
# If vec is a vector convert to a 1-row matrix,  and leave unchanged otherwise

rankEN_vector_to_matrix <- function(vec) {

    # case: not a vector
    if ( !(is.vector(vec) && !is.list(vec)) ) {
        return (vec)

    matrix(vec, 1L, length(vec), dimnames=list(NULL, names(vec)))

# Check that the number of fractions in the region of interest for the ms data
# matches the number of fractions in the region of interest for bioactivity.

rankEN_check_regr_args <- function(ms, bio) {

    # Ensure that the dimensions match
    if ( !identical(ncol(ms), ncol(bio)) ) {
        stop("Number of fractions for mass spectrometry (", ncol(ms), ") ",
             "does not match the number of fractions for bioactivity (", ncol(bio), ")", call.=FALSE)

# Obtain an integer vector indexing (some of the) compounds by the order in
# which they first enter the Lasso model, from first to last
# The enet element 'actions' is a list of all the actions taken in the model
# path in terms of either adding or removing a predictor variable from model.
# If the variable is added to the model, then the column index is inserted into
# the next position in the list.  If the variable is removed from the model,
# then -1 times the column index of the variable is inserted into the next
# position in the list.

rankEN_comp_entrance <- function(enet_fit) {

    actions <- unlist(enet_fit$actions)
    # enet (and lars) adds an entry to the end of the actions list signaling the
    # number of actions performed
    actions <- actions[-length(actions)]

    unique(actions[actions > 0])

# Return a vector with k-th element the correlation b/w the k-th column of ms_t
# (i.e. the k-th compound) and bioactivity

rankEN_comp_cor <- function(ms_t, bio_vec) {
    apply(ms_t, 2, stats::cor, bio_vec)

# Return the indices of the compounds in the order that they entered the model
# (i.e. comp_idx), after possibly filtering out compounds with negative
# correlation and reducing the set to the first ncomp compounds (after
# filtering)

rankEN_filter_compIdx <- function(comp_idx, comp_cor, ncomp, pos_only) {

    # Sort correlations by the order in which the covariate entered the model
    cor_by_idx <- comp_cor[comp_idx]

    # case: NULL value for comp_idx means to keep all values
    if (is.null(ncomp)) {
        ncomp <- length(comp_idx)

    # case: remove all nonpositive correlations
    if (pos_only) {
        comp_idx <- comp_idx[cor_by_idx > 0]

    # case: keep only the first ncomp (possibly positive) compounds
    if (ncomp < length(comp_idx)) {
        comp_idx <- comp_idx[1:ncomp]


# Ensure that user input to rankEN is valid

rankEN_check_valid_input <- function(msObj, bioact, region_ms, region_bio,
                                     lambda, pos_only, ncomp) {

    ## Check for missing arguments

    all_var_nm <- c("msObj", "bioact", "region_ms", "region_bio", "lambda", "pos_only", "ncomp")
    for (var_nm in all_var_nm) {
        if (!eval(substitute(hasArg(var_nm)))) {
            stop("Must provide an argument for ", var_nm, call.=FALSE)
        # Check that an object exists for provided argument
        tryCatch(get(var_nm), error = function(err) {
            err <- as.character(err)
            obj_nm <- regmatches(err, gregexpr("(?<=\')(.*?)(?=\')", err, perl=TRUE))[[1L]]
            stop("object \'", obj_nm, "\' not found for ", var_nm, call.=FALSE)

    ## Check bioact

    if (!is.numeric(bioact) && !is.data.frame(bioact)) {
        stop("bioact must be either a data.frame or of mode numeric", call.=FALSE)
    # Check that bioact is a vector or matrix.  Note that we don't check for NAs
    # or non-numeric yet b/c we only care about problems in the region of interest.
    else if (is.numeric(bioact)) {
        bio_dim <- attr(bioact, "dim")
        if (!identical(bio_dim, NULL) && !identical(length(bio_dim), 2L)) {
            stop("If of mode numeric, then bioact must be a vector or a matrix", call.=FALSE)
        # We require matrices to have number of cols >= 2 for extract_var(), and
        # when bioact is a vector then it is turned into a (1 x p) matrix later
        else if (identical(bio_dim, NULL) && (length(bioact) < 2L)) {
            stop("If a numeric vector, then bioact must have length >= 2", call.=FALSE)
    # Note: don't check for NAs or non-numeric yet b/c we only care about problems
    # in the region of interest

    ## Check region_ms, region_bio

    for (var_nm in c("region_ms", "region_bio")) {
        x <- get(var_nm)
        if (!is.null(x) && !is.numeric(x) && !is.character(x)) {
            stop(var_nm, " must be either NULL or either of mode numeric or character", call.=FALSE)
        else if (anyNA(x)) {
            stop(var_nm, " cannot contain any missing", call.=FALSE)

    ## Check lambda

    if (!is.numeric(lambda)) {
        stop("lambda must be a numeric value", call.=FALSE)
    else if (anyNA(lambda)) {
        stop("lambda cannot contain any missing", call.=FALSE)
    else if ( !identical(length(lambda), 1L) ) {
        stop("lambda must be an atomic vector of length 1", call.=FALSE)
    else if (is.na(lambda) || (lambda < 0)) {
        stop("lambda cannot be smaller than 0", call.=FALSE)

    ## Check pos_only

    if (!identical(pos_only, TRUE) && !identical(pos_only, FALSE)) {
        stop("pos_only must be either TRUE or FALSE", call.=FALSE)

    ## Check ncomp

    if (!is.null(ncomp)) {
        if (!is.numeric(ncomp)) {
            stop("ncomp must be either NULL or a numeric value", call.=FALSE)
        else if (anyNA(ncomp)) {
            stop("If non-NULL then ncomp cannot contain any missing", call.=FALSE)
        else if ( !identical(length(ncomp), 1L) ) {
            stop("If non-NULL then ncomp must be an atomic vector of length 1", call.=FALSE)
        else if (is.na(ncomp) || (ncomp < 1)) {
            stop("If non-NULL then ncomp must be >= 1", call.=FALSE)

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