
Defines functions OAI_PMH_error OAI_PMH_gather_request_results OAI_PMH_get_result OAI_PMH_get_verb OAI_PMH_issue_request

## OAI-PMH infrastructure.

## See <https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html>

OAI_PMH_issue_request <-
function(baseurl, request)
    verbose <- getOption("verbose")
    request <- paste(request, collapse = "&")

    ## <FIXME>
    ## Add support for compression eventually ...
    ## </FIXME>
    url <- URLencode(paste(baseurl, request, sep = "?"))

        message(gettextf("Performing request '%s'", url))

    ans <- GET()(url)
    ## <NOTE>
    ## E.g,
    ##   https://CRAN.R-project.org/oai
    ## redirects to
    ##   http://cran.R-project.org:8080/repo/CRANpackages
    ## One can handle such redirections using followlocation = TRUE:
    ## however, when used together with header = TRUE, this gives the
    ## headers from *all* requested pages ... giving some 3xx code.
    ## Hence, we handle the 3xx codes which indicate locations to
    ## redirect ourselves.  See e.g. "HTTP status codes 3xx" in
    ##   <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_redirection>
    ## </NOTE>

    ## Look at the header first to see if we succeeded.
    h <- ans$header
    ## OAI-PMH says the Content-Type returned for OAI-PMH requests must
    ## be text/xml (even in the case of non-OK status codes?).  So let
    ## us look at the HTTP status codes directly.
    if((s <- h["Status-Code"]) != "200") {
        ## OAI-PMH says certain status codes may be useful for load
        ## balancing.
        ##   503 - Service unavailable, a Retry-After period is
        ##   specified.  Harvesters should wait this period before
        ##   attempting another OAI-PMH request.
        ##   302 - Allows the repository to temporarily redirect an
        ##   OAI-PMH request to another repository. The URI of the
        ##   temporary repository should be given by the Location field
        ##   in the HTTP response.
        ## See above for URL directions.
        if((s == "503") && !is.na(t <- h["Retry-After"])) {
                message(gettextf("Need to retry after %s seconds", t))
            Sys.sleep(as.numeric(t) + 1L)
            return(Recall(baseurl, request))
        } else if((s %in% c("300", "301", "302", "303", "307"))
                  && !is.na(l <- h["Location"])) {
                 message(gettextf("Need to redirect to %s", l))
             return(Recall(sub("[?].*", "", l), request))
        } else {
            msg <-
                sprintf("OAI-PMH request failed with HTTP status code %s",
            txt <- h["Reason-Phrase"]
                msg <- paste(msg, sprintf("and message:\n%s", txt))

    ## Proceed with body.
    ## <https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/openarchivesprotocol.htm>
    ## says that the XML responses to OAI-PMH requests have the
    ## following common markup:
    ## * The first tag output is an XML declaration where the version is
    ##   always 1.0 and the encoding is always UTF-8.
    ## * The remaining content is enclosed in a root element with the
    ##   name OAI-PMH.  This element must have three attributes that
    ##   define the XML namespaces used in the remainder of the response
    ##   and the location of the validating schema.
    ## * The first two children of the root element are always
    ##   ** responseDate (a UTCdatetime indicating the time and date
    ##      that the response was sent).
    ##   ** request (indicating the protocol request that generated this
    ##      response).
    ## * The third child of the root element is either:
    ##   ** an error element that must be used in case of an error or
    ##      exception condition;
    ##   ** an element with the same name as the verb of the respective
    ##      OAI-PMH request.
    ## See <https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/OAI-PMH.xsd>.

    ## We will refer to the third child as the "result" in the non-error
    ## case.

    ## But what should we return?
    ## In case of an error, most likely an error condition.
    ## Hmm.  As this is the "basic" stuff, perhaps just the XML parse
    ## tree.  Let specific request issuers handle the resumptionToken
    ## accumulation as necessary ...

    nodes <- read_xml(ans$body)

    result <- OAI_PMH_get_result(nodes)

    if(xml_name(result) == "error")
        stop(OAI_PMH_error(xml_attr(result, "code"), xml_text(result)))


## Get request verb from OAI-PMH request response
OAI_PMH_get_verb <-
    xml_attr(xml_children(nodes)[[2L]], "verb")

## Get result from OAI-PMH request response.
OAI_PMH_get_result <-

OAI_PMH_gather_request_results <-
function(baseurl, request, transform = FALSE)
    ## Gather request results unless complete (no more resumption
    ## tokens) and return the aggregated "result" of the request(s).
    nodes <- OAI_PMH_issue_request(baseurl, request)
    ## Errors would have been thrown.
    verb <- OAI_PMH_get_verb(nodes)
        verb <- sub("^verb=([^&]*)&.*", "\\1", request)
    kids <- xml_children(OAI_PMH_get_result(nodes))

    ## Even without transforming, it seems better to gather request
    ## results in a list, and combine at the end.
    chunks <- list()
    repeat {
        size <- length(kids)
        ## Assume that the resumption token comes last.
        last <- kids[[size]]
        done <- if(xml_name(last) != "resumptionToken")
        else {
            ## Drop resumption token from results.
            kids <- kids[-size]
            ## Done iff the resumption token is "empty".
            !nzchar(token <- xml_text(last))
            kids <- oaih_transform(kids)
        chunks <- c(chunks, list(kids))
        if(done) break
        nodes <-
                                          verb, token))
        kids <- xml_children(OAI_PMH_get_result(nodes))

    if(transform) {
        result <- do.call(rbind, chunks)
    } else {
        result <- unlist(chunks, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
        ## Could make this an xml_nodeset ...


OAI_PMH_error <-
function(code, info, call = NULL)
    msg <- sprintf("Received condition '%s'", code)
    if(length(info) && nzchar(info))
        msg <- paste(msg, sprintf("with diagnostic:\n%s", info))
    err <- list(code = code, info = info, message = msg, call = call)
    class(err) <- c("OAI_PMH_error", "error", "condition")

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OAIHarvester documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 9:50 p.m.