <- model$layout
# Check if input is a vector.
if(is.vector(data)) stop("Data must be a matrix or a data frame.")
# Check that data and layout are compatible.
pos <- match(rownames(data), rownames(layout))
rows <- which(pos > 0)
if(length(rows) < 1) {
warning("Incompatible data and layout.")
# Harmonize data and layout.
nprev <- nrow(data)
data <- data[rows,,drop=FALSE]
layout <- layout[pos[rows],,drop=FALSE]
cat(nrow(data), " / ", nprev, " rows included\n", sep="")
cat(ncol(data), " columns included\n", sep="")
# Add identities to district assignments.
bmc <- layout[,"BMC"]
names(bmc) <- rownames(layout)
# Apply rank transform to protect from extreme values.
trdata <- data
if(ranked) trdata <- nroPreprocess(data=trdata, method="uniform")
# Calculate component planes.
comps <- nroAggregate(topology=model$map, districts=bmc, data=trdata)
# Estimate statistics in chunks.
cat("\nMap statistics:\n")
stats <- nroPermute(map=model$map, districts=bmc,
data=trdata, n=n, message=10, zbase=model$zbase))
cat(nrow(stats), " usable variables\n", sep="")
cat(sum(stats$N.cycles), " permutations\n", sep="")
# Make sure all variables are included.
missed <- setdiff(colnames(trdata), rownames(stats))
if(length(missed) > 0) {
x <- list()
for(v in colnames(stats))
x[[v]] <- rep(NA, length(missed))
x <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(x) <- missed
stats <- rbind(stats, x)
stats <- stats[colnames(trdata),,drop=FALSE]
# Revert transform.
if(ranked) comps <- nroPostprocess(data=comps,
mapping=attr(trdata,"mapping"), reverse=TRUE)
# Determine district ranges.
colrs <- nroColorize(comps)
# Collect results.
output$map <- model$map
output$layout <- layout
output$planes <- comps
output$ranges <- attr(colrs, "ranges")
output$palette <- "rhodo"
output$statistics <- stats
output$data <- data
numero.evaluate.transf <- function(x, method) {
output <- NULL
mu <- mean(x, trim=0.1, na.rm=TRUE)
sigma <- mean(abs(x - mu), trim=0.1, na.rm=TRUE)
if(!is.finite(sigma)) return(NULL)
if(method[[1]] == "probit") {
output <- (x - mu)/sigma
posit <- which(output > 0)
negat <- which(output < 0)
output[posit] <- log(1 + output[posit])
output[negat] <- -log(1 - output[negat])
if(method[[1]] == "logarithm")
output <- log(1 + x/mu)
attr(output, "method") <- method
attr(output, "param") <- c(mu, sigma)
numero.evaluate.itransf <- function(x, method, param) {
mu <- param[1]
sigma <- param[2]
alpha <- param[3]
if(method[[1]] == "probit") {
posit <- which(x > 0)
negat <- which(x < 0)
x[posit] <- (exp(x[posit]) - 1)
x[negat] <- (1 - exp(-x[negat]))
output <- (x*sigma + mu)
if(method[[1]] == "logarithm")
output <- (exp(x) - 1)*mu
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