
Defines functions PhoneHMD.opiQueryDevice PhoneHMD.opiClose PhoneHMD.opiPresent PhoneHMD.opiSetBackground PhoneHMD.opiInitialize PhoneHMD_parse_color_string PhoneHMD_find_lum_value

Documented in PhoneHMD.opiClose PhoneHMD.opiInitialize PhoneHMD.opiPresent PhoneHMD.opiQueryDevice PhoneHMD.opiSetBackground

# OPI for phoneHMD
# Author: Ivan Marin-Franch
# Date: Mar 2022
# Copyright [2019] [Andrew Turpin]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

if (exists(".OpiEnv") && !exists("OPIlogo.gif", where = .OpiEnv)) {
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD <- new.env(25)
  # connection
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket <- NA
  # function that define and reset all PhoneHMD parameters
  resetAllPhoneHMDParameters <- function() {
    # properties of PhoneHMD
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$width     <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$height    <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$xdpi      <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$ydpi      <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$xlim      <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$ylim      <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$roomlight <- NA
    # look up table
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$lut       <- NA
    # background data: background eye (R, L, or B), luminance in cdm2 and color
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$bgeye     <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$bglum     <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$bgcol     <- NA
    # fixation data: type of fixation, eye where fixation is drawn (R, L, or B),
    # luminance in cdm2, color, fixation center (x and y) and size (x and y) in degrees
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixeye    <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixtype   <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixlum    <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixcol    <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixcx     <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixcy     <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixsx     <- NA
    .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixsy     <- NA
  # define and all PhoneHMD parameters

# It is 8 bit depth, so it must return a value from 0 to 1
PhoneHMD_find_lum_value <- function(cdm2)
  return((which.min(abs(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$lut - cdm2)) - 1) / (length(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$lut) - 1))

# It is 8 bit depth, so it must return a value from 0 to 1
PhoneHMD_parse_color_string <- function(col)
  return(tryCatch(t(grDevices::col2rgb(col, alpha = 1)) / 255, error = function(e) NA))

#' @rdname opiInitialize
#' @param ip IP address on which server is listening for PhoneHMD
#' @param port Port number on which server is listening for PhoneHMD. Default is 50008
#' @param lut Look up table mapping pixel values to cd/m2
#' @details
#' # PhoneHMD
#'   \code{opiInitialize(serverPort, port = 50008, lut = seq(0, 400, length.out = 256))}
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{PhoneHMD}, then you must specify
#'   the IP address of the Android PhoneHMD that is in the PhoneHMD, and the port on
#'   which the server running on the PhoneHMD is listening.
#'   * \code{ip} is the IP address of the PhoneHMD server as a string
#'   * \code{port} is the TCP/IP port of the PhoneHMD server as a number
#'   * \code{lut} is a vector of 256 luminance values, with \code{lut[i]} being the
#'       cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2} value for grey level i. Default is
#'       \code{seq(0, 4000, length.out = 256)}
#' @return
#' ## PhoneHMD
#'   Returns NULL if connection is made, otherwise, it returns a text with the error.
PhoneHMD.opiInitialize <- function(ip, port = 50008, lut = seq(0, 400, length.out = 256)) {
  # if connection is open, then don't open a new one
  if(!is.na(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket)) opiClose()
  print(paste0("Looking for phone at ", ip, ":", port))
  socket <- tryCatch(
    socketConnection(host = ip, port, open = "w+b", blocking = TRUE, timeout = 5),
    warning = function(w) return(NULL),
    error   = function(e) return(NULL))
  if(is.null(socket)) return(paste("Cannot connect to phone at", ip, "and port", port))
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket <- socket
  # set look-up table
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$lut <- lut
  # get phone metrics
  writeLines("OPI_GET_METRICS", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket)
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$width  <- as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1))
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$height <- as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1))
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$xdpi   <- as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1))
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$ydpi   <- as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1))
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$xlim   <- c(-round(as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)), 1),
                             round(as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)), 1))
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$ylim   <- c(-round(as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)), 1),
                             round(as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)), 1))
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$roomlight <- as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1))
  print(paste("PhoneHMD resolution in pixels:", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$width, .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$height))
  print(paste0("PhoneHMD x limits: (", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$xlim[1], ", ", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$xlim[2], ") degs"))
  print(paste0("PhoneHMD y limits: (", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$ylim[1], ", ", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$ylim[2], ") degs"))
  print(paste0("Pixel density (x, y): (", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$xdpi, ", ", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$ydpi, ") dpi"))
  print(paste("Ambient luminance is:", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$roomlight, "cdm2"))

#' @rdname opiSetBackground
#' @param bgeye eye where to display the background, can be left, right, or both
#' @param bglum background luminance
#' @param bgcol background color. Either a color name that R can understand
#'   or a vector with R, G, B, and alpha channels
#' @param fixeye eye for the fixation target, can be left, right, or both
#' @param fixtype the target of the fixation
#' @param fixcx fixation x position in degrees of visual angle. Default is 0
#' @param fixcy fixation y position in degrees of visual angle. Default is 0
#' @param fixsx fixation horizontal size in degrees of visual angle. Default is 1
#' @param fixsy fixation vertical size in degrees of visual angle. Default is 1
#' @param fixtheta angle of rotation of the fixation targert in degrees. Default is 0
#' @param fixlum fixation luminance
#' @param fixcol fixation color. Same specifications as background color
#' @details
#' # PhoneHMD
#'   \code{opiSetBackground(bgeye, bglum = 10, bgcol = "white", fixeye = eye, fixtype = "Cross", fixlum = 100, fixcol = "green", fixcx = 0, fixcy = 0, fixsx = 2, fix_sy = 2)}
#'   * \code{bgeye} eye for the background. Can be "R", "L", or "B" for right, left, or both
#'   * \code{bglum} background luminance in cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2} is set to nearest grey value in \code{lut} from \code{opiInitialize}. Default is 10 cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2}
#'   * \code{bgcol} color of the background. Default is white
#'   * \code{fixeye} eye for the background. Takes the same values as \code{eye} (default)
#'   * \code{fixtype} fixation target
#'   * \code{fixcx}, \code{fixcy} fixation (x, y) position in degrees of visual angle
#'   * \code{fixsx}, \code{fixsy} dimensions of fixation target in degrees of visual angle
#'   * \code{fixtheta} angle of rotation of the fixation target
#'   * \code{fixlum} luminance of the fixation target. Default is 100 cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2}
#'   * \code{fixcol} color of the fixation target. Default is green
#' @return
#' ## PhoneHMD
#'   Sets background for left, right, or both eyes in PhoneHMD.
PhoneHMD.opiSetBackground <- function(bgeye, bglum = 10, bgcol = "white",
                                     fixeye, fixtype = "none",
                                     fixcx = 0, fixcy = 0, fixsx = 2, fixsy = 2, fixtheta = 0,
                                     fixlum = 100, fixcol = "green") {
  # parse eyes
  bgeyenum  <- switch(bgeye, "L" = 0, "R" = 1, "B" = 2, NA)
  fixeyenum <- switch(fixeye, "L" = 0, "R" = 1, "B" = 2,  NA)
  if(is.na(bgeyenum)) stop("Wrong eye code")
  if(is.na(fixeyenum)) stop("Wrong eye code")
  # parse luminance
  bglum  <- PhoneHMD_find_lum_value(bglum)
  fixlum <- PhoneHMD_find_lum_value(fixlum)
  # parse color
  bgcol <- PhoneHMD_parse_color_string(bgcol)
  if(any(is.na(bgcol))) stop("Wrong color format for background color")
  fixcol <- PhoneHMD_parse_color_string(fixcol)
  if(any(is.na(fixcol))) stop("Wrong color format for fixation color")
  # if all good, then send background
  msg <- paste("OPI_SET_BACKGROUND", bgeyenum, bglum, bgcol[1], bgcol[2], bgcol[3], bgcol[4],
                                     fixeyenum, fixtype, fixcx, fixcy, fixsx, fixsy, fixtheta,
                                     fixlum, fixcol[1], fixcol[2], fixcol[3], fixcol[4])
  writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket)
  msg <- readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)
  if(msg != "OK") return(msg)
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$bgeye   <- bgeye
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$bglum   <- bglum
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$bgcol   <- bgcol
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixeye  <- fixeye
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixtype <- fixtype
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixlum  <- fixlum
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixcol  <- fixcol
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixcx   <- fixcx
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixcy   <- fixcy
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixsx   <- fixsx
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$fixsy   <- fixsy

#' @rdname opiPresent
#' @details
#' # PhoneHMD
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{PhoneHMD}, then \code{nextStim}
#'   is ignored. PhonVR
PhoneHMD.opiPresent <- function(stim, nextStim = NULL) {
  # check integrity
  if(is.null(stim)) return(list(err = "no stimulus"))
  if(is.null(stim$eye)) return(list(err = "No eye in stimulus", seen = NA, time = NA))
  if(is.null(stim$x)) return(list(err = "No x coordinate in stimulus", seen = NA, time = NA))
  if(is.null(stim$y)) return(list(err = "No y coordinate in stimulus", seen = NA, time = NA))
  if(is.null(stim$sx)) return(list(err = "No width in stimulus", seen = NA, time = NA))
  if(is.null(stim$lum)) return(list(err = "No lum in stimulus", seen = NA, time = NA))
  # fill defaults
  if(is.null(stim$nsteps)) stim$nsteps <- 1 # defaults to 1 step in the presentation
  if(is.null(stim$d)) stim$d <- 200 # defaults to 200 ms presentation
  if(is.null(stim$w)) stim$w <- 1500 # defaults to a response window of a second
  if(is.null(stim$sy)) stim$sy <- stim$sx # defaults to the the same as size in x
  if(is.null(stim$type)) stim$type   <- "circle" # defaults to circle
  if(is.null(stim$theta)) stim$theta  <- 0 # angle of rotation defaults to zero
  if(is.null(stim$col)) stim$col    <- "white" # defaults to white
  if(is.null(stim$tstep)) stim$tstep  <- floor(stim$d / stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$eye) == 1) stim$eye <- rep(stim$eye, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$type) == 1) stim$type <- rep(stim$type, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$x) == 1) stim$x <- rep(stim$x, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$y) == 1) stim$y <- rep(stim$y, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$sx) == 1) stim$sx <- rep(stim$sx, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$sy) == 1) stim$sy <- rep(stim$sy, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$sy) == 1) stim$sy <- rep(stim$sy, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$theta)  == 1) stim$theta <- rep(stim$theta, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$tstep) == 1) stim$tstep <- rep(stim$tstep, stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$lum) == 1) stim$lum <- rep(stim$lum,    stim$nsteps)
  if(stim$nsteps > 1 & length(stim$col) == 1) stim$col <- rep(stim$col,    stim$nsteps)
  # check consistency
  if(length(stim$type) != stim$nsteps |
     length(stim$x) != stim$nsteps | length(stim$y) != stim$nsteps |
     length(stim$sx) != stim$nsteps | length(stim$sy) != stim$nsteps |
     length(stim$theta) != stim$nsteps | length(stim$lum) != stim$nsteps |
     length(stim$tstep) != stim$nsteps | length(stim$col) != stim$nsteps)
    stop("stimulus parameters inconsistent")
  # parse data and get luminance from the Gamma look-up-table
  stim$eye <- sapply(stim$eye, switch, "L" = 0, "R" = 1, "B" = 2, NA)
  if(any(is.na(stim$eye))) stop("Wrong eye code")
  # get stimulus luminance
  stim$lum <- sapply(stim$lum, PhoneHMD_find_lum_value)
  # parse color
  stim$col <- PhoneHMD_parse_color_string(stim$col)
  if(any(is.na(stim$col))) stop("Wrong color format for stimulus color")
  # send global parameters of the stimulus to present:
  # number of steps, presentation time and response window
  msg <- paste("OPI_PRESENT", stim$nsteps, stim$d, stim$w)
  writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket)
  # check if received OK
  msg <- readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)
  if(msg != "OK") return(list(err = msg, seen = NA, time = NA))
  # send each stimulus step to the OPI server
  for(i in 1:stim$nsteps) {
    msg <- paste(stim$eye[i], stim$type[i],
                 stim$x[i], stim$y[i], stim$sx[i], stim$sy[i], stim$theta[i],
                 stim$tstep[i], stim$lum[i],
                 stim$col[i,1], stim$col[i,2], stim$col[i,3], stim$col[i,4])
    writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket)
    # check if received OK
    msg <- readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)
    if(msg != "OK") return(list(err = msg, seen = NA, time = NA))
  # at this point, the server presents the stimulus and returns results,
  # including possible errors during presentation
  err <- readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)
  if(err == "") err <- NULL
  seen <- as.logical(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1))
  time <- as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1))
  return(list(err = err, seen = seen, time = time))

#' @rdname opiClose
#' @return
#' ## PhoneHMD
#'   Closes the socket connection with the PhoneHMD
PhoneHMD.opiClose <- function() {
  if(is.na(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket)) return(NULL)
  writeLines("OPI_CLOSE", .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket)
  msg <- readLines(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket, n = 1)
  .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD$socket <- NA
  if(length(msg) == 0 || msg == "OK") return(NULL)
  else return(msg)

#' @rdname opiQueryDevice
#' @title Query device using OPI
#' @details
#' # PhoneHMD
#'   Returns all constants in \code{.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD} as a list.
PhoneHMD.opiQueryDevice <- function() {
  vars <- ls(.OpiEnv$PhoneHMD)
  lst <- lapply(vars, function(i) .OpiEnv$PhoneHMD[[i]])
  names(lst) <- vars

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OPI documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:06 a.m.