#' @keywords AIRSIS
#' @export
#' @import MazamaCoreUtils
#' @title Apply Quality Control to raw AIRSIS E-Sampler dataframe
#' @param tbl single site tibble created by \code{airsis_downloadData()}
#' @param valid_Longitude range of valid Longitude values
#' @param valid_Latitude range of valid Latitude values
#' @param remove_Lon_zero flag to remove rows where Longitude == 0
#' @param remove_Lat_zero flag to remove rows where Latitude == 0
#' @param valid_Flow range of valid Flow.l.m values
#' @param valid_AT range of valid AT.C. values
#' @param valid_RHi range of valid RHi... values
#' @param valid_Conc range of valid values
#' @param flagAndKeep flag, rather then remove, bad data during the QC process
#' @description Perform various QC measures on AIRSIS E-Sampler data.
#' The following columns of data are tested against valid ranges:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{Flow}}
#' \item{\code{AT}}
#' \item{\code{RHi}}
#' \item{\code{ConcHr}}
#' }
#' A \code{POSIXct datetime} column (UTC) is also added based on \code{TimeStamp}.
#' @return Cleaned up tibble of AIRSIS monitor data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{airsis_qualityControl}}
airsis_ESAMQualityControl <- function(
valid_Longitude = c(-180, 180),
valid_Latitude = c(-90, 90),
remove_Lon_zero = TRUE,
remove_Lat_zero = TRUE,
valid_Flow = c(1.999, 2.001), # anything other than 2 is bad
valid_AT = c(-Inf, 150),
valid_RHi = c(-Inf, 55),
valid_Conc = c(-Inf, 5000),
flagAndKeep = FALSE
) {
logger.debug(" ----- airsis_ESAMQualityControl() ----- ")
# TODO: What about Alarm?
# > names(tbl)
# [1] "MasterTable_ID" "Alias" "Latitude" "Longitude"
# [5] "" "Flow.l.m." "AT.C." "BP.PA."
# [9] "RHx..." "RHi..." "WS.M.S." "WD.Deg."
# [13] "BV.V." "Alarm" "Start.Date.Time..GMT." "Serial.Number"
# [17] "System.Volts" "Data.1" "Data.2" "TimeStamp"
# [21] "PDate" "monitorName" "monitorType"
monitorName <- tbl$monitorName[1]
# ----- Missing Values ------------------------------------------------------
# Handle various missing value flags
# ----- Setup for flagAndKeep argument utility ------------------------------
if ( flagAndKeep ) {
# verb for logging messages
verb <- "Flagging"
tbl$rowID <- as.integer(rownames(tbl))
# duplicate tbl and add columns for flags
tblFlagged <- tbl
tblFlagged$QCFlag_anyBad <- FALSE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode <- NA
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badLon <- FALSE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badLat <- FALSE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badType <- FALSE # no type info for ESAMs
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badFlow <- FALSE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badAT <- FALSE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badRHi <- FALSE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badConcHr <- FALSE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badDateAndTime <- FALSE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_duplicateHr <- FALSE
} else {
# verb for logging messages
verb <- "Discarding"
# ----- Location ------------------------------------------------------------
# Latitude and longitude must be in range
if ( remove_Lon_zero ) {
goodLonMask <- !$Longitude) & (tbl$Longitude >= valid_Longitude[1]) & (tbl$Longitude <= valid_Longitude[2]) & (tbl$Longitude != 0)
} else {
goodLonMask <- !$Longitude) & (tbl$Longitude >= valid_Longitude[1]) & (tbl$Longitude <= valid_Longitude[2])
if ( remove_Lat_zero ) {
goodLatMask <- !$Latitude) & (tbl$Latitude >= valid_Latitude[1]) & (tbl$Latitude <= valid_Latitude[2]) & (tbl$Latitude != 0)
} else {
goodLatMask <- !$Latitude) & (tbl$Latitude >= valid_Latitude[1]) & (tbl$Latitude <= valid_Latitude[2])
badRows <- !(goodLonMask & goodLatMask)
badRowCount <- sum(badRows)
if ( badRowCount > 0 ) {
logger.trace(paste(verb,"%s rows with invalid location information"), badRowCount)
badLocations <- paste('(',tbl$Longitude[badRows],',',tbl$Latitude[badRows],')',sep='')
logger.trace("Bad locations: %s", paste0(badLocations, collapse=", "))
if ( flagAndKeep ) {
# apply flags
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badLon[tbl$rowID[!goodLonMask]] <- TRUE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badLat[tbl$rowID[!goodLatMask]] <- TRUE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_anyBad <- tblFlagged$QCFlag_anyBad | tblFlagged$QCFlag_badLon | tblFlagged$QCFlag_badLat
# apply reason codes
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodLonMask]] <- paste(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodLonMask]],"badLon")
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodLatMask]] <- paste(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodLatMask]],"badLat")
tbl <- tbl[goodLonMask & goodLatMask,]
# Sanity check -- row count
if (nrow(tbl) < 1 && !flagAndKeep) {
err_msg <- paste0("No valid PM2.5 data for ", monitorName)
logger.warn(err_msg) # This is more of a warning than some error in the data.
stop(err_msg, call.=FALSE)
# ----- Time ----------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Assume all times downloaded from are UTC
# NOTE: It appears the ESAM "TimeStamp" data drifts throughout the day, with >60 minutes between timestamps during most
# NOTE: hours in the day, and then a daily re-synch. For now we are assuming this is a communication issue rather than
# NOTE: an issue in the actual sampling period. For example, we are assuming that a record that is received at 4:44pm is
# NOTE: actually a record for 4:00pm (which is really representative of data during the 3:00 hour -- see NOTE below).
# Add a POSIXct datetime
tbl$datetime <- lubridate::floor_date(lubridate::mdy_hms(tbl$TimeStamp), unit="hour") - lubridate::dhours(1)
if ( flagAndKeep ) {
# TODO: Unable to get datetime moved from tbl to tblFlagged without timezone and/or display getting messed up.
# For now just duplicating the calculation, then assigning row values to NA after the fact for rows that were
# removed from tbl prior to calculating datetime above. Clean up later if possible.
tblFlagged$datetime <- lubridate::floor_date(lubridate::mdy_hms(tblFlagged$TimeStamp), unit="hour") - lubridate::dhours(1)
tblFlagged$datetime[ which(!(tblFlagged$rowID %in% tbl$rowID)) ] <- NA
# NOTE: The time above truncates the timestamp to the top of an hour, and then subtracts one hour,
# NOTE: since the measurement that comes in at a few minutes past the hour is actually representative
# NOTE: of the data over the previous hour (e.g. reading received at 12:04 is actually the average of
# NOTE: the data during Hour 11). This allows for a simpler understanding of the averages, since an
# NOTE: hour's average will be representative of the data within that hour (this is similar to
# NOTE: how an average over a year, such as 2016, is referred to as 2016's value, not 2017's, even
# NOTE: though the average wasn't available until the beginning of 2017).
# Leland Tarnay QC -----------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Override ConcHr high value with 5000 as per conversation with Mike Broughton
###tmp.2013_NIFC_GOES65_wrcc$concQA <- with(tmp.2013_NIFC_GOES65_wrcc,
### ifelse(Flow < 2 "FlowLow",
### ifelse(Flow > 2, "FlowHigh",
### ifelse(AT > 150, "HighTemp",
### ifelse(RHi > 55,"HighRHi",
### ifelse(ConcHr < 0, "Negative",
### ifelse(ConcHr > 984, "HighConc", 'OK')))))))
####create a concHR numerical column, with NA values that aren't verbose about errors..
###tmp.2013_NIFC_GOES65_wrcc$concHR <- with(tmp.2013_NIFC_GOES65_wrcc,
### ifelse(concQA == 'Negative', 0,
### ifelse(concQA == 'OK', ConcHr, NA)))
goodFlow <- !$Flow.l.m.) & tbl$Flow.l.m. >= valid_Flow[1] & tbl$Flow.l.m. <= valid_Flow[2]
goodAT <- !$AT.C.) & tbl$AT.C. >= valid_AT[1] & tbl$AT.C. <= valid_AT[2]
goodRHi <- !$RHi...) & tbl$RHi... >= valid_RHi[1] & tbl$RHi... <= valid_RHi[2]
goodConcHr <- !$ & tbl$ >= valid_Conc[1] & tbl$ <= valid_Conc[2]
gooddatetime <- !$datetime) & tbl$datetime < lubridate::now(tzone = "UTC") # saw a future date once
logger.trace("Flow has %s missing or out of range values", sum(!goodFlow))
if (sum(!goodFlow) > 0) logger.trace("Bad Flow values: %s", paste0(sort(unique(tbl$Flow.l.m.[!goodFlow]),na.last=TRUE), collapse=", "))
logger.trace("AT has %s missing or out of range values", sum(!goodAT))
if (sum(!goodAT) > 0) logger.trace("Bad AT values: %s", paste0(sort(unique(tbl$AT.C.[!goodAT]),na.last=TRUE), collapse=", "))
logger.trace("RHi has %s missing or out of range values", sum(!goodRHi))
if (sum(!goodRHi) > 0) logger.trace("Bad RHi values: %s", paste0(sort(unique(tbl$RHi...[!goodRHi]),na.last=TRUE), collapse=", "))
logger.trace("Conc has %s missing or out of range values", sum(!goodConcHr))
if (sum(!goodConcHr) > 0) logger.trace("Bad Conc values: %s", paste0(sort(unique(tbl$[!goodConcHr]),na.last=TRUE), collapse=", "))
logger.trace("datetime has %s missing or out of range values", sum(!gooddatetime))
if (sum(!gooddatetime) > 0) logger.trace("Bad datetime values: %s", paste0(sort(unique(tbl$datetime[!gooddatetime]),na.last=TRUE), collapse=", "))
goodMask <- goodFlow & goodAT & goodRHi & goodConcHr & gooddatetime
badQCCount <- sum(!goodMask)
if ( badQCCount > 0 ) {
logger.trace(paste(verb,"%s rows because of QC logic"), badQCCount)
if ( flagAndKeep ) {
# apply flags
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badFlow[tbl$rowID[!goodFlow]] <- TRUE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badAT[tbl$rowID[!goodAT]] <- TRUE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badRHi[tbl$rowID[!goodRHi]] <- TRUE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badConcHr[tbl$rowID[!goodConcHr]] <- TRUE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badDateAndTime[tbl$rowID[!gooddatetime]] <- TRUE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_anyBad <- (tblFlagged$QCFlag_anyBad | tblFlagged$QCFlag_badFlow | tblFlagged$QCFlag_badAT |
tblFlagged$QCFlag_badRHi | tblFlagged$QCFlag_badConcHr | tblFlagged$QCFlag_badDateAndTime)
# apply reason codes
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodFlow]] <- paste(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodFlow]],"badFlow")
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodAT]] <- paste(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodAT]],"badAT")
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodRHi]] <- paste(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodRHi]],"badRHi")
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodConcHr]] <- paste(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!goodConcHr]],"badConcHr")
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!gooddatetime]] <- paste(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[!gooddatetime]],"badDateAndTime")
tbl <- tbl[goodMask,]
# Sanity check -- row count
if (nrow(tbl) < 1 && !flagAndKeep) {
err_msg <- paste0("No valid PM2.5 data for ", monitorName)
logger.warn(err_msg) # This is more of a warning than some error in the data.
stop(err_msg, call.=FALSE)
# ----- Duplicate Hours -----------------------------------------------------
# For hours with multiple records, discard all but the one with the latest processing date/time
# NOTE: Current setup for this section assumes that the last entry will be the latest one. May
# NOTE: want to build in functionality to ensure that the latest is picked if more than one exists
# NOTE: (for example, if the data is not in order by timestamp for whatever reason)
dupHrMask <- duplicated(tbl$datetime,fromLast = TRUE)
dupHrCount <- sum(dupHrMask)
uniqueHrMask <- !dupHrMask
if ( dupHrCount > 0 ) {
logger.trace(paste(verb,"%s duplicate time entries"), dupHrCount)
logger.trace("Duplicate Hours (may be >1 per timestamp): %s", paste0(sort(unique(tbl$TimeStamp[dupHrMask])), collapse=", "))
if ( flagAndKeep ) {
# apply flags
tblFlagged$QCFlag_duplicateHr[tbl$rowID[dupHrMask]] <- TRUE
tblFlagged$QCFlag_anyBad <- tblFlagged$QCFlag_anyBad | tblFlagged$QCFlag_duplicateHr
# apply reason code
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[dupHrMask]] <- paste(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode[tbl$rowID[dupHrMask]],"duplicateHr")
tbl <- tbl[uniqueHrMask,]
# Sanity check -- row count
if (nrow(tbl) < 1 && !flagAndKeep) {
err_msg <- paste0("No valid PM2.5 data for ", monitorName)
logger.warn(err_msg) # This is more of a warning than some error in the data.
stop(err_msg, call.=FALSE)
# ----- More QC -------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Additional QC would go here
if ( flagAndKeep ) {
logger.trace("Retaining %d rows of measurements; %d bad rows flagged", nrow(tbl), sum(tblFlagged$QCFlag_anyBad))
} else {
logger.trace("Retaining %d rows of validated measurements", nrow(tbl))
# ----- Final cleanup -------------------------------------------------------
if ( flagAndKeep ) {
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode <- stringr::str_sub(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode, 3)
tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode <- stringr::str_trim(tblFlagged$QCFlag_reasonCode)
tbl <- tblFlagged
tbl$rowID <- NULL
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