.performCV_core_new_new <- function(cv_data ,
r = 10^c(-5 , -4 , -3 , -2 , - 1) ,
s = 10^c(-1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3) ,
stop_cond = 10^-6 ,
print_out = FALSE ,
cv_deg_thresh = c(1,10) ,
normal_start_f = TRUE ,
weight_f = 0 ,
...) {
oopts <- options(scipen = 999)
result_1 <- .one_cycle(cv_data, r, s,
estimated_fitness_start = NULL,
estimated_PA_start = NULL,
alpha_start = NULL,
#plot(result_1$center_k,result_1$estimated_PA, log = "xy")
#print(paste0("Max of theta outside one cycle: ",max(result_1$estimated_PA)))
s <- c(0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2) * result_1$s_optimal;
s <- s[s <= 10^4]
s <- s[s >= 10^-2]
r <- c(0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2) * result_1$r_optimal;
r <- r[r >= 10^-5]
r <- r[r <= 10^1]
estimated_PA <- result_1$estimated_PA;
estimated_fitness <- result_1$estimated_fitness;
estimated_alpha <- result_1$alpha_optimal;
result_2 <- .one_cycle(cv_data,r,s,estimated_fitness_start = estimated_fitness,
estimated_PA_start = estimated_PA, alpha_start = estimated_alpha,
stop_cond, print_out, cv_deg_thresh,
normal_start_f, weight_f);
s <- c(1/1.75 , 1/1.5 , 1/1.25 ,1, 1.25 , 1.5 , 1.75) * result_2$s_optimal;
s <- s[s <= 10^4]
s <- s[s >= 10^-2]
r <- c(1/1.75 , 1/1.5 , 1/1.25 ,1, 1.25 , 1.5 , 1.75) * result_2$r_optimal;
r <- r[r >= 10^-5]
r <- r[r <= 10^1]
estimated_PA <- result_2$estimated_PA;
estimated_fitness <- result_2$estimated_fitness;
estimated_alpha <- result_2$alpha_optimal;
result_2_5 <- .one_cycle(cv_data,r,s,
estimated_fitness_start = estimated_fitness,
estimated_PA_start = estimated_PA, alpha_start = estimated_alpha,
stop_cond, print_out, cv_deg_thresh,
normal_start_f, weight_f);
s <- c(1/1.75 , 1/1.5 , 1/1.25 ,1, 1.25 , 1.5 , 1.75) * result_2_5$s_optimal;
s <- s[s <= 10^4]
s <- s[s >= 10^-2]
r <- c(1/1.75 , 1/1.5 , 1/1.25 ,1, 1.25 , 1.5 , 1.75) * result_2_5$r_optimal;
r <- r[r >= 10^-5]
r <- r[r <= 10^1]
result_2_75 <- .one_cycle(cv_data,r,s,
estimated_fitness_start = estimated_fitness,
estimated_PA_start = estimated_PA, alpha_start = estimated_alpha,
stop_cond, print_out, cv_deg_thresh,
normal_start_f, weight_f);
s <- c(1/1.75 , 1/1.5 , 1/1.25 ,1, 1.25 , 1.5 , 1.75) * result_2_75$s_optimal;
s <- s[s <= 10^4]
s <- s[s >= 10^-2]
r <- c(1/1.75 , 1/1.5 , 1/1.25 ,1, 1.25 , 1.5 , 1.75) * result_2_75$r_optimal;
r <- r[r >= 10^-5]
r <- r[r <= 10^1]
estimated_PA <- result_2_75$estimated_PA;
estimated_fitness <- result_2_75$estimated_fitness;
estimated_alpha <- result_2_75$alpha_optimal;
result_3 <- .one_cycle(cv_data,r,s,
estimated_fitness_start = estimated_fitness,
estimated_PA_start = estimated_PA, alpha_start = estimated_alpha,
stop_cond, print_out, cv_deg_thresh,
normal_start_f, weight_f);
r_optimal <- result_3$r_optimal
lambda_optimal <- result_3$lambda_optimal
s_optimal <- result_3$s_optimal
alpha_optimal <- result_3$alpha_optimal
estimated_fitness <- result_3$estimated_fitness
estimated_PA <- result_3$estimated_PA
result <- list(r_optimal = r_optimal,
lambda_optimal = lambda_optimal,
s_optimal = s_optimal,
alpha_optimal = alpha_optimal,
estimated_fitness = estimated_fitness,
estimated_PA = estimated_PA,
cv_deg_thresh = cv_deg_thresh)
class(result) <- "CV_Result"
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