
compquant <- function(n, law.index, stat.index, probs = NULL, M = 10 ^ 5, law.pars = NULL, stat.pars = NULL,
                      model = NULL, Rlaw = NULL, Rstat = NULL, center = FALSE, scale = FALSE) {

    if ((stat.index == 0) & is.null(Rstat)) stop("'Rstat' should be a function when 'stat.index' is equal to 0.")
    if ((stat.index != 0) & is.function(Rstat)) stop("'stat.index' should be set to 0 when 'Rstat' is a function.")
    if (is.function(Rlaw) & (law.index != 0)) stop("You should set 'law.index' to 0 when 'Rlaw' is a (random generating) function.")
    nbparlaw <- length(law.pars)
    if (nbparlaw > 4) stop("The maximum number of law parameters is 4. Contact the package author to increase this value.")
   # This is a technical requirement for the C++ lawxxxx function call below,
   # because parlaw (arg. params of the C function) should always be a 4-length vector of double.
    law.pars.save <- law.pars
    law.pars <- c(law.pars, rep(0.0, 4 - nbparlaw))

    if (!is.function(Rstat) & (is.null(stat.pars) || is.na(stat.pars))) {
        stat.pars <- rep(0, getnbparstats(stat.index)) # C++ technical requirement as above.
        nbparstat <- 0 # The default values will be used by the C++ function.
    } else {
        nbparstat <- length(stat.pars)
    if (is.double(model) || is.integer(model)) {
        modelnum <- model
        funclist <- list(function(){})
        thetavec <- 0
        xvec <- 0
        p <- length(thetavec)
        np <- length(xvec)
    } else {
        if (is.null(model)) {
            modelnum <- 1
            funclist <- list(function(){})
            thetavec <- 0
            xvec <- 0
            p <- length(thetavec)
            np <- length(xvec)
        } else { # model should be a list (function(x,thetavec,xvec),theta,xvec)
            modelnum <- 0
            funclist <- list(model[[1]])
            thetavec <- model[[2]]
            xvec <- model[[3]]
            p <- length(thetavec)
            np <- length(xvec)     
    if (is.null(Rstat)) Rstat <- function(){}
    if ((law.index == 0) | (stat.index == 0)) {
        out <- .Call("compquantRcpp", n = as.integer(n), law = as.integer(law.index), stat = as.integer(stat.index),
                     M = as.integer(M), statvec = as.double(rep(0.0, M)), nbparlaw = as.integer(nbparlaw),
                     law.pars = as.double(law.pars), nbparstat = as.integer(nbparstat), stat.pars = as.double(stat.pars),
                     as.integer(modelnum), as.list(funclist), as.double(thetavec), as.double(xvec), as.integer(p),
                     as.integer(np), as.function(Rlaw), as.function(Rstat), as.integer(center), as.integer(scale),
                     PACKAGE = "PoweR")
        tmp <- paste(text=match.call()$Rlaw)
        tmp2 <- unlist(formals(eval(parse(text = tmp)))[-1])
        tmp3 <- c(paste(names(tmp2), "=", if (is.null(law.pars.save)) tmp2 else law.pars.save, sep = ""))
        lawname <- paste(tmp, "(", paste(tmp3, collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")
        if (is.null(law.pars)) {out$law.pars <- tmp2; out$nbparlaw <- length(out$law.pars)}
        statname <- "stat0"
    } else {
        out <- .C("compquantc", n = as.integer(n), law = as.integer(law.index), stat = as.integer(stat.index),
                  M = as.integer(M), statvec = as.double(rep(0.0, M)), nbparlaw = as.integer(nbparlaw),
                  law.pars = as.double(law.pars), nbparstat = as.integer(nbparstat), stat.pars = as.double(stat.pars),
                  as.integer(modelnum), funclist, as.double(thetavec), as.double(xvec), as.integer(p), as.integer(np),
                  as.integer(center), as.integer(scale), PACKAGE = "PoweR")
        lawname <- law.cstr(law.index, out$law.pars[1:getnbparlaws(law.index)])$name
        statname <- stat.cstr(stat.index)$name
    return(list(stat = out$statvec, quant = quantile(out$statvec, if (is.null(probs)) c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975) else probs),
                lawname = lawname, law.pars = out$law.pars[1:out$nbparlaw], statname = statname, stat.pars = out$stat.pars[1:out$nbparstat]))

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PoweR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:09 p.m.