taxonomy: Taxonomic assignments of OTUs

Description Usage Format Details Author(s)


A dataset containing the taxonomy of each OTU in the otu_table Produced from mothur output using clean_taxonomy() Bootstrap values have been removed from this dataset, but are still available in as part of the Data folder in the McMahonLab/North_Temperate_Lakes-Microbial_Observatory GitHub repo




A dataframe with 7 columns (taxonomic levels) and 6,208 rows (OTUs)


Classified using our Freshwater database, followed by Greengenes - for the full workflow, visit the McMahonLab Github 16STax-Ass repository Some OTUs are missing; these were removed by subsampling of the OTU table The presence of both blank (__) assignments and "unclassified" assignments are the result of the dual classification.


Alexandra Linz <>

OTUtable documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:51 p.m.