# quiets concerns of R CMD check
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("ID",
"outlierIndices", "pID", "psN", "psNx", "sB", "s1B",
"sN", "sumR", "sumS", "sumV", "xsumR", "oh"))
# Main function--------------
O3plotT <- function(outResults, caseNames=paste0("X", 1:nrow(outResults$data)),
sortVars=TRUE, coltxtsize=14, O3control=O3plotColours()) {
mx <- 1
ouF <- outResults$data
n1 <- ncol(ouF)
n2 <- nrow(ouF)
nw <- outResults$nw
mm <- outResults$mm
if(length(mm) > 1) {
stop("You should use O3PlotM for plotting results for more than one method", call.=FALSE)
tols <- outResults$tols
mxm <- length(tols)
outList <- outResults$outList
# There are mx outM's and l2a gives the indices of cases that are ever outliers
l1a <- vector("list", mxm)
l2a <- NULL
for (j in 1:mxm) {
l1a[[j]] <- rlist::list.cases(outList[[j]], outlierIndices)
l2a <- union(l2a, l1a[[j]])
# Stop if no outliers are found--------------
nz <- length(l2a)
if (nz < 1) {
cat("No outliers found for tol equal to ", max(tols))
if (nz > 0) {
#Set up an array with cases ever found to be outliers and one with outlier scores
zz <- rep(0, nw*nz*mxm)
dim(zz) <- c(nw, nz, mxm)
colnames(zz) <- paste0("X", l2a)
Ds <- rep(0, mxm*nw*n2)
dim(Ds) <- c(n2, nw, mxm)
# Fill a matrix with outlier indices and one with outlier scores for each tol level
val <- c(3, 4, 5)
for (j in 1:mxm) {
l1 <- rlist::list.ungroup(outList[[j]])
for (k in 1:nw) {
if (length(l1[[3*k-1]]) > 0) {
zz[k, paste0("X", l1[[3*k-1]]), j] <- val[3-mxm+j]
Ds[, k, j] <- l1[[3*k]]
#Summarise the outlier indices array
zs <- apply(zz, c(1,2), max)
if (mxm == 1) {
nOut <- nz
# names(nOut) <- mm
if (mxm > 1) {
zt <- apply(zz, c(2,3), sum)
zt[zt>0] <- 1
nOut <- colSums(zt)
names(nOut) <- tols
#Add variable columns and gap columns to matrix--------------
zv <- rep(0, nw*(n1 + 2))
dim(zv) <- c(nw, n1+2)
colnames(zv) <- c(names(ouF), "gap1", "gap2")
for (k in 1:nw) {
zv[k, l1[[3*k-2]]] <- 1/1000
zv[k, (n1+1):(n1+2)] <- 2/1000
colnames(zs) <- caseNames[l2a]
z1 <- data.frame(cbind(zv, zs))
# Remove combinations with no outliers--------------
if (nz > 1) {
z1 <- z1[rowSums(z1[ , (n1+3):(n1+2+nz)]) > 0, ]
} else {
if (nz == 1)
z1 <- z1[z1[ , (n1+3)] > 0, ]
# Sort and prepare----------------------------
z1p <- sortO3(z1, n1=n1, nz=nz, ouF, sortVars)
# Plot------------------------------------------
# Prepare blue lines separating numbers of combinations--------------
nc <- nrow(z1)
tx <- rep(0,n1)
t1d <- data.frame(table((nc+1)*rowSums(z1[ ,1:n1])))
tx[t1d$Var1] <- t1d$Freq
ty <- cumsum(rev(tx)) + 0.5
tw <- ty[ty > 0.5 & ty < nc + 0.5]
# Set the colours for the plot------------------
# First add the background colours
outCols <- c("grey95", "grey60", "white", O3control$colours)
z1p <- z1p %>% mutate(s1B = factor(sB, levels = c("0", "0.001", "0.002", "3",
"4", "5", "3.01", "3.02", "6.03", "7", "14", "21", "28", "35", "42")))
names(outCols) <- levels(z1p$s1B)
levels(z1p$psNx)[n1+1] <- " "
levels(z1p$psNx)[n1+2] <- " "
ga <- ggplot(z1p, aes(psNx, forcats::fct_rev(pID), group = s1B, fill = s1B)) +
geom_tile(colour = "grey30") + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
axis.text.x = element_text(size=coltxtsize, angle=45, hjust=0, vjust=0),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
scale_x_discrete(position = "top") +
geom_hline(yintercept = tw, lty = 3, colour = "blue", size=0.75)
if (mxm == 3) {
gO3 <- ga + scale_fill_manual(name = paste0("Outliers identified by ", mm , " at tolerances"), values = outCols,
breaks=c("3", "4", "5"), labels=c(tols[1], tols[2], tols[3]))
} else {
if (mxm == 2) {
gO3 <- ga + scale_fill_manual(name = paste0("Outliers identified by ", mm , " at tolerances"), values = outCols,
breaks=c("4", "5"), labels=c(tols[1], tols[2]))
} else {
if (mxm == 1) {
gO3 <- ga + scale_fill_manual(name = paste0("Outliers identified by ", mm , " at tolerance"), values = outCols,
breaks=c("5"), labels=c(tols[1]))
# Set up PCP with cases ever identified as outliers coloured red--------------
ouF1 <- ouF
# Create highlighting variable
ouF1$oh <- rep(0, nrow(ouF))
# Outliers are listed in l2a
ouF1[l2a, "oh"] <- "A"
ouF1 <- ouF1 %>% mutate(alev = ifelse(oh == 0, 0.5, 1))
gp <- ggparcoord(ouF1 %>% arrange(oh), scale = "uniminmax", columns=1:n1,
groupColumn="oh", alphaLines="alev") + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("grey70", "red")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 18, hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = "none", axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank())
gpcp <- gp + ggtitle(paste("Cases ever found to be outliers by ",
mm, " for tol=", tols[1]))
# Create dataset of outliers by case, combination and tol--------------
gg <- data.frame(matrix(zv[,1:n1], nrow = nw))
if(nw > 1) {
colnames(gg) <- colnames(zv[,1:n1])
} else {
colnames(gg) <- names(zv[,1:n1])
gg[gg>0] <- 1
gg <- unite(gg, "Combination", c(1:n1), sep="")
rownames(zz) <- paste0("c", gg$Combination)
colnames(zz) <- caseNames[l2a]
dimnames(zz)[[3]] <- names(nOut)
zz[zz>0] <- 1
outs <-, as.vars = 0, name = "Outlier")
colnames(outs)[1:3] <- c("Combination", "Name", "tol")
outs <- outs[outs$Outlier > 0, 1:3]
Cases <- data.frame(caseNames, Case=1:nrow(outResults$data))
outy <- merge(outs, Cases, by.x = "Name", by.y = "caseNames")
# Draw a pcp of method distances (scores) with lowest tol outliers highlighted unless method is HDo
if(nw > 1) {
dimnames(Ds)[[2]] <- rownames(zz)
} else {
dimnames(Ds)[[2]] <- list(rownames(zz))
dimnames(Ds)[[3]] <- paste0("T", tols)
if(mm=="HDo"|nw == 1) {
return(list(nOut = nOut, gpcp = gpcp, gO3 = gO3, outsTable = outy, Ds = Ds))
} else {
Dx <- data.frame(Ds[ , , mxm])
Dx$oh <- rep(0, n2)
Dx[l1a[[mxm]], "oh"] <- "A"
colnames(Dx) <- c(rownames(zz), "oh")
gd <- ggparcoord(Dx %>% arrange(oh), scale = "uniminmax", columns=1:nw,
groupColumn="oh") + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("grey70", "red")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 18, hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = "none", axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank())
gCombs <- gd + ggtitle(paste("Scores for each combination using\n method", mm, "with outliers highlighted"))
return(list(nOut = nOut, gpcp = gpcp, gO3 = gO3, gCombs = gCombs, outsTable = outy, Ds = Ds))
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