
# extracted from CKAT.bin from CKAT package and adapted to suit package needs
# Debashis Ghosh and Xiang Zhan. "CKAT software" (2016)
# Available at: http://works.bepress.com/debashis_ghosh/75/
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix glm
.glmFit <- function (y, X) {
  n <- length(x = y)

  # obtain model matrix
  if (ncol(X) > 0L) {
    X1 <- stats::model.matrix(~. , as.data.frame(X))
  } else {
    X1 <- matrix(1.0, nrow(X), ncol = 1L)
  # logistic regression
  glmfit <- stats::glm(y ~ X1-1, family = "binomial")

  mu  <- glmfit$fitted.values
  res.wk <- glmfit$residuals
  res <- y - mu

  w <- mu * {1.0 - mu}
  sqrtw <- sqrt(x = w)

  adj <- sum({sqrtw * res.wk}^2)

  DX12 <- sqrtw * X1

  qrX <- qr(x = DX12, tol = 1e-7)
  Q <- qr.Q(qr = qrX)
  Q <- Q[, 1L:qrX$rank, drop = FALSE]

  P0 <- diag(x = n) - tcrossprod(x = Q)
  return( list("Q" = Q, 
               "sqrtw" = sqrtw,  
               "P0" = P0,  
               "res" = res,  
               "adj" = adj) )


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