#' @title PACBO
#' @description This function performs clustering on online datasets. The number of cells is data-driven and need not to be chosen in advance by the user.
#' @param mydata a matrix where each row corresponds to an observation of length d.
#' @param R a positive real value that should be larger than the maximum Euclidean distance of all the observations in \code{mydata}. We recommend to set R equaling to this maximum Euclidean distance.
#' @param coeff a positive real value, enforcing large number of cells. The default, 2, should be convenient for most users. A larger value brings more cells for the clustering.
#' @param K_max a positive integer indicating the maximum number of cells allowed for the clustering.
#' @param scaling logical indicating whether the matrix \code{mydata} should be centered and scaled. The centering is done by subtracting the column means of \code{mydata} from their corresponding columns; the scaling is done by dividing the (centered) columns of \code{mydata} by their standard deviations. We recommend to set it to \code{TRUE} only when the maximum Euclidean distance of all the observations in \code{mydata} is smaller than 1.
#' @param var_ind logical indicating whether predicted centers of cells will be calculated sequentially. If \code{TRUE}, at each round, predicted centers of cells will be calculated on the basis of the past observations and past predicted centers. Setting this to \code{FALSE} will largely save execution time.
#' @param N_iterations a positive integer indicating the number of iterations of algorithm.
#' @param plot_ind logical indicating whether clusters should be plotted.
#' @param axis_ind numeric indicating which axes are to be plotted if d >= 2. The default is the first two coordinates of observations.
#' @details The PACBO algorithm is introduced and fully described in Le Li, Benjamin Guedj, Sebastien Loustau (2016), "PAC-Bayesian Online Clustering" (\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.00522}). It relies on PAC-Bayesian approach, allowing for a dynamic (\emph{i.e.,} time-dependent) estimation of the number of clusters, up to \code{K_max} clusters. Its implementation is done via an RJMCMC-flavored algorithm.
#' @return Returns a list including
#' \item{predicted_centers}{a matrix of predicted centers of cells, where each row corresponds to a center.}
#' \item{nb_of_clusters}{positive integer indicating the estimation of the number of cells for the dataset.}
#' \item{labels}{labels for observations in \code{mydata}.}
#' @export
#' @import mnormt
#' @importFrom graphics legend plot points
#' @importFrom stats kmeans runif
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @author Le Li <le@iadvize.com>
#' @references Le Li, Benjamin Guedj and Sebastien Loustau (2016), PAC-Bayesian Online Clustering, arXiv preprint: \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.00522}.
#' @examples
#' ## generating 4 clusters of 100 points in \strong{R}^{5}.
#' set.seed(100)
#' Nb <- 4
#' d <- 5
#' T <- 100
#' proportion = rep(1/Nb, Nb)
#' Mean_vectors <- matrix(runif(d*Nb,min=-10, max=10),nrow=Nb,ncol=d, byrow=TRUE)
#' mydata <- matrix(replicate(T, rmnorm(1, mean= Mean_vectors[sample(1:Nb, 1, prob = proportion),],
#' varcov = diag(1,d))), nrow = T, byrow=T)
#' R <- max(sqrt(rowSums(mydata^2)))
#' ##run the algorithm.
#' result <- PACBO(mydata, R, plot_ind = TRUE)

PACBO = function(mydata, R, coeff = 2, K_max = 50, scaling = FALSE, var_ind = FALSE, N_iterations = 500, plot_ind = FALSE, axis_ind = c(1,2)){

  if (class(mydata) != 'matrix'){
    mydata = matrix(mydata, nrow =1)

  if (R < max(sqrt(rowSums(mydata^2)))){
    print(c('R should be bigger than the maximum Euclidean distance of observations'))

  if (scaling){
    mydata = scale(mydata)

  d = length(mydata[1,])
  T = length(mydata[,1])
  multiplier_R = 1.5

  Nclusters = rep(1, N_iterations)
  Niter_centers = list()
  parameter_means_proposal = list()
  sum_loss = rep(0, N_iterations)

  if (var_ind){
    nb_of_clusters = rep(1, T)
    pred_centers = list()
    predicted_loss = rep(0, T)
    proposal_loss = rep(0, T)

    lambda_1 = rep(1, T)
    lambda_1[2:T] = sapply(2:T, function(t) 2.5*coeff *(d+2)*(t-1)^(-0.5)/R)
    lambda_2 = sapply(1:T, function(t) (d+2)*(t)^(-0.5)/(multiplier_R * R)^4)

    c_1 = runiform_ball(5000, d, multiplier_R*R)
    index_1 = which(apply((c_1-t(replicate(5000, mydata[1,])))^2, 1, sum) == instantaneous_loss(c_1, mydata[1,]))
    pred_centers[[1]] = c_1[index_1,]
    predicted_loss[1] = instantaneous_loss(pred_centers[[1]], mydata[1,])

    pb <- txtProgressBar(0, 1, char = '=')

    for (t in 2:T){

      tau_proposal = (K_max*t*d)^(-0.5)

      Nclusters[1] = nb_of_clusters[t-1]
      parameter_means_proposal[[1]] = kmeans(matrix(mydata[1:(t-1),], ncol=d), Nclusters[1], nstart=2, iter.max=10)$centers

      Niter_centers[[1]] = t(apply(parameter_means_proposal[[1]],1, function(x) rmt(1, mean=x, S = diag(tau_proposal, d), df =3)))

      while ( sum(sqrt(rowSums((Niter_centers[[1]]^2))) > multiplier_R * R) > 0 ){
        Niter_centers[[1]] = t(apply(parameter_means_proposal[[1]],1, function(x) rmt(1, mean=x, S = diag(tau_proposal, d), df =3)))

      proposal_loss[1:(t-1)] = apply(matrix(mydata[1:(t-1),], nrow = t-1), 1, function (x) instantaneous_loss(Niter_centers[[1]], x))

      sum_loss[1] = sum(proposal_loss[1:(t-1)]) + 0.5 * sum(lambda_2 * (proposal_loss - predicted_loss)^2)

      for (n in 2:N_iterations){
        proposal_loss_temp = rep(0, T)
        transition_prob = c(transition_probability(Nclusters[n-1],Nclusters[n-1]-1,K_max), transition_probability(Nclusters[n-1],Nclusters[n-1],K_max), transition_probability(Nclusters[n-1],Nclusters[n-1]+1,K_max))
        transition_prob = transition_prob/sum(transition_prob)
        new_k = sample(c(Nclusters[n-1]-1,Nclusters[n-1],Nclusters[n-1]+1),1, prob = transition_prob)
        if (new_k == Nclusters[n-1]){
          m_t = parameter_means_proposal[[n-1]]
          if(new_k >= t-1){
            new_k = t-1
            m_t = matrix(mydata[1:(t-1),], ncol=d, byrow=F)
            m_t = kmeans(matrix(mydata[1:(t-1),],ncol=d), new_k, nstart=2, iter.max=10)$centers
        c_k_prime = t(apply(m_t,1, function(x) rmt(1, mean=x, S = diag(tau_proposal, d), df =3)))

        if (sum( sqrt(rowSums(c_k_prime^2)) < multiplier_R * R ) == new_k) {

          log_numerator_prop = log(apply(matrix(1:Nclusters[n-1], ncol=1),1,function(x) dmt(Niter_centers[[n-1]][x,], mean = parameter_means_proposal[[n-1]][x,], S = diag(tau_proposal,d), df = 3)))

          log_denominator_prop = log(apply(matrix(1:new_k, ncol=1),1,function(x) dmt(c_k_prime[x,], mean=m_t[x,], S = diag(tau_proposal,d), df = 3)))

          log_numerator_prior = rep((log(gamma(d/2+1)) - (d/2)*log(pi) - d*log(multiplier_R*R)), new_k)
          log_denominator_prior = rep((log(gamma(d/2+1)) - (d/2)*log(pi) - d*log(multiplier_R*R)), Nclusters[n-1])

          ln_division = sum(c(log_numerator_prior, log_numerator_prop)-c(log_denominator_prior, log_denominator_prop))

          proposal_loss_temp[1:(t-1)] = apply(matrix(mydata[1:(t-1),], nrow = t-1), 1, function (x) instantaneous_loss(c_k_prime, x))

          s_loss_prime = sum(proposal_loss_temp) + 0.5 * sum(lambda_2 * (proposal_loss_temp - predicted_loss)^2)

          ln_accept_ratio=(-lambda_1[t-1]*(s_loss_prime-sum_loss[n-1]))+ln_division+log(transition_probability(new_k, Nclusters[n-1],K_max))-log(transition_probability(Nclusters[n-1], new_k, K_max))
          ln_accept_ratio = log(0)

        bool= (log(runif(1)) < ln_accept_ratio)

        if (bool){
          Niter_centers[[n]] = c_k_prime
          parameter_means_proposal[[n]] = m_t
          Nclusters[n] = new_k
          sum_loss[n] = s_loss_prime
          Niter_centers[[n]] = Niter_centers[[n-1]]
          parameter_means_proposal[[n]] = parameter_means_proposal[[n-1]]
          Nclusters[n] = Nclusters[n-1]
          sum_loss[n] = sum_loss[n-1]


      nb_of_clusters[t] = Nclusters[N_iterations]
      pred_centers[[t]]= Niter_centers[[N_iterations]]
      predicted_loss[t] = instantaneous_loss(pred_centers[[t]], mydata[t,])
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, t/T)


    labels = labels_function(pred_centers[[T]], mydata)
    if (plot_ind){

      plot(mydata[, axis_ind[1]], mydata[, axis_ind[2]], xlim =c(min(mydata[, axis_ind[1]])-5, max(mydata[, axis_ind[1]])+5), ylim = c(min(mydata[, axis_ind[2]])-5, max(mydata[, axis_ind[2]])+5) , col = 1+labels, xlab = paste(c('axis_'), axis_ind[1], sep = ''), ylab = paste(c('axis_'), axis_ind[2], sep = ''))
      points(pred_centers[[T]][, axis_ind[1]], pred_centers[[T]][, axis_ind[2]], pch = 17, col = 1)
      lgd = c('pred_centers       ', sapply(1:length(unique(labels)), function(x) paste(c('cluster'), as.character(x), sep = ' '), simplify = 'vector'))
      legend('topright', legend = lgd, col = seq(length(unique(labels))+1), pch = c(17, rep(1, length(unique(labels)))), cex = 0.7, xjust = 1)

    return (list('centers' = pred_centers[[T]], 'nb_of_clusters' = nb_of_clusters[T], 'labels' = labels))


    lambda_1 = coeff *(d+2)*(T-1)^(-0.5)/R
    tau_proposal = (K_max*T*d)^(-0.5)
    Nclusters[1] = 1
    parameter_means_proposal[[1]] = kmeans(matrix(mydata, ncol=d), Nclusters[1], nstart=2, iter.max=10)$centers

    Niter_centers[[1]] = matrix(rmt(1, mean=as.vector(parameter_means_proposal[[1]]),  S = diag(tau_proposal, d), df =3), nrow = 1)

    while ( sqrt(sum((Niter_centers[[1]]^2))) > multiplier_R * R ){
      Niter_centers[[1]] = matrix(rmt(1, mean=as.vector(parameter_means_proposal[[1]]), S = diag(tau_proposal, d), df =3),nrow = 1)

    sum_loss[1] = cumulative_loss(Niter_centers[[1]], mydata)

    for (n in 2:N_iterations){
      transition_prob = c(transition_probability(Nclusters[n-1],Nclusters[n-1]-1,K_max), transition_probability(Nclusters[n-1],Nclusters[n-1],K_max), transition_probability(Nclusters[n-1],Nclusters[n-1]+1,K_max))
      transition_prob = transition_prob/sum(transition_prob)

      new_k = sample(c(Nclusters[n-1]-1,Nclusters[n-1],Nclusters[n-1]+1),1, prob = transition_prob)
      if (new_k == Nclusters[n-1]){
        m_t = parameter_means_proposal[[n-1]]
        if(new_k >= T){
          new_k = T
          m_t = matrix(mydata, ncol=d, byrow=F)
          m_t = kmeans(matrix(mydata,ncol=d), new_k, nstart=2, iter.max=50)$centers

      c_k_prime = t(apply(m_t,1, function(x) rmt(1, mean=x, S = diag(tau_proposal, d), df =3)))

      if (sum( sqrt(rowSums(c_k_prime^2)) < multiplier_R * R ) == new_k) {

        log_numerator_prop = log(apply(matrix(1:Nclusters[n-1],ncol=1),1,function(x) dmt(Niter_centers[[n-1]][x,], mean=parameter_means_proposal[[n-1]][x,], S=diag(tau_proposal,d), df=3)))

        log_denominator_prop = log(apply(matrix(1:new_k,ncol=1),1,function(x) dmt(c_k_prime[x,], mean=m_t[x,], S=diag(tau_proposal,d), df=3)))

        log_numerator_prior = rep((log(gamma(d/2+1)) - (d/2)*log(pi) - d*log(multiplier_R*R)), new_k)
        log_denominator_prior = rep((log(gamma(d/2+1)) - (d/2)*log(pi) - d*log(multiplier_R*R)), Nclusters[n-1])

        ln_division = sum(c(log_numerator_prior, log_numerator_prop)-c(log_denominator_prior, log_denominator_prop))

        s_loss_prime = cumulative_loss(c_k_prime, mydata)

        ln_accept_ratio=(-lambda_1*(s_loss_prime-sum_loss[n-1]))+ln_division+log(transition_probability(new_k, Nclusters[n-1],K_max))-log(transition_probability(Nclusters[n-1], new_k, K_max))
        ln_accept_ratio = log(0)
      bool=(log(runif(1)) < ln_accept_ratio)
      if (bool){
        Niter_centers[[n]] = c_k_prime
        parameter_means_proposal[[n]] = m_t
        Nclusters[n] = new_k
        sum_loss[n] = s_loss_prime
        Niter_centers[[n]] = Niter_centers[[n-1]]
        parameter_means_proposal[[n]] = parameter_means_proposal[[n-1]]
        Nclusters[n] = Nclusters[n-1]
        sum_loss[n] = sum_loss[n-1]

    pred_centers = Niter_centers[[N_iterations]]
    nb_clusters = Nclusters[N_iterations]
    labels = labels_function(pred_centers, mydata)

    if (plot_ind){

      plot(mydata[, axis_ind[1]], mydata[, axis_ind[2]], xlim =c(min(mydata[, axis_ind[1]])-5, max(mydata[, axis_ind[1]])+5), ylim = c(min(mydata[, axis_ind[2]])-5, max(mydata[, axis_ind[2]])+5), col = 1+labels, xlab = paste(c('axis_'), axis_ind[1], sep = ''), ylab = paste(c('axis_'), axis_ind[2], sep = ''))
      points(pred_centers[, axis_ind[1]], pred_centers[, axis_ind[2]], col= 1, pch=17)
      lgd = c('pred_centers       ', sapply(1:length(unique(labels)), function(x) paste(c('cluster'), as.character(x), sep = ' '), simplify = 'vector'))
      legend('topright', legend = lgd, col = seq(length(unique(labels))+1), pch = c(17, rep(1, length(unique(labels)))), cex = 0.7, xjust = 1)


    return (list('predicted_centers' = pred_centers, 'nb_of_clusters' = nb_clusters, 'labels' = labels))

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PACBO documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:05 a.m.