#' @title Raytrace Through a Soundspeed Profile
#' @description Traces the ray of a sound through a varying soundspeed profile
#' for a fixed amount of time. Also plots the provided sound speed profile and
#' all traces generated. All code here is based on MATLAB code originally
#' written by Val Schmidt from the University of New Hampshire
#' Val Schmidt (2021). raytrace
#', MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved June 29, 2021.
#' @param x0 starting horizontal coordinate in meters
#' @param z0 starting vertical coordinate in meters
#' @param theta0 starting angle(s) of ray in degrees
#' @param tt max travel time of ray in seconds
#' @param zz vertical coordinates of sound speed profile (positive values are down)
#' @param cc sound speed measurements at \code{zz} locations, meters / second
#' @param plot logical flag to plot. Can be a vector of length two to individually
#' select plotting one of the two plots generated
#' @param progress logical flag to show progress bar
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{}
#' @return A list with four elements: \code{x}, the horizontal
#' coordinates of ray path, \code{z} the vertical coordinates of ray path,
#' \code{t} actual travel time of ray in seconds,
#' and \code{d} the total distance the ray traveled. Each individual item
#' in the output is a list with one entry for each \code{theta0} provided.
#' @examples
#' # Setup the sound speed profile
#' zz <- seq(from=0, to=5000, by=1)
#' cc <- 1520 + zz * -.05
#' cc[751:length(cc)] <- cc[750] + (zz[751:length(zz)] - zz[750])*.014
#' rt <- raytrace(0, 0, 5, 120, zz, cc, TRUE)
#' @importFrom graphics title lines legend
#' @export
raytrace <- function(x0, z0, theta0, tt, zz, cc, plot=TRUE, progress=FALSE) {
# extend sound speed profile to surface
if(zz[1] != 0) {
zz <- c(0, zz)
cc <- c(cc[1], cc)
# initialize variables
nTheta <- length(theta0)
xxf <- vector('list', length=nTheta)
zzf <- xxf
ddf <- xxf
ttf <- xxf
tttf <- xxf
thetaf <- xxf
for(m in seq_along(theta0)) {
Nsvp <- length(zz)
zzend <- zz[Nsvp]
dz <- diff(zz)
dc <- diff(cc)
if(theta0[m] < 0 && z0 > 0) {
z <- rev(zz)
zzz <- c(zz[1], zz[1] + cumsum(rev(dz)))
ccc <- c(cc[Nsvp], cc[Nsvp] - cumsum(rev(dc)))
mult <- 1
} else {
z <- zz
zzz <- c(zz[1], zz[1] + cumsum(dz))
ccc <- c(cc[1], cc[1] + cumsum(dc))
mult <- -1
dz0 <- dz
while(abs(zzz[length(zzz)]) < MAXBOUNCE * zzend) {
# browser()
if(mult == -1) {
if(theta0[m] < 0) {
zzz <- c(zzz, zzz[length(zzz)] + cumsum(rev(dz)))
} else {
zzz <- c(zzz, zzz[length(zzz)] + cumsum(rev(dz)))
ccc <- c(ccc, ccc[length(ccc)] + mult * cumsum(rev(dc)))
} else {
zzz <- c(zzz, zzz[length(zzz)] + cumsum(dz))
ccc <- c(ccc, ccc[length(ccc)] + mult * cumsum(dc))
# browser()
z <- c(z, z[length(z)] + mult * cumsum(rev(dz0)))
dz <- rev(dz)
dz0 <- rev(dz0)
mult <- mult * -1
# cat(abs(zzz[Nsvp]) ,'\n')
# browser()
# start with the standard defintions
dz <- diff(zzz) # depth steps
g <- diff(ccc) / dz # sound speed gradient
# starting index (set to depth closest to z0
# browser()
idx <- which.min(abs(z[1:Nsvp]-z0))
q <- idx[1]
qstart <- q
# init vars
theta <- rep(NA, length(dz)) # ray angle
theta[q] <- abs(theta0[m]) * pi / 180
x <- rep(NA, Nsvp) # x distance of ray path
dx <- rep(NA, Nsvp)
x[q] <- x0
t <- 0 # cumulative travel time
d <- 0 # cumulative travel distance
ttt <- t
if(progress) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max=tt, style=3)
while(t < tt) {
if(q > length(g)) {
warning('CCOM:outofBounds Not enough bounces specified for',
'time requested. Increase MAXBOUNCES')
# handle constant 0 gradient (no refraction)
if(g[q] == 0) {
theta[q+1] <- theta[q]
if(theta[q] == 0) {
dx[q] <- abs(dz[q])
} else {
dx[q] <- abs(dz[q] / tan(theta[q]))
dd <- sqrt(dx[q]^2 + dz[q]^2)
dt <- dd / ccc[q]
} else {
# calculate radius of curvature
Rc <- -1/g[q] * ccc[q] / cos(theta[q])
# calculate angle Leaving depth step form angle enteringdepth
# step and radius of curvature of ray-path
tmpCos <- cos(theta[q]) - dz[q]/Rc
# theta[q+1] <- suppressWarnings(acos(cos(theta[q]) - dz[q]/Rc))
if(abs(tmpCos) > 1) {
# browser()
# }
# # when we go through a caustic we get a complex angle, so we catch
# #and reflect the ray
# if(Im(theta[q+1]) != 0) {
theta[q+1] <- -theta[q]
# % We need to rejig zzz,ccc, dz, z and g
# % When you are going down and there's a caustic you start
# % to go back up. We need to find the index of the extended
# % synthetic sound speed profile that matches the sound
# % speed at the caustic so we can omit the portion of the
# % sound speed profile where we are to the bottom and back
# % up to our caustic locaiton. That's what this next find
# % statement does.
# %tmp = find(ccc((q+1):end) == ccc(q));
tmp <- tryCatch({
which.min(abs(z[(q+1):(q+2*length(cc))] - z[q]))
error = function(e) {
if(length(tmp) == 0) {
warning('CCOM:outofBounds Not enough bounces specified for ',
'time requested. Increase MAXBOUNCES')
ccc <- c(ccc[1:q], ccc[(q + tmp[1]):length(ccc)])
zshift <- zzz[q + tmp[1] + 1] - zzz[q]
zzz <- c(zzz[1:q], zzz[(q+tmp[1]):length(zzz)] - zshift)
z <- c(z[1:q], z[(q+ tmp[1]):length(z)])
dz <- diff(zzz)
g <- diff(ccc)/dz
dx[q] <- 0
dt <- 0
dd <- 0
} else {
theta[q+1] <- acos(tmpCos)
if(theta[q] > 0) {
dx[q] <- Rc * (sin(theta[q+1]) - sin(theta[q]))
dt <- -2/g[q] * (atanh(tan(theta[q+1]/2)) -
} else {
dx[q] <- abs(Rc * -1*(sin(theta[q+1]) - sin(theta[q])))
dt <- -2/g[q] * (atanh(tan(theta[q+1]/2)) -
dd <- dt * (ccc[q] + g[q]/2)
t <- t + dt
ttt[q+1] <- t
x[q+1] <- x[q] + dx[q]
d <- d + dd
q <- q+1
if(progress) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=t)
x <- x[!]
z <- z[qstart:(qstart + length(x) -1)]
corrector <- (tt - (t-dt))/dt
x[length(x)] <- x[length(x)-1] + (x[length(x)] - x[length(x)-1])*corrector
z[length(z)] <- z[length(z)-1] + (z[length(z)] - z[length(z)-1])*corrector
t <- (t-dt) + dt*corrector
theta <- theta[!]
xxf[[m]] <- x
zzf[[m]] <- z
ddf[[m]] <- d
ttf[[m]] <- t
thetaf[[m]] <- theta * 180 / pi
tttf[[m]] <- ttt
if(length(plot) == 1) {
plot <- rep(plot, 2)
if(plot[1]) {
plot(cc[1:Nsvp], zz, ylab='Depth, m', xlab='Sound Speed, m/s', type='l')
title('Sound Speed Profile')
if(plot[2]) {
xRange <- range(sapply(xxf, range))
zRange <- range(sapply(zzf, range))
cols <- viridis_pal()(32)
colScale <- 31*((theta0 - min(theta0)) / max(theta0 - min(theta0))) + 1
if(length(theta0) == 1) {
colScale <- 1
# browser()
for(i in seq_along(xxf)) {
if(i == 1) {
plot(xxf[[i]], -zzf[[i]], type='l', xlim=xRange, ylim=rev(-zRange), col=cols[colScale[i]],
xlab='Range (m)', ylab='Depth (m)', main='Ray Paths')
} else {
lines(xxf[[i]], -zzf[[i]], col=cols[colScale[i]])
# browser()
if(length(theta0) > 1) {
leg <- rep(NA, 11)
leg[c(1, 6, 11)] <- c(min(theta0), mean(range(theta0)), max(theta0))
legend= c(NA,leg),
y.intersp = .5,
title='Start Angle'
list(x=xxf, z=zzf, t=ttf, d=ddf, tt=tttf)
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