
getnbparstats <- function(stat.indices = NULL) {
    if (getRversion() < "3.1.0") dontCheck <- identity
    tmp <- names(getDLLRegisteredRoutines("PoweR")[[".C"]])
    ind.stats <- as.numeric(sub("stat", "", tmp[grep("stat", tmp)]))
    if (!all(stat.indices %in% ind.stats)) stop(paste("The values", paste(stat.indices[which(!(stat.indices %in% ind.stats))], collapse = " "),
                                                      " in 'stat.indices' do not correspond to any defined statistic!", collapse = ""))
    if (is.null(stat.indices)) stat.indices <- ind.stats
    lst <- length(stat.indices)
    nbparstats.list <- as.vector(rep(0, lst))
  for (i in 1:lst) {
        Cstat.name <- "tmp" # To remove a NOTE at R CMD check
        Cstat.name <- paste("stat", stat.indices[i], sep = "")
        nbparstats.list[i] <- (.C(dontCheck(Cstat.name), 0.0, 1L, 0.0, 1L, rep(" ", 50), 1L, 0.0, 0L,
                                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0.0, nbparamstat = 0L, PACKAGE = "PoweR"))$nbparamstat

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PoweR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:09 p.m.