
Defines functions logFatal logError logWarn logInfo logDebug logTrace defaultOuput log levelToInt clearLoggers getLoggers unregisterLogger registerLogger setLoggerSettings getLoggerSettings getDefaultLoggerSettings registerDefaultHandlers handlersRegistered conditionHandler inTryCatchOrWithCallingHandlers

Documented in clearLoggers getLoggers logDebug logError logFatal logInfo logTrace logWarn registerLogger unregisterLogger

# @file Logging.R
# Copyright 2024 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of ParallelLogger
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

inTryCatchOrWithCallingHandlers <- function() {
  return(any(grepl("(^tryCatch)|(^withCallingHandlers)", as.character(sys.status()$sys.calls))))

conditionHandler <- function(condition) {
  if (is(condition, "error")) {
    log("FATAL", conditionMessage(condition), echoToConsole = FALSE)
  } else if (is(condition, "warning")) {
    log("WARN", conditionMessage(condition), echoToConsole = FALSE)
  } else if (is(condition, "message")) {
    log("INFO", conditionMessage(condition), echoToConsole = FALSE)

handlersRegistered <- function() {
  handlers <- globalCallingHandlers()
  if (length(handlers) == 0) {
  } else {
    return(any(sapply(handlers, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, conditionHandler)))))

registerDefaultHandlers <- function() {
  if (!is.null(getOption("threadNumber")) || handlersRegistered()) {
  if (inTryCatchOrWithCallingHandlers()) {
    if (!exists("warnedAboutHandlers", envir = globalVars)) {
        "Currently in a tryCatch or withCallingHandlers block, so unable to add global calling handlers.",
        "ParallelLogger will not capture R messages, errors, and warnings, only explicit calls to ParallelLogger.",
        "(This message will not be shown again this R session)"
      assign("warnedAboutHandlers", TRUE, envir = globalVars)
  globalCallingHandlers(condition = conditionHandler)

getDefaultLoggerSettings <- function() {
  return(list(loggers = list(createLogger())))

getLoggerSettings <- function() {
  return(getOption("loggerSettings", default = NULL))

setLoggerSettings <- function(settings) {
  options("loggerSettings" = settings)

#' Register a logger
#' @details
#' Registers a logger as created using the \code{\link{createLogger}} function to the logging system.
#' @param logger   An object of type \code{Logger} as created using the \code{\link{createLogger}}
#'                 function.
#' @template LoggingExample
#' @export
registerLogger <- function(logger) {
  if (!is(logger, "Logger")) {
    stop("Logger must be of class 'Logger'")
  settings <- getLoggerSettings()
  if (is.null(settings)) {
    settings <- getDefaultLoggerSettings()
  settings$loggers[[length(settings$loggers) + 1]] <- logger

#' Unregister a logger
#' @details
#' Unregisters a logger from the logging system.
#' @param x        Can either be an integer (e.g. 2 to remove the second logger), the name of the
#'                 logger, or the logger object itself.
#' @param silent   If TRUE, no warning will be issued if the logger is not found.
#' @return
#' Returns TRUE if the logger was removed.
#' @template LoggingExample
#' @export
unregisterLogger <- function(x, silent = FALSE) {
  settings <- getLoggerSettings()
  if (is.null(settings)) {
    if (!silent) {
      warning("Could not find logger ", x, " because no logger has been registered")
  if (is.integer(x) || is.numeric(x)) {
    if (x <= length(settings$loggers)) {
      settings$loggers[[x]] <- NULL
    } else {
      if (!silent) {
        warning("Could not find logger ", x)
  } else if (is.character(x)) {
    for (i in 1:length(settings$loggers)) {
      if (settings$loggers[[i]]$name == x) {
        settings$loggers[[i]] <- NULL
    if (!silent) {
      warning("Could not find logger ", x)
  } else if (is(x, "Logger")) {
    for (i in length(settings$loggers):1) {
      if (all.equal(x, settings$loggers[[i]])) {
        settings$loggers[[i]] <- NULL
  if (!silent) {
    warning("Could not find logger ", x)

#' Get all registered loggers
#' @return
#' Returns all registered loggers.
#' @export
getLoggers <- function() {
  settings <- getLoggerSettings()
  if (is.null(settings)) {
  } else {

#' Remove all registered loggers
#' @export
clearLoggers <- function() {
  settings <- getLoggerSettings()
  if (!is.null(settings)) {
    settings$loggers <- list()

levelToInt <- function(level) {
  if (level == "TRACE") {
  if (level == "DEBUG") {
  if (level == "INFO") {
  if (level == "WARN") {
  if (level == "ERROR") {
  if (level == "FATAL") {
  } else {
    (stop(paste(level, "is an invalid level")))

log <- function(level, ..., echoToConsole = TRUE) {
  message <- .makeMessage(...)
  settings <- getLoggerSettings()
  if (is.null(settings)) {
    # No logger has been registered. 
    defaultOuput(level = level, message = message, echoToConsole = echoToConsole)
  } else {
    for (logger in settings$loggers) {
      if (levelToInt(level) >= levelToInt(logger$threshold)) {
        logger$logFunction(this = logger, level = level, message = message, echoToConsole = echoToConsole)

defaultOuput <- function(level, message, echoToConsole) {
  if (echoToConsole) {
    if (level == "WARN" || level == "ERROR" || level == "FATAL") {
      writeLines(message, con = stderr())
    } else {
      writeLines(message, con = stdout())

#' Log a message at the TRACE level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers.
#' @param ...   Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#'              with no separator).
#' @template LoggingExample
#' @export
logTrace <- function(...) {
  log(level = "TRACE", ...)

#' Log a message at the DEBUG level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers.
#' @param ...   Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#'              with no separator).
#' @export
logDebug <- function(...) {
  log(level = "DEBUG", ...)

#' Log a message at the INFO level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers. This
#' is equivalent to calling R's native \code{message()} function.
#' @param ...   Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#'              with no separator).
#' @template LoggingExample
#' @export
logInfo <- function(...) {
  log(level = "INFO", ...)

#' Log a message at the WARN level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers. This
#' function is automatically called when a warning is thrown, and should not be called directly. Use
#' \code{warning()} instead.
#' @param ...   Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#'              with no separator).
#' @export
logWarn <- function(...) {
  log(level = "WARN", ...)

#' Log a message at the ERROR level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers.
#' @param ...   Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#'              with no separator).
#' @export
logError <- function(...) {
  log(level = "ERROR", ...)

#' Log a message at the FATAL level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers. This
#' function is be automatically called when an error occurs, and should not be called directly. Use
#' \code{stop()} instead.
#' @param ...   Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#'              with no separator).
#' @export
logFatal <- function(...) {
  log(level = "FATAL", ...)

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ParallelLogger documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:52 p.m.