
pvalueMC <- function(data, stat.index, null.law.index, M = 10 ^ 5, alter, null.law.pars = NULL, stat.pars = NULL, list.stat = NULL, method = c("Fisher"), center = FALSE, scale = FALSE) {

    if (getRversion() < "3.1.0") dontCheck <- identity

    method <- match.arg(method)
    n <- length(data)
    level <- 0.05
    nblevel <- length(level)
    usecrit <- cR <- cL <- 0
    nbparlaw <- length(null.law.pars)
    if (nbparlaw > 4) stop("The maximum number of law parameters is 4. Contact the package author to increase this value.")
  # This is a technical requirement for the C++ lawxxxx function call below,
  # because parlaw (arg. params of the C function) should always be a 4-length vector of double.
    null.law.pars <- c(null.law.pars, rep(0, 4 - nbparlaw))

    if (is.null(stat.pars) || is.na(stat.pars)) {
        stat.pars <- rep(0, getnbparstats(stat.index)) # C++ technical requirement.
        nbparstat <- 0 # The default values will be used by the C++ function.
    } else {
        nbparstat <- length(stat.pars)
	# model 
    model <- NULL
    modelnum <- 1
    funclist <- list(function(){})
    thetavec <- 0
    xvec <- 0
    p <- length(thetavec)
    np <- length(xvec)
    # input/output of test statistics
    res <- rep(0, M)
	## if you don't provide a vector of test statistics, we'll call function .C("compquantc") to compute this vector 
    if (is.null(list.stat)) {	
    # call .C function to obtain a vector of test statistics
        list.stat <- (.C("compquantc", n = as.integer(n), law = as.integer(null.law.index), stat = as.integer(stat.index),
                         M = as.integer(M), statvec = as.double(res),
                         nbparlaw = as.integer(nbparlaw), null.law.pars = as.double(null.law.pars),
                         nbparstat = as.integer(nbparstat), stat.pars = as.double(stat.pars), as.integer(modelnum), 
                         funclist, as.double(thetavec), as.double(xvec), as.integer(p), as.integer(np),
                         as.integer(center), as.integer(scale), PACKAGE = "PoweR"))$statvec    
    } else {    
        if (length(list.stat) != M) stop("Length of vector 'list.stat' is not equal to M.")   
  # call .C function to obtain one test statistic
    Cstat.name <- "tmp" # To remove a NOTE at R CMD check
    Cstat.name <- paste("stat", stat.index, sep = "")
    stattmp <- .C(dontCheck(Cstat.name), as.double(data), as.integer(n), as.double(level), as.integer(nblevel),
                  rep(" ", 50), 0L, statistic = 0.0, pvalcomp = 0L, pvalue = 0.0, cL = as.double(cL), cR = as.double(cR),
                  as.integer(usecrit), alter = as.integer(alter), decision = as.integer(rep(0, nblevel)),
                  paramstat = as.double(stat.pars), nbparamstat = as.integer(nbparstat), PACKAGE = "PoweR")

    stat <- stattmp$statistic
    if (stattmp$alter != alter) warning(paste("'alter' has been set to ", stattmp$alter, sep = ""))
    alter <- stattmp$alter				

  # calculate the median of list.stat
    q2 <- median(list.stat)	
  # compute pvalueMC by method of Fisher
    if (method == "Fisher") {
        if (alter == 0) {	
            if (stat >= q2) {
                pvalue <- 2 * mean(list.stat >= stat)
            } else {
                pvalue <- 2 * mean(list.stat <= stat)
        if (alter == 1 || alter == 4) {
            pvalue <- mean(list.stat <= stat)
        if (alter == 2 || alter == 3) {
            pvalue <- mean(list.stat >= stat)


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PoweR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:09 p.m.