
Defines functions forecast_multivariate instantiate.forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel instantiate.forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel

Documented in forecast_multivariate instantiate.forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel instantiate.forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel

# multivariate forecasting arguments - ML
#' Create interface to control `forecast_multivariate` ML estimation
#' A function to create the multivariate forecast methods
#' arguments list for user manipulation.
#' @param covariates       int: the number of features that will go into the model
#' @param rolling.window   int: size of rolling window, NA if expanding window is used
#' @param horizon          int: number of periods into the future to forecast
#' @return forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel
#' @export

instantiate.forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel = function(covariates = NULL, rolling.window = NULL, horizon = NULL){

  # caret names
  caret.engine = list(
    ols = 'lm',
    ridge = 'glmnet',
    lasso = 'glmnet',
    elastic = 'glmnet',
    RF = 'rf',
    GBM = 'gbm',
    NN = 'avNNet',
    pls = 'pls',
    pcr = 'pcr'

  # tuning grids
  tuning.grids = list(

    ols = NULL,

    ridge = expand.grid(
      alpha = 0,
      lambda = 10^seq(-3, 3, length = 100)),

    lasso = expand.grid(
      alpha = 1,
      lambda = 10^seq(-3, 3, length = 100)),

    elastic = NULL,

    GBM =
        n.minobsinnode = c(1),
        shrinkage = c(.1,.01),
        n.trees = c(100, 250, 500),
        interaction.depth = c(1,2,5)),

    RF =
        mtry = c(1:4)),

    NN =
        size = seq(2,10,5),
        decay = c(.01,.001),
        bag = c(100, 250, 500)),

    pls =
        ncomp = c(1:5)),

    pcr =
        ncomp = c(1:5))


  # tuning grids if # of features is available
    tuning.grids[['RF']] =
        mtry = covariates/3)

    tuning.grids[['NN']] =
        size = c(covariates, 2*covariates, 3*covariates),
        decay = c(.01,.001),
        bag = c(20, 100))


  # hyper-parameter selection routine
    control =
        method = "timeslice",
        horizon = horizon,
        initialWindow = rolling.window,
        allowParallel = TRUE)
  }else if(!is.null(rolling.window)){
    control =
        method = "timeslice",
        horizon = horizon,
        initialWindow = 5,
        allowParallel = TRUE)
    control =
        method = "cv",
        number = 5,
        allowParallel = TRUE)


  # accuracy metric used in training
  accuracy = 'RMSE'

  # return training information
      caret.engine = caret.engine,
      tuning.grids = tuning.grids,
      control = control,
      accuracy = accuracy


# multivariate forecasting arguments - VAR
#' Create interface to control `forecast_multivariate` VAR estimation
#' A function to create the multivariate forecast methods
#' arguments list for user manipulation.
#' @return forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel
#' @export

instantiate.forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel = function(){

      p = 1,
      lag.max = NULL,
      ic = 'AIC',
      type = 'none',
      season = NULL,
      exogen = NULL


# Multivariate Forecast
#' Forecast with multivariate models
#' A function to estimate multivariate forecasts out-of-sample. Methods available include:
#' vector auto-regression, linear regression, lasso regression, ridge regression, elastic net,
#' random forest, tree-based gradient boosting machine, and single-layer neural network.
#' See package website for most up-to-date list of available models.
#' @param Data             data.frame: data frame of target variable, exogenous variables, and observed date (named 'date'); may alternatively be a `ts`, `xts`, or `zoo` object to forecast
#' @param forecast.dates   date: dates forecasts are created
#' @param target           string: column name in Data of variable to forecast
#' @param method           string: methods to use
#' @param rolling.window   int: size of rolling window, NA if expanding window is used
#' @param freq             string: time series frequency; day, week, month, quarter, year
#' @param horizon          int: number of periods into the future to forecast
#' @param lag.variables    string: vector of variables to lag each time step, if lag.n is not null then the default is all non-date variables
#' @param lag.n            int: number of lags to create
#' @param outlier.clean         boolean: if TRUE then clean outliers
#' @param outlier.variables     string: vector of variables to purge of outlier, default is all but 'date' column
#' @param outlier.bounds        double: vector of winsorizing minimum and maximum bounds, c(min percentile, max percentile)
#' @param outlier.trim          boolean: if TRUE then replace outliers with NA instead of winsorizing bound
#' @param outlier.cross_section boolean: if TRUE then remove outliers based on cross-section (row-wise) instead of historical data (column-wise)
#' @param impute.missing        boolean: if TRUE then impute missing values
#' @param impute.method         string: select which method to use from the imputeTS package; 'interpolation', 'kalman', 'locf', 'ma', 'mean', 'random', 'remove','replace', 'seadec', 'seasplit'
#' @param impute.variables      string: vector of variables to impute missing values, default is all numeric columns
#' @param impute.verbose        boolean: show start-up status of impute.missing.routine
#' @param reduce.data           boolean: if TRUE then reduce dimension
#' @param reduce.variables      string: vector of variables to impute missing values, default is all numeric columns
#' @param reduce.ncomp          int: number of factors to create
#' @param reduce.standardize    boolean: normalize variables (mean zero, variance one) before estimating factors
#' @param parallel.dates        int: the number of cores available for parallel estimation
#' @param return.models         boolean: if TRUE then return list of models estimated each forecast.date
#' @param return.data           boolean: if True then return list of information.set for each forecast.date
#' @return  data.frame with a row for each forecast by model and forecasted date
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'  # simple time series
#'  A = c(1:100) + rnorm(100)
#'  B = c(1:100) + rnorm(100)
#'  C = c(1:100) + rnorm(100)
#'  date = seq.Date(from = as.Date('2000-01-01'), by = 'month', length.out = 100)
#'  Data = data.frame(date = date, A, B, C)
#'  # run forecast_univariate
#'  forecast.multi =
#'      forecast_multivariate(
#'        Data = Data,
#'        target = 'A',
#'        forecast.dates = tail(Data$date,5),
#'        method = c('ols','var'),
#'        horizon = 1,
#'        # information set
#'        rolling.window = NA,
#'        freq = 'month',
#'        # data prep
#'        lag.n = 4,
#'        outlier.clean = TRUE,
#'        impute.missing = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export

forecast_multivariate = function(
  Data,                 # data.frame: data frame of target variable, exogenous variables, and observed date (named 'date'); may alternatively be a `ts`, `xts`, or `zoo` object to forecast
  forecast.dates,       # date: dates forecasts are created
  target,               # string: column name in `Data` of variable to forecast
  horizon,              # int: number of periods into the future to forecast
  method,               # string or vector: methods to use; 'var', 'ols', 'ridge', 'lasso', 'elastic', 'RF', 'GBM', 'NN'

  # information set
  rolling.window = NA,  # int: size of rolling window, NA if expanding window is used
  freq,                 # string: time series frequency; day, week, month, quarter, year
  lag.variables = NULL, # string: vector of variables to lag each time step, if lag.n is not null then the default is all non-date variables
  lag.n = NULL,         # int: number of lags to create

  # outlier cleaning
  outlier.clean = FALSE,           # boolean: if TRUE then clean outliers
  outlier.variables = NULL,        # string: vector of variables to standardize, default is all but 'date' column
  outlier.bounds = c(0.05, 0.95),  # double: vector of winsorizing minimum and maximum bounds, c(min percentile, max percentile)
  outlier.trim = FALSE,            # boolean: if TRUE then replace outliers with NA instead of winsorizing bound
  outlier.cross_section = FALSE,   # boolean: if TRUE then remove outliers based on cross-section (row-wise) instead of historical data (column-wise)

  # impute missing
  impute.missing = FALSE,          # boolean: if TRUE then impute missing values
  impute.method = 'kalman',        # string: select which method to use from the imputeTS package; 'interpolation', 'kalman', 'locf', 'ma', 'mean', 'random', 'remove','replace', 'seadec', 'seasplit'
  impute.variables = NULL,         # string: vector of variables to impute missing values, default is all numeric columns
  impute.verbose = FALSE,          # boolean: show start-up status of impute.missing.routine

  # dimension reduction
  reduce.data = FALSE,             # boolean: if TRUE then reduce dimension
  reduce.variables = NULL,         # string: vector of variables to impute missing values, default is all numeric columns
  reduce.ncomp = NULL,             # int: number of factors to create
  reduce.standardize = TRUE,       # boolean: normalize variables (mean zero, variance one) before estimating factors

  # parallel processing
  parallel.dates = NULL,           # int: the number of cores available for parallel estimation

  # additional objects
  return.models = FALSE,           # boolean: if TRUE then return list of models estimated each forecast.date
  return.data = FALSE              # boolean: if True then return list of information.set for each forecast.date


  # convert from ts, xts, or zoo object
  if(xts::is.xts(Data) | zoo::is.zoo(Data) | stats::is.ts(Data)){
    Data = data.frame(date = zoo::index(Data), Data)

  # training parameter creation and warnings

    message('forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel exists and will be used for ML model estimation in its present state.')


    covariates = nrow(dplyr::select(Data, -target, -date))
    if(!is.null(lag.n)){covariates = covariates + covariates*lag.n}

    forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel = instantiate.forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel(covariates = covariates, rolling.window = rolling.window, horizon = horizon)
    message('forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel was instantiated and default values will be used for ML model estimation.')


  # VAR parameters and warnings
    message('forecast.combinations.var.training exists and will be used for VAR model estimation in its present state.')
    forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel = instantiate.forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel()
   message('forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel was instantiated and default values will be used for VAR model estimation.')

  # create parallel back end
    future::plan(strategy = 'multisession', workers = parallel.dates)
    future::plan(strategy = 'sequential')

  # results list
  results.list = list()

  # Create forecasts
  forecasts = forecast.dates %>%
      .f = function(forecast.date){

          # subset data
          information.set =
              Data = Data,
              forecast.date = forecast.date,
              rolling.window = rolling.window,
              freq = freq

          # clean outliers
            information.set =
                Data = information.set,
                variables = outlier.variables,
                w.bounds = outlier.bounds,
                trim = outlier.trim,
                cross_section = outlier.cross_section

          # impute missing values
            information.set =
                Data = information.set,
                variables = impute.variables,
                method = impute.method,
                verbose = impute.verbose

          # dimension reduction
            information.set.reduce =
                Data = information.set,
                variables = reduce.variables,
                ncomp = reduce.ncomp,
                standardize = reduce.standardize

            information.set =
                dplyr::select(information.set, target, date),
                by = 'date')

          # create variable lags
            information.set =
                Data = information.set,
                lags = lag.n,
                variables = lag.variables)

          results = method %>%
              .f = function(engine){

              # set current data
              current.set = dplyr::filter(information.set, forecast.date == date)

              # estimate ML model
              if(engine != 'var'){

                # check for missing covariates in current data
                if(is.na(sum(dplyr::select(current.set, -date)))){
                  print(warningCondition(paste0('Missing covariate on: ', forecast.date)))
                  results = data.frame(date = current.set$date, ml = NA)
                  colnames(results)[colnames(results) == 'ml'] = engine

                # set target variable
                names(information.set)[names(information.set) == target] = 'target'

                # set horizon
                information.set =
                  dplyr::mutate(information.set, target = dplyr::lead(target, horizon)) %>%

                # estimate model
                model =
                               data = dplyr::select(information.set, -date),
                               method    = forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel$caret.engine[[engine]],
                               trControl = forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel$control,
                               tuneGrid  = forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel$tuning.grids[[engine]],
                               metric    = forecast_multivariate.ml.control_panel$accuracy)

                # calculate forecast
                point = try(predict(model, newdata = current.set))

                  point = NA

                # calculate standard error
                error =
                    predict(model$finalModel, current.set, interval = "confidence", level = 0.95) %>%
                    silent = TRUE

                error = try((error$upr - error$fit) / qnorm(0.95),
                            silent = TRUE)

                if(is.numeric(error) != TRUE | length(error) != 1){error = NA}

              # estimate VAR

                model =
                    y       = na.omit(dplyr::select(information.set, -date)),
                    p       =  forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel$p,
                    lag.max =  forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel$max.lag,
                    ic      =  forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel$ic,
                    season  =  forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel$season,
                    type    =  forecast_multivariate.var.control_panel$type

                # calculate forecast and standard error
                ml = predict(model, n.ahead = horizon)
                ml = ml$fcst[target] %>% data.frame()
                point = ml[horizon, 1]
                error = (ml[horizon, 3] - ml[horizon, 1]) / qnorm(0.95)


              # set date
              date = forecast_date(

              # set dates
              predictions = data.frame(
                date = date,
                forecast.date = forecast.date,
                model = engine, forecast = point, se = error)

              # return results
                  predictions = predictions,
                  model = model


        predictions =
          purrr::map(results, .f = function(X){return(X$predictions)}) %>%

        rownames(predictions) = c(1:nrow(predictions))

        models =
          purrr::map(results, .f = function(X){return(X$model)})

        # store objects for return
        results =
            predictions = predictions,
            information.set = information.set,
            models = models

        # return results


  # prepare forecasts
  predictions =
    purrr::map(forecasts, .f = function(X){return(X$predictions)}) %>%

  # add model and information set lists to return object
  if(return.data == TRUE | return.models == TRUE){
    information = list(forecasts = predictions)
    information = predictions

  # prepare models
  if(return.models == TRUE){
    models = purrr::map(forecasts, .f = function(X){return(X$models)})
    names(models) = forecast.dates
    information[['models']] = models

  # prepare information set
  if(return.data == TRUE){
    information.set = purrr::map(forecasts, .f = function(X){return(X$information.set)})
    names(information.set) = forecast.dates
    information[['information.set']] = information.set

  # return results

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