
Defines functions plotDistances computeDistances luvDistances ranswatch swatchLuminance sortByLuminance swatchHue sortByHue swatch p3d getLUV plotpc plothc luminance uvscatter ranpoints rancurves invertColors xform

Documented in computeDistances getLUV invertColors luminance p3d plotDistances plothc plotpc rancurves ranpoints ranswatch sortByHue sortByLuminance swatch swatchHue swatchLuminance uvscatter

# Copyright (C) Kevin R. Coombes, 2016

### Internal
xform <- function(colset, alpha=FALSE) {
  mat <- t(col2rgb(colset, alpha=alpha)/255)
  if (alpha) {
    value <- rgb(mat[, 1:3], alpha=mat[,4])
  } else {
    value <- rgb(mat[, 1:3])
  if (is.null(names(colset))) {
    names(value) <- paste("X", 1:length(value), sep='')
  } else {
    names(value) <- names(colset)

invertColors <- function(...) {
  par(bg="gray30", fg="white",
      col.axis="white", col.lab="white",
      col.main="white", col.sub="white", ...)

rancurves <- function(colorset, ...) {
  colorset <- xform(colorset)
  plot(c(-2*pi, 2*pi), c(-5,5), type="n", xlab="Angle", ylab="Intensity", ...)
  x <- seq(-2*pi, 2*pi, length=500)
  L <- length(colorset)
  phase <- runif(L, 0, 2*pi)
  ampl <- rnorm(L, 0, 2)
  for (i in 1:L) {
    lines(x, ampl[i] * cos(phase[i] + x), col=colorset[i], lwd=2)

ranpoints <- function(colorset, N=10, ...) {
  colorset <- xform(colorset)
  L <- length(colorset)
  mycols <- rep(colorset, each=N)
  x <- rep(rnorm(L, 0, 3), each=N) + rnorm(L*N)
  y <- rep(rnorm(L, 0, 3), each=N) + rnorm(L*N)
  plot(x, y, pch=16, col=mycols, ...)

uvscatter <- function(colorset, main=deparse(substitute(colorset)), ...) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luvmat <- as(hex2RGB(cset), "LUV")
  x <- luvmat@coords
  plot(x[,2], x[,3], pch=16, col=cset, cex=2,
       xlab="U", ylab="V", main=main, ...)

luminance <- function(colorset, main=deparse(substitute(colorset)), ...) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luvmat <- as(hex2RGB(cset), "LUV")
  x <- luvmat@coords
  ox <- order(x[,1])
  plot(x[ox,1], pch=16, col=cset[ox], cex=2,
       ylab="Luminance", main=main, ...)

plothc <- function(colorset, main=deparse(substitute(colorset)), ...) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luvmat <- as(hex2RGB(cset), "LUV")
  x <- luvmat@coords
  euc <- dist(x, "euclid")
  hd <- hclust(euc, "ward.D2")
  plot(hd, hang = -1, labels = rep("", length(cset)), 
       main = main, ...)
  mtext(names(cset), side = 1, line = 0, at = order(hd$order), 
        col = cset, las = 2)

plotpc <- function(colorset, main=deparse(substitute(colorset)), ...) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luvmat <- as(hex2RGB(cset), "LUV")
  x <- luvmat@coords
  pc <- princomp(x)
  plot(pc$scores[,1], pc$scores[,2],
       pch=16, col=cset, cex=2,
       xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2", main=main, ...)

# added to allow external use of rgl
getLUV <- function(colorset) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luvmat <- as(hex2RGB(cset), "LUV")
  list(coords = luvmat@coords, cset = cset)

p3d <- function(colorset, main=deparse(substitute(colorset)), ...) {
  y <- getLUV(colorset)
  x <- y$coords
  cset <- y$cset
  scatterplot3d(x, color = cset, pch = 16, ...)

swatch <- function(colorset, main=deparse(substitute(colorset))) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luvmat <- as(hex2RGB(cset), "LUV")
  x <- luvmat@coords
  labelcols <- c("white", "black")[1 + 1*(x[,1] > 50)]
  L <- length(cset)
  pts <- barplot(rep(1, L), col=cset, main=main, yaxt='n')
  text(pts, 0.5, names(cset), srt=90, col=labelcols)

sortByHue <- function(colorset) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luv <- as(hex2RGB(cset), "HSV")
  tink <- luv@coords[,1]

swatchHue <- function(colorset,
                                   ", by Hue", sep="")) {
  hh <- sortByHue(colorset)
  swatch(hh, main=main)

sortByLuminance <- function(colorset) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luv <- as(hex2RGB(cset), "LUV")
  tink <- luv@coords[,1]

swatchLuminance <- function(colorset,
                                   ", by Luminance", sep="")) {
  hh <- sortByLuminance(colorset)
  swatch(hh, main=main)

ranswatch  <- function(colorset,
                        main=deparse(substitute(colorset))) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  L <- length(cset)
  scramble <- sample(cset)
  swatch(scramble, main=main)

luvDistances <- function(colorset) {
  colorset <- xform(colorset)
  if (any(dup <- duplicated(colorset))) {
    reserved <- colorset[dup]
    colorset <- colorset[!dup]
  # work in LUV space
  luvmat <- as(hex2RGB(colorset), "LUV")
  if(any(is.na(luvmat@coords))) {
    luvmat@coords[is.na(luvmat@coords)] <- 0
  # take the first color as the starting point
  selected <- 1
  names(selected) <- names(colorset)[1]
  mind <- d2(selected, luvmat)
  dd <- NULL
  # loop through, finding the most well-seaprated color at each iteration
  for (i in 2:length(colorset)) {
    idx <- which(mind==max(mind))[1]
    dd <- c(dd, sqrt(mind[idx]))
    mind <- upd(idx, luvmat, mind)
    selected <- c(selected, idx)
  dd <- c(max(dd), dd)
  names(dd)[1] <- names(colorset)[1]
  colors <- colorset[selected]
  if (any(dup)) {
    colors <- c(colors, reserved)
    extra <- rep(0, length(reserved))
    names(extra) <- names(reserved)
    dd <- c(dd, extra)
  list(colors=colors, distances=dd)

computeDistances <- function(colorset) {

plotDistances <- function(colorset, main=deparse(substitute(colorset)), pch=16, ...) {
  cset <- xform(colorset)
  luvd <- luvDistances(cset)
  dd <- luvd$distances
  plot(dd, main=main,
       xlab="Index", ylab="Distance in L*u*v* space",
       col=luvd$colors, pch=pch, ...)

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