
# Auxiliary functions used by several dlawx(): #
indicator <- function(x, a, b) {
    n <- length(x)
    res <- rep(NA, n)
    for (i in 1:n) res[i] <- if (x > b || x < a) 0 else 1

# Density functions: #

dlaw1 <- function(x, mu, b) {
# Density of Laplace(mu,b)  
    return(exp(-abs(x - mu) / b) / (2.0 * b))

dlaw2 <- function(x, mu, sigma) {
# Density of N(mu,sigma)
    return(exp(-(x - mu) ^ 2.0 / (2.0 * sigma ^ 2.0)) / (sqrt(2.0 * pi) * sigma))

dlaw3 <- function(x, l, s) {
# Density of Cauchy(l,s)
    return(1.0 / (pi * s * (1.0 + ((x - l) / s) ^ 2.0)))

dlaw4 <- function(x, mu, s) {
# Density of Logistic(mu,s)
    return((1.0 / s) * exp(-(x - mu) / s) * (1.0 + exp(-(x - mu) / s)) ^ (-2.0))

dlaw5 <- function(x, a, b) {
# Density of gamma(a,b)
    return(x ^ (a - 1.0) * exp(-b * x) / ((1.0 / b) ^ a * gamma(a)))

dlaw6 <- function(x, alpha, beta) {
# Density of Beta(alpha,beta)
    return(x ^ (alpha - 1.0) * (1.0 - x) ^ (beta - 1.0) * gamma(alpha + beta) / gamma(alpha) / gamma(beta))

dlaw7 <- function(x, a, b) {
# Density of Uniform(a,b)
    return(indicator(x, a, b) / (b - a))

dlaw8 <- function(x, k) {
# Density of Student(k)
    return((1.0 + x ^ 2.0 / k) ^ {-(k + 1.0) / 2.0} * gamma((k + 1.0) / 2.0) / gamma(k / 2.0) / sqrt(k * pi))

dlaw9 <- function(x, k) {
# Density of Chi-squared(k)
    return(x ^ (k / 2.0 - 1.0) * exp(-x / 2.0) / gamma(k / 2.0) / 2.0 ^ (k / 2.0))

dlaw10 <- function(x, mu, sigma) {
# Density of LogNormal(mu,sigma)
    return(exp(-(log(x) - mu) ^ 2.0 / (2.0 * sigma ^ 2.0)) / (x * sigma * sqrt(2.0 * pi)))

dlaw11 <- function(x, lambda, k) {
# Density of Weibull(lambda,k)
    return((lambda / k) * (x / k) ^ (lambda - 1.0) * exp(-(x / k) ^ lambda))

dlaw12 <- function(x, l, b) {
# Density of Shifted Exponential(l,b)
    return(b * exp(-b * (x - l)) * indicator(x, l, Inf))

dlaw13 <- function(x, j) {
# Density of Power Uniform(j)
    return(x ^ (-j / (j + 1.0)) / (1.0 + j))

dlaw14 <- function(x, k, a, b) {
# Density of Average Uniform(k,a,b)

#  n <- length(x)
#  res <- rep(NA, n)
#  for (i in 1:n) {
#    somme <- 0;
#    for (j in 0:floor(k * (x[i] - a) / (b - a))) {
#      somme <- somme + (-1.0) ^ j * choose(k, j) * ((x[i] - a) / (b - a) - j / k) ^ (k - 1.0)
#    }
#    res[i] <- somme
#  }
#  return(indicator(x, a, b) * res * k ^ k / (factorial(k - 1)))

#  k <- k + 1
#  vecj <- 0:k
#  mat <- outer(k * x, vecj, "-") # n x (k+1) 
#  mat <- t(mat)
#  mat[mat < 0] <- 0
#  coef <- (-1.0) ^ vecj * choose(k, vecj)
#  mat <- mat ^ (k - 1) * coef
#  res <- apply(mat, 2.0, sum)
#  res <- k * res / factorial(k - 1)
    n <- length(x)
    res <- rep(NA, n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        somme <- 0
        for (j in 0:k) {
            somme <- somme + (-1.0) ^ j * choose(k, j) * ((x[i] - a) / (b - a) - j / k) ^ (k - 1) * sign((x[i] - a) / (b - a) -j / k)
        res[i] <- 0.5 * indicator(x[i], a, b) * somme * k ^ k / (factorial(k - 1))

dlaw15 <- function(x, j) {
# Density of UUniform(j)
    return((x ^ (-j / (1.0 + j)) + (1.0 - x) ^ (-j / (1.0 + j))) / (2.0 * (1.0 + j)))

dlaw16 <- function(x, j) {
## Density of VUniform(j)
    return( dlaw14(x - 0.5, j + 1.0, 0, 1.0) * indicator(x, -Inf, 1) + dlaw14(x + 0.5, j + 1, 0, 1) * indicator(x, 0, Inf) )

dlaw17 <- function(x, mu, sigma, nu, tau) {
# Density of Johnson SU
    w <- exp(1.0 / tau ^ 2.0)
    omega <- -nu / tau
    c <- 1.0 / sqrt((w - 1.0) * (w * cosh(2.0 * omega) + 1.0) / 2.0)
    z <- (x - (mu + c * sigma * sqrt(w) * sinh(omega))) / (c * sigma)
    r <- -nu + tau * asinh(z)
    return(exp(-r ^ 2.0 / 2.0) / (c * sigma / tau) / sqrt((z ^ 2.0 + 1.0) * 2.0 * pi))

#dlaw18 <- function(x,l) {
## Density of Symmetrical Tukey
#  warning("The density of the Symmetrical Tukey is unknown?")
#  return()

dlaw19 <- function(x, p, m) {
# Density of Location contaminated
    return((p * exp(-(x - m) ^ 2.0 / 2.0) + (1.0 - p) * exp(-x ^ 2.0 / 2.0)) / sqrt(2.0 * pi))

dlaw20 <- function(x, g, d) {
# Density of Johnson SB
    return(d * exp(-0.5 * (g + d * log(x / (1.0 - x))) ^ 2.0) / (x * (1.0 - x) * sqrt(2.0 * pi)))

dlaw21 <- function(x, xi, omega, alpha) {
# Density of Skew Normal
    return((2.0 / omega) * dnorm((x - xi) / omega) * pnorm(alpha * ((x - xi) / omega)))

dlaw22 <- function(x, p, d) {
# Density of Scale contaminated
    return(((p / d) * exp(-x ^ 2.0 / (2.0 * d ^ 2.0)) + (1.0 - p) * exp(-x ^ 2.0 / 2.0)) / sqrt(2.0 * pi))

dlaw23 <- function(x, mu, sigma, xi) {
# Density of Generalized Pareto
    res <- (1.0 - xi * (x - mu) / sigma) ^ ((1.0 - xi) / xi) / sigma
    if (xi > 0) {
        res <- indicator(x, 0, mu + sigma / xi) * res
    } else if (xi < 0) {
        res <- indicator(x, -mu, Inf) * res
    } else {
        res <- indicator(x, 0, Inf) * exp(-(x - mu) / sigma) / sigma

dlaw24 <- function(x, mu, sigma, p) {
# Density of Generalized Error Distribution
    return(p * exp(-abs(x - mu) ^ p / (sigma ^ p)) / (2.0 * gamma(1.0 / p) * sigma))

#dlaw25 <- function(x,) {
## Density of Stable
#  return()

dlaw26 <- function(x, mu, sigma) {
# Density of Gumbel
    return(exp(-exp(-(x - mu) / sigma) - (x - mu) / sigma) / sigma)

dlaw27 <- function(x, mu, sigma, alpha) {
# Density of Frechet
    res <- alpha * ((x - mu) / sigma) ^ (-alpha - 1.0) * exp(-((x - mu) / sigma) ^ (-alpha)) / sigma
    res[x <= mu] <- 0

dlaw28 <- function(x, mu, sigma, xi) {
# Density of
    if (xi == 0) {
        res <- exp(-exp(-(x - mu) / sigma) - (x - mu) / sigma) / sigma
    } else {
        z <- xi * (x - mu) / sigma
        res <- (1.0 + z) ^ (-1.0 / xi - 1.0) * exp(-(1.0 + z) ^ (-1.0 / xi)) / sigma
        res[z < -1.0] <- 0

dlaw29 <- function(x, alpha) {
# Density of Generalized Arc Sine
    return((sin(pi * alpha) / pi) *x ^ (-alpha) * (1.0 - x) ^ (alpha - 1.0))

dlaw30 <- function(x, mu, sigma) {
# Density of Folded Normal
    return(indicator(x, 0, Inf) * (dnorm(x, mu, sigma) + dnorm(-x, mu, sigma)))

dlaw31 <- function(x, p, m, d) {
# Density of Mixture Normal
    return(p * dnorm(x, m, d) + (1.0 - p) * dnorm(x))

dlaw32 <- function(x, a, b) {
# Density of Truncated Normal
    return(indicator(x, a, b) * exp(-x ^ 2.0 / 2.0) /sqrt(2.0 * pi) / (pnorm(b) - pnorm(a)))

dlaw33 <- function(x, a) {
## Density of Normal with outliers

dlaw34 <- function(x, th1, th2, th3, crit) {
## Density of Generalized Eponential Power

    n <- length(x)
    z <- y <- res <- rep(NA, n)
    calcul_ctenorm_gep <- function(th1, th2, th3) {
        kk <- integrate(dgep, -1.00, 1.00, 1.0, 1.0, th1, th2, th3)
        return(1.0 / kk$value)
    calcul_sigma_gep <- function(constante, th1, th2, th3) {
        crit <- 0.30
        int <- function(a) {integrate(dgep, 0, a, constante, 1.0, th1, th2, th3)$value}
        sigma <- .1
        flag <- 1
        while (flag == 1) {
            f <- int(sigma)
            if (f>crit) flag <- 0 else sigma <- sigma * 1.1; 
        return(1.0 / sigma)
    dgep <- function(y, constante, sigma, th1, th2, th3) {
        n <- length(y)
        z <- res <- rep(NA, n)
        for (i in 1:n) {
            z[i] <- abs(y[i] / sigma)
            res[i] <- (constante / sigma) * exp(-0.5 * z[i] ^ th1) * (1.0 + z[i]) ^ (-th2) * (log(exp(1.0) + z[i])) ^ (-th3)
    calcul_z0 <- function(constante, sigma, th1, th2, th3, crit = 1e-6) {
        int <- function(a) {integrate(dgep, 0, a, constante, sigma, th1, th2, th3)$value}
        z0 <- 1.0
        flag <- 1
        while (flag == 1) {
            f <- int(z0) * 2.0
            if (f > (1.0 - crit)) flag <- 0 else z0 <- z0 * 1.1;
    calcul_sup <- function(constante, sigma, z0, th1, th2, th3, critere = 1e-6) {
        pas <- z0 / 100
        range <- seq(0, z0, pas)
        flag <- 1
        while (flag == 1) {
            ff <- dgep(range, constante, sigma, th1, th2, th3)
            pos <- min(which.max(ff))
            sup <- range[pos]
            if (pas<critere) flag <- 0
            range <- seq(max(0, sup - 2.0 * pas), sup + 2.0 * pas, pas / 100)
            pas <- pas / 100
        return(dgep(sup, constante, sigma, th1, th2, th3))
    constante <- calcul_ctenorm_gep(th1, th2, th3)
    sigma <- calcul_sigma_gep(constante, th1, th2, th3)
    mu <- 0
    for (i in 1:n) {
        y[i] <- x[i] - mu
        z[i] <- abs(y[i] / sigma)
        res[i] <- (constante / sigma) * exp(-.5 * z[i] ^ th1) * (1.0 + z[i]) ^ (-th2) * (log(exp(1.0) + z[i])) ^ (-th3)

dlaw35 <- function(x, lambda) {
# Density of Exponential
    return(indicator(x, 0, Inf) * lambda *exp(-lambda * x))

dlaw36 <- function(x, mu, b, k) {
# Density of Asymmetric Laplace
    n <- length(x)
    res <- rep(NA, n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        if (x[i] <= mu) {
            res[i] <- (sqrt(2.0) /b) * (k / (1.0 + k ^ 2.0)) * exp(-sqrt(2.0) * abs(x[i] - mu) / (b * k))
        } else {
            res[i] <- (sqrt(2.0) / b) * (k / (1.0 + k ^ 2.0)) * exp(-sqrt(2.0) * k * abs(x[i] - mu) / b)

dlaw37 <- function(x, alpha, beta, delta, mu) {
# Density of Normal-inverse Gaussian
    gamma <- sqrt(alpha ^ 2.0 - beta ^ 2.0)
    return(alpha * delta * besselK(alpha * sqrt(delta ^ 2.0 + (x - mu) ^ 2.0), 1.0) * exp(delta * gamma + beta * (x - mu)) / pi / sqrt(delta ^ 2.0 + (x - mu) ^ 2.0))

dlaw38 <- function(x, theta =0.0, phi = 1.0, alpha = 0.5, lambda = 2.0) {
# Density of Asymmetric Power Distribution
    n <- length(x)
    res <- rep(NA, n)
    delta <- (2.0 * alpha ^ lambda * (1.0 - alpha) ^ lambda) / (alpha ^ lambda + (1.0 - alpha) ^ lambda)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        if (x[i] <= theta) {
            res[i] <- delta ^ (1.0 / lambda) * exp(-delta * ((abs(x[i] - theta) / phi) ^ lambda) / (alpha ^ lambda)) / gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / lambda) / phi
        } else {
            res[i] <- delta ^ (1.0 / lambda) * exp(-delta * (((x[i] - theta) / phi) ^ lambda) / ((1.0 - alpha) ^ lambda)) / gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / lambda) / phi

dlaw39 <- function(x, mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0, theta1 = 0.5, theta2 = 2.0) {
# Density of modified Asymmetric Power Distribution
    delta <- ( 2.0 * theta1 ^ theta2 * (1.0 - theta1) ^ theta2 ) / ( theta1 ^ theta2 + (1.0 - theta1) ^ theta2 )
    x <- (x - mu) / sigma
    res <- (delta / 2.0) ^ (1.0 / theta2) * exp ( - (2.0 * (delta / 2.0) ^ (1.0 / theta2) * abs(x) / (1.0 + sign(x) * (1.0 - 2.0 * theta1))) ^ theta2) / gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / theta2)
    return(res / sigma)    

dlaw40 <- function(y, alpha, mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0) {
# Density of Log-Pareto-tail-normal
    q <- 1.0 - 2.0 * pnorm(alpha, low = FALSE)   
    beta <- 1.0 + (2.0 * dnorm(alpha) * alpha * log(alpha)) / (1.0 - q)
    z <- abs((y - mu) / sigma)
    tails <- as.numeric(z <= alpha)
    # to avoid undefined value of log(log(z)) if tails=1 :
    # zfloor <- apply(cbind(z), 1, max, 1.001)
    # or equivalently
    zfloor <- z + 2.0 * tails 
    logf <- tails * dnorm(z, log = TRUE) + (1.0 - tails) * (dnorm(alpha, log = TRUE) + log(alpha)
        -log(zfloor) + beta * log(log(alpha)) - beta * log(log(zfloor))) - log(sigma)
    res <- exp(logf)

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