
## Method: scale
## Description: Rescale the data table
## Returns: A db.Rquery object, also with attributes
## scaled:center and scaled:scale

setGeneric ("scale")

setMethod (
    signature(x = "db.obj"),
    function (x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) {
        if (!is.numeric(center) && !is.logical(center) ||
            !is.numeric(scale) && !is.logical(scale))
            stop("center and scale must be numeric or logical !")

        conn.id <- conn.id(x)
        db <- .get.dbms.str(conn.id)
        if (db$db.str == "HAWQ" && grepl("^1\\.1", db$version.str))
            stop("MADlib on HAWQ 1.1 does not support this function yet!")

        warnings <- .suppress.warnings(conn.id)

        ## all.names <- names(.expand.array(x))
        all.names <- names(x)
        lg <- length(all.names)
        if (length(names(x)) == 1 && x@.col.data_type == "array")
            y <- x[[names(x)]]
            y <- db.array(x)
        names(y) <- "vec"
        col.dim <- length(strsplit(y@.expr, ",")[[1]])

        madlib <- schema.madlib(conn.id)

        both.numeric <- 0
        if (is.numeric(center)) {
            both.numeric <- both.numeric + 1
            if (length(center) != lg) {
                stop("The length of center vector must be equal to ",
                     "the number of columns of ", deparse(substitute(x)),
                     " (include array elements)!")
            avg1 <- center
        if (is.numeric(scale)) {
            both.numeric <- both.numeric + 1
            if (length(scale) != lg) {
                stop("The length of scale vector must be equal to ",
                     "the number of columns of ", deparse(substitute(x)),
                     " (include array elements)!")
            std1 <- scale

        if (both.numeric != 2) {
            ## NOTE: I am using unnest here
            ## For the reason, please see the definition of
            ## preview-db.Rcrossprod method
            sql <- paste("select unnest((f).mean) as mean, ",
                         "unnest((f).std) as std, ",
                         "n from (select ", madlib,
                         ".__utils_var_scales_result(", madlib,
                         ".utils_var_scales(vec, ", col.dim,
                         ")) as f, count(vec) as n from (",
                         content(y), ") h) s", sep = "")
            res <- db.q(sql, conn.id = conn.id, verbose = FALSE, nrows = -1)
            n <- res$n[1] # row dimension
            ## savg <- as.vector(arraydb.to.arrayr(res$mean, "double"))
            savg <- res$mean
        } else {
            n <- dim(x)[1]

        if (is.logical(center)) {
            if (center)
                avg1 <- savg
                avg1 <- rep(0, length(savg))

        if (is.logical(scale)) {
            ## var <- (as.vector(arraydb.to.arrayr(res$std, "double"))^2 +
            ##         savg^2)
            var <- res$std^2 + savg^2
            if (scale)
                std1 <- sqrt(var - 2*avg1*savg+ avg1^2) * sqrt(n/(n-1))
                std1 <- rep(1, length(savg))

        std1[std1 == 0] <- 1

        z <- x - avg1
        z <- z / std1
        names(z) <- names(x)
        if (is.numeric(center) || center) {
            names(avg1) <- all.names
            attr(z, "scaled:center") <- avg1
        } else
            attr(z, "scaled:center") <- NULL
        if (is.numeric(scale) || scale) {
            names(std1) <- all.names
            attr(z, "scaled:scale") <- std1
        } else
            attr(z, "scaled:scale") <- NULL
        attr(z, "row.number") <- n


    valueClass = "db.Rquery")

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PivotalR documentation built on March 13, 2021, 1:06 a.m.