.CreateDataCV_onlyA <- function(net_object , p = 0.75 , g = 50 , deg_thresh = 0 ) {
#net <- as.matrix(net)
oopts <- options(scipen = 999)
net <- net_object$graph
net_type <- net_object$type
net <- net[order(net[,3] , decreasing = FALSE),]
time_stamp <- as.vector(net[,3])
in_node <- as.vector(net[,2])
out_node <- as.vector(net[,1])
node_id <- as.numeric(sort(union(in_node,out_node)))
names(node_id) <- as.numeric(node_id)
unique_time <- sort(unique(time_stamp))
T <- length(unique_time)
N <- length(node_id)
first_time <- unique_time[1]
edge_cumsum <- cumsum(as.vector(table(time_stamp[time_stamp != first_time])))
edge_ratio <- edge_cumsum/edge_cumsum[length(edge_cumsum)]
ok_time <- which(edge_ratio >= p)
if (length(ok_time) == 1) {
use_time <- unique_time[length(unique_time) - 1]
} else
use_time <- unique_time[which(edge_ratio >= p)[1] + 1]
data_new <- net[time_stamp <= use_time, ]
net_new <- as.PAFit_net(graph = data_new, type = net_type)
stats <- get_statistics(net_new,
binning = TRUE , g = g , deg_threshold = deg_thresh)
final_stat <- get_statistics(net_object, binning = TRUE, g = g, deg_threshold = 0)
n_tk_each <- final_stat$n_tk[unique_time[-1] > use_time,,drop = FALSE]
m_each <- final_stat$m_t[unique_time[-1] > use_time]
m_tk_each <- final_stat$m_tk[unique_time[-1] > use_time,, drop = FALSE]
prob_em_each <- m_tk_each / m_each
result <- list(stats = stats , n_tk_each = n_tk_each ,
m_each = m_each , p = p ,
center_k = final_stat$center_k,
prob_em_each = prob_em_each , use_time = use_time)
class(result) <- "CV_Data"
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