# function to summarize estimation results 2015-3-11 Thong Pham
print.Linear_PA_test_result <- function(x, ...){
cat("\nContaining the fitting of various distributions to the degree distribution.");
full_result <- x
chosen_model_AIC <- vector(mode = "list", length = 5)
chosen_model_BIC <- vector(mode = "list", length = 5)
names(chosen_model_AIC) <- c("yule","waring","nb","geom","pois")
names(chosen_model_BIC) <- c("yule","waring","nb","geom","pois")
AIC_vector <- 1:5
BIC_vector <- 1:5
k_min <- 1:length(full_result[[1]])
for (j in 1:5) {
min_AIC_index <- 1
min_BIC_index <- 1
if (length(k_min) > 1)
for (i in 2:length(k_min)) {
if (full_result[[j]][[i]]$AIC < full_result[[j]][[min_AIC_index]]$AIC)
min_AIC_index <- i
if (full_result[[j]][[i]]$BIC < full_result[[j]][[min_BIC_index]]$BIC)
min_BIC_index <- i
chosen_model_AIC[[j]] <- full_result[[j]][[min_AIC_index]]
chosen_model_BIC[[j]] <- full_result[[j]][[min_BIC_index]]
AIC_vector[j] <- full_result[[j]][[min_AIC_index]]$AIC
BIC_vector[j] <- full_result[[j]][[min_BIC_index]]$BIC
data_frame <- matrix(0,nrow = 5, ncol = 4)
for (i in 1:length(order(AIC_vector))) {
data_frame[i,1] <- names(chosen_model_AIC)[order(AIC_vector)[i]]
data_frame[i,2] <- format(round(chosen_model_AIC[[order(AIC_vector)[i]]]$val,2),nsmal = 2)
data_frame[i,3] <- format(round(chosen_model_AIC[[order(AIC_vector)[i]]]$AIC,2),nsmal = 2)
data_frame[i,4] <- format(round(chosen_model_AIC[[order(AIC_vector)[i]]]$BIC,2),nsmal = 2)
colnames(data_frame) <- c("Model","Log-Likelihood","AIC","BIC")
cat("\nThe top models ordered by the value of the AIC:");
temp <- knitr::kable(head(data_frame))
# cat("\nThe Top five models ordered by the value of the BIC:");
# data_frame <- matrix(0,nrow = 5, ncol = 6)
# for (i in 1:length(order(BIC_vector))) {
# data_frame[i,1] <- names(chosen_model_BIC)[order(BIC_vector)[i]]
# data_frame[i,2] <- chosen_model_BIC[[order(BIC_vector)[i]]]$k_min
# data_frame[i,3] <- chosen_model_BIC[[order(BIC_vector)[i]]]$dim
# data_frame[i,4] <- format(round(chosen_model_BIC[[order(BIC_vector)[i]]]$val,2),nsmal = 2)
# data_frame[i,5] <- format(round(chosen_model_BIC[[order(BIC_vector)[i]]]$AIC,2),nsmal = 2)
# data_frame[i,6] <- format(round(chosen_model_BIC[[order(BIC_vector)[i]]]$BIC,2),nsmal = 2)
# }
# colnames(data_frame) <- c("Model","k_min","Dimension","Log-Likelihood","AIC","BIC")
# temp <- knitr::kable(head(data_frame))
# print(temp)
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