#' @keywords AirNow
#' @export
#' @importFrom MazamaCoreUtils logger.trace logger.warn
#' @title Return reshaped dataframes of AirNow data
#' @param parameters Vector of names of desired pollutants or NULL for all
#' pollutants.
#' @param startdate Desired start date (integer or character representing
#' @param hours Desired number of hours of data to assemble.
#' @return List of dataframes where each dataframe contains all data for a
#' unique parameter (e.g: "PM2.5", "NOX").
#' @description This function uses the \link{airnow_downloadParseData} function
#' to download monthly dataframes of AirNow data and restructures that data into
#' a format that is compatible with the PWFSLSmoke package \emph{ws_monitor}
#' data model. The output is meant to be used as the \code{df} argument in other
#' PWFSLSmoke functions (e.g. \link{airnow_qualityControl}).
#' AirNow data parameters include at least the following list:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{BARPR}
#' \item{BC}
#' \item{CO}
#' \item{NO}
#' \item{NO2}
#' \item{NO2Y}
#' \item{NO2X}
#' \item{NOX}
#' \item{NOOY}
#' \item{OC}
#' \item{OZONE}
#' \item{PM10}
#' \item{PM2.5}
#' \item{PRECIP}
#' \item{RHUM}
#' \item{SO2}
#' \item{SRAD}
#' \item{TEMP}
#' \item{UV-AETH}
#' \item{WD}
#' \item{WS}
#' }
#' Setting \code{parameters=NULL} will generate a separate dataframe for each of
#' the above parameters.
#' @note As of 2016-12-27, it appears that hourly data are available only for
#' 2016 and not for earlier years.
#' @seealso \link{airnow_downloadParseData}
#' @seealso \link{airnow_qualityControl}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#' airnowList <- airnow_createDataDataframes("PM2.5", 2019062500)
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }
airnow_createDataDataframes <- function(
parameters = NULL,
startdate = strftime(lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC"), "%Y%m%d00", tz = "UTC"),
hours = 24
) {
logger.debug(" ----- airnow_createDataDataframes() ----- ")
# Create the data frame that holds multiple days of AirNow data
airnowTbl <- airnow_downloadParseData(parameters = parameters,
startdate = startdate,
hours = hours)
# > head(airnowTbl)
# # A tibble: 6 x 9
# ValidDate ValidTime AQSID SiteName GMTOffset ParameterName ReportingUnits Value DataSource
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
# 1 10/16/16 00:00 000020301 WELLINGTON -4 PM2.5 UG/M3 5 Environment Canada
# 2 10/16/16 00:00 000030701 AYLESFORD MOUNTAIN -4 PM2.5 UG/M3 2 Environment Canada
# 3 10/16/16 00:00 000040203 FOREST HILLS -4 PM2.5 UG/M3 7 Environment Canada
# 4 10/16/16 00:00 000040103 FREDERICTON -4 PM2.5 UG/M3 25 Environment Canada
# 5 10/16/16 00:00 000040207 SAINT JOHN WEST -4 PM2.5 UG/M3 8 Environment Canada
# ----- Data Reshaping ------------------------------------------------------
logger.trace("Reshaping %d hours of AirNow data ...", floor(hours))
# NOTE: Add monitorID as AQSID + "_01" to match what is done in the
# NOTE: "Data Reshaping" section of airnow_createMetaDataframes().
airnowTbl$monitorID <- paste0(airnowTbl$AQSID, "_01")
# Get a list of parameters
if ( is.null(parameters) ) {
parameters <- sort(unique(airnowTbl$ParameterName))
} else {
# Guarantee that passed in parameters actually exist
parameters <- dplyr::intersect(parameters, unique(airnowTbl$ParameterName))
invalidParameters <- dplyr::setdiff(parameters, unique(airnowTbl$ParameterName))
if ( length(invalidParameters) > 0 ) {
logger.warn("Requested parameters not found in AirNow data: %s",
paste0(invalidParameters, collapse=", "))
# Create empty list (no pre-allocation needed when lists are referenced by key instead of integer)
dfList <- list()
# Use dplyr and reshape2 packages to seprate the data by parameter and restructure each data frame
for ( parameter in parameters ) {
logger.trace("Reshaping data for %s ...", parameter)
# Create datetime variable
tbl <- dplyr::filter(airnowTbl, airnowTbl$ParameterName == parameter)
datestamp <- paste0(tbl$ValidDate, ' ', tbl$ValidTime)
tbl$datetime <- lubridate::mdy_hm(datestamp) # 'mdy_hm', not 'ymd_hm'
# Guarantee unique rows
tbl <- dplyr::distinct(tbl)
# Melt and recast (convert tibbles to dataframes)
melted <- reshape2::melt(tbl, id.vars=c('datetime','monitorID'), measure.vars=c('Value'))
dfList[[parameter]] <- reshape2::dcast(melted, datetime ~ monitorID)
# NOTE: Some parameters, especially those with few monitors, may not have
# NOTE: measurements for for every single hour. Here we guarantee that the
# NOTE: reshaped dataframes we return will have a row for every single hour
# NOTE: in a month, even if that row is filled with NAs.
# Guarantee that all times are present by starting with a dataframe containing only a uniform time axis.
starttime <- MazamaCoreUtils::parseDatetime(startdate, timezone = "UTC")
timeAxis <- seq(starttime, starttime + lubridate::dhours(hours-1), by = 'hours')
hourlyDF <- data.frame(datetime=timeAxis)
logger.trace("Putting data on a uniform time axis ...")
for ( parameter in parameters ) {
# Join data to uniform time axis
dfList[[parameter]] <- suppressMessages({
dplyr::full_join(hourlyDF, dfList[[parameter]])
# NOTE: Check this URL for some EPA defined levels:
# Assume this data has been QC'ed and let everything through
dfList[[parameter]] <- airnow_qualityControl(dfList[[parameter]],
limits = c(-Inf,Inf))
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