#' Cross-validation for Ordered Homogeneity Pursuit Lasso
#' Use cross-validation to help select the optimal number
#' of variable groups and the value of `gamma`.
#' @param Predictor matrix (training).
#' @param Response matrix with one column (training).
#' @param maxcomp Maximum number of components for PLS.
#' @param gamma A vector of the gamma sequence between (0, 1).
#' @param X.test X.test Predictor matrix (test).
#' @param y.test y.test Response matrix with one column (test).
#' @param cv.folds Number of cross-validation folds.
#' @param G Maximum number of variable groups.
#' @param type Find the maximum absolute correlation (`"max"`)
#' or find the median of absolute correlation (`"median"`).
#' Default is `"max"`.
#' @param scale Should the predictor matrix be scaled?
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param pls.method Method for fitting the PLS model.
#' Default is `"simpls"`. See the details section
#' in [pls::plsr()] for all possible options.
#' @return A list containing the optimal model, RMSEP, Q2,
#' and other evaluation metrics. Also the optimal number
#' of groups to use in group lasso.
#' @export cv.OHPL
#' @examples
#' data("wheat")
#' X <- wheat$x
#' y <- wheat$protein
#' n <- nrow(wheat$x)
#' set.seed(1001)
#' samp.idx <- sample(1L:n, round(n * 0.7))
#' <- X[samp.idx, ]
#' <- y[samp.idx]
#' X.test <- X[-samp.idx, ]
#' y.test <- y[-samp.idx]
#' # This could run for a while
#' \dontrun{
#' <- cv.OHPL(
#' x, y,
#' maxcomp = 6, gamma = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1),
#' x.test, y.test, cv.folds = 5, G = 30, type = "max"
#' )
#' # the optimal G and gamma
#' }
cv.OHPL <- function(,, maxcomp, gamma = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1),
X.test, y.test, cv.folds = 5L,
G = 30L, type = c("max", "median"),
scale = TRUE, pls.method = "simpls") {
type <- match.arg(type)
RMSEP.mat <- matrix(NA, length(3:G), length(gamma))
Q2.mat <- matrix(NA, length(3:G), length(gamma))
# alpha.idx = vector("list", length(gamma))
# alpha.RMSEP = NULL
# gamma.idx = vector("list", length(gamma))
# K.idx = vector("list", length(3:K))
L <- list()
# Select the optimal gamma and the optimal number of groups
for (i in 3L:G) {
for (j in 1L:length(gamma)) {
ohpl.model <- OHPL(,, maxcomp,
gamma = gamma[j],
cv.folds = cv.folds,
G = i, type = type,
scale = scale, pls.method = pls.method
ohpl.rmsep.res <- OHPL.RMSEP(ohpl.model, X.test, y.test)
RMSEP.mat[i - 2, j] <- ohpl.rmsep.res$"RMSEP"
Q2.mat[i - 2, j] <- ohpl.rmsep.res$"Q2.test"
# Each component in the list stores a model
L[[(i - 3) * length(gamma) + j]] <- ohpl.model
cat("gamma =", gamma[j], "\n")
# alpha.idx[[j]] = ohpl.model
# alpha.RMSEP = c(alpha.RMSEP, ohpl.model$RMSEP)
cat("# of clusters =", i, "\n")
# alpha.RMSEP.ind = which.min(alpha.RMSEP)
# K.idx[[i-2]] = alpha.idx[[alpha.RMSEP.ind]]
# K.RMSEP = c(K.RMSEP, alpha.RMSEP[alpha.RMSEP.ind])
minn <- min(RMSEP.mat)
# For each column in X, index of the rows which equal to mmin
a <- apply(RMSEP.mat, 2, function(x) which(x == minn))
# Get the column where the minimum value is
b <- sapply(a, function(x) length(x))
# For each column in X, the number of rows which equals to minn
# largest value in the index, which has the largest gamma, the sparser model
gamma.num <- max(which(b > 0L))
# Select the row with the largest value that corresponds to
# the column with the largest value
# to have fewer variables in each block, more concentrated.
opt.G <- max(a[[gamma.num]]) # optimal number of groups
opt.gamma <- gamma[gamma.num]
Q2 <- max(Q2.mat)
# Select the optimal model
# Store one model in each component in the list
result <- L[[(opt.G - 1) * length(gamma) + gamma.num]]
res <- list("model" = result, "opt.G" = opt.G, "opt.gamma" = opt.gamma)
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