
Defines functions GEX_gene_visualization

Documented in GEX_gene_visualization

#' Visualization of marker expression in a data set or of predefined genes (B cells, CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells).
#' @param GEX GEX output of the VDJ_GEX_matrix function (VDJ_GEX_matrix[[2]])).
#' @param gene_set Character vector containing the markers of interest given by the user.
#' @param predefined_genes Character vector to chose between B_cell, CD4_T_cell, and CD8_T_cell.
#' @param group.by Character. Column name of vgm to group plots by
#' @return Return a list. Element[[1]] is the feature plot of markers of interest or predefined genes. Element[[2]] is the dottile plot of markers of interest or predefined genes. Element[[3]] is the violin plot of markers of interest or predefined genes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Pre-defined gene set for CD4 T cells
#' GEX_gene_visualization(GEX = VGM$GEX, predefined_genes = "CD4_T_cell")
#' # Pre-defined gene set for CD8 T cells
#' GEX_gene_visualization(GEX = VGM$GEX, predefined_genes = "CD8_T_cell")
#' # Pre-defined gene set for B cells
#' GEX_gene_visualization(GEX = VGM$GEX, predefined_genes = "B_cell")
#' # Gene set defined by user
#' GEX_gene_visualization(GEX = VGM$GEX, gene_set=c("CD8A","CD3E","SELL","FAS","ID3","SDC1"))

GEX_gene_visualization<-function(GEX, gene_set, predefined_genes=c("B_cell","CD4_T_cell","CD8_T_cell"), group.by){
  if(missing(GEX))stop("Please provide GEX input for this function")
    group.by = "sample_id"
  platypus.version <- "It doesn't matter"

    if(missing(predefined_genes))stop("Please provide a gene set or use predefined_genes (B_cell, CD4_T_cell or CD8_T_cell) input for this function")
    if(predefined_genes == "B_cell"){
    } else if (predefined_genes=="CD4_T_cell"){
    } else if (predefined_genes=="CD8_T_cell"){
      genes<-c("SELL","CD69","TIGIT","IFNG","GZMB","GZMA","TBX21","NFATC1","SLAMF6","EOMES","ID2","STAT3","STAT4","FOXO1","CD3E", "CD8A","CD44")
  } else{
  #Feature plot
  feature_plot<-Seurat::FeaturePlot(GEX, features = genes)
  #Dottile function
  Dottile_plot<-GEX_dottile_plot(GEX, genes = genes, group.by = group.by)
  #Violin plot for markers
  violin_plot<-Seurat::VlnPlot(GEX, features = genes)

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Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.