# @file Logging.R
# Copyright 2024 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of ParallelLogger
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
inTryCatchOrWithCallingHandlers <- function() {
return(any(grepl("(^tryCatch)|(^withCallingHandlers)", as.character(sys.status()$sys.calls))))
conditionHandler <- function(condition) {
if (is(condition, "error")) {
log("FATAL", conditionMessage(condition), echoToConsole = FALSE)
} else if (is(condition, "warning")) {
log("WARN", conditionMessage(condition), echoToConsole = FALSE)
} else if (is(condition, "message")) {
log("INFO", conditionMessage(condition), echoToConsole = FALSE)
handlersRegistered <- function() {
handlers <- globalCallingHandlers()
if (length(handlers) == 0) {
} else {
return(any(sapply(handlers, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, conditionHandler)))))
registerDefaultHandlers <- function() {
if (!is.null(getOption("threadNumber")) || handlersRegistered()) {
if (inTryCatchOrWithCallingHandlers()) {
if (!exists("warnedAboutHandlers", envir = globalVars)) {
"Currently in a tryCatch or withCallingHandlers block, so unable to add global calling handlers.",
"ParallelLogger will not capture R messages, errors, and warnings, only explicit calls to ParallelLogger.",
"(This message will not be shown again this R session)"
assign("warnedAboutHandlers", TRUE, envir = globalVars)
globalCallingHandlers(condition = conditionHandler)
getDefaultLoggerSettings <- function() {
return(list(loggers = list(createLogger())))
getLoggerSettings <- function() {
return(getOption("loggerSettings", default = NULL))
setLoggerSettings <- function(settings) {
options("loggerSettings" = settings)
#' Register a logger
#' @details
#' Registers a logger as created using the \code{\link{createLogger}} function to the logging system.
#' @param logger An object of type \code{Logger} as created using the \code{\link{createLogger}}
#' function.
#' @template LoggingExample
#' @export
registerLogger <- function(logger) {
if (!is(logger, "Logger")) {
stop("Logger must be of class 'Logger'")
settings <- getLoggerSettings()
if (is.null(settings)) {
settings <- getDefaultLoggerSettings()
settings$loggers[[length(settings$loggers) + 1]] <- logger
#' Unregister a logger
#' @details
#' Unregisters a logger from the logging system.
#' @param x Can either be an integer (e.g. 2 to remove the second logger), the name of the
#' logger, or the logger object itself.
#' @param silent If TRUE, no warning will be issued if the logger is not found.
#' @return
#' Returns TRUE if the logger was removed.
#' @template LoggingExample
#' @export
unregisterLogger <- function(x, silent = FALSE) {
settings <- getLoggerSettings()
if (is.null(settings)) {
if (!silent) {
warning("Could not find logger ", x, " because no logger has been registered")
if (is.integer(x) || is.numeric(x)) {
if (x <= length(settings$loggers)) {
settings$loggers[[x]] <- NULL
} else {
if (!silent) {
warning("Could not find logger ", x)
} else if (is.character(x)) {
for (i in 1:length(settings$loggers)) {
if (settings$loggers[[i]]$name == x) {
settings$loggers[[i]] <- NULL
if (!silent) {
warning("Could not find logger ", x)
} else if (is(x, "Logger")) {
for (i in length(settings$loggers):1) {
if (all.equal(x, settings$loggers[[i]])) {
settings$loggers[[i]] <- NULL
if (!silent) {
warning("Could not find logger ", x)
#' Get all registered loggers
#' @return
#' Returns all registered loggers.
#' @export
getLoggers <- function() {
settings <- getLoggerSettings()
if (is.null(settings)) {
} else {
#' Remove all registered loggers
#' @export
clearLoggers <- function() {
settings <- getLoggerSettings()
if (!is.null(settings)) {
settings$loggers <- list()
levelToInt <- function(level) {
if (level == "TRACE") {
if (level == "DEBUG") {
if (level == "INFO") {
if (level == "WARN") {
if (level == "ERROR") {
if (level == "FATAL") {
} else {
(stop(paste(level, "is an invalid level")))
log <- function(level, ..., echoToConsole = TRUE) {
message <- .makeMessage(...)
settings <- getLoggerSettings()
if (is.null(settings)) {
# No logger has been registered.
defaultOuput(level = level, message = message, echoToConsole = echoToConsole)
} else {
for (logger in settings$loggers) {
if (levelToInt(level) >= levelToInt(logger$threshold)) {
logger$logFunction(this = logger, level = level, message = message, echoToConsole = echoToConsole)
defaultOuput <- function(level, message, echoToConsole) {
if (echoToConsole) {
if (level == "WARN" || level == "ERROR" || level == "FATAL") {
writeLines(message, con = stderr())
} else {
writeLines(message, con = stdout())
#' Log a message at the TRACE level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers.
#' @param ... Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#' with no separator).
#' @template LoggingExample
#' @export
logTrace <- function(...) {
log(level = "TRACE", ...)
#' Log a message at the DEBUG level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers.
#' @param ... Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#' with no separator).
#' @export
logDebug <- function(...) {
log(level = "DEBUG", ...)
#' Log a message at the INFO level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers. This
#' is equivalent to calling R's native \code{message()} function.
#' @param ... Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#' with no separator).
#' @template LoggingExample
#' @export
logInfo <- function(...) {
log(level = "INFO", ...)
#' Log a message at the WARN level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers. This
#' function is automatically called when a warning is thrown, and should not be called directly. Use
#' \code{warning()} instead.
#' @param ... Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#' with no separator).
#' @export
logWarn <- function(...) {
log(level = "WARN", ...)
#' Log a message at the ERROR level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers.
#' @param ... Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#' with no separator).
#' @export
logError <- function(...) {
log(level = "ERROR", ...)
#' Log a message at the FATAL level
#' @details
#' Log a message at the specified level. The message will be sent to all the registered loggers. This
#' function is be automatically called when an error occurs, and should not be called directly. Use
#' \code{stop()} instead.
#' @param ... Zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together
#' with no separator).
#' @export
logFatal <- function(...) {
log(level = "FATAL", ...)
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